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I mean, if you had to issue a decision that involved the weather, was the weather information recent enough for you to make the right decision. Was any of the information that you got wrong? Did you need information from another town that affected your ability to make decisions in your town. 4Communications: Not the communications between you and the general public. ThatТs covered by the new CodeRed system. No, itТs the communication between the general public that causing confusion about the decisions that youТre issuing. ItТs all this new technology thatТs swirling around your town during the emergency. ItТs the blackberryТs, i-phones, web cameras, blogging, facebook. Texting, camera phones. This is creating a nightmare for you and your fellow decision issuers. Say you close a road in your town and evacuate a neighborhood for a propane leak. ItТs an interesting tidbit so texts go out to 10 people,who send it to 10 others who send it to 10 others. In an hour, 3000 people have had the opportunity to misinterpret your decision and the story has morphed from a simple propane leak into a giant poisonous gas cloud over all of MarthaТs Vineyard with mass panic in the streets and , and, and And with camera phone pictures 5And what does that do to the decision makers in the other towns. Are they getting calls. You bet they are. And not only from their townspeople. How about CNN, FOX news, Boston WBUR. WhatТs it doing to the Comm Center? Seem far fetched? 6Apply it to our latest incident and you get a situation where a decision issued in one town can overwhelm a decision issuers in all other towns. This is especially dangerous during a time when chief administrators are already overloaded with decisions that they have to make. This is the main reason why you can no longer consider a decision that you make for your town to be limited to your town and itТs the reason why you need instant information about decisions that are made in ogher towns. 7Information flow, communications, Coordination Coordination. There are two kinds of coordination. There is coordination of information and there is coordination of decisions. 8Coordination of information means that everyone is making decisions based on the same information. Does a mechanism exist where all the decision issuers are receiving the same information? 9Coordination of decisions means that a decision issued in one town does not affect the decision issuer in all the other towns. 10If you were to select one member of your town governing body to congregate with one member of each of the other town governing bodies at a single location to gather up to date emergency information and to exchange information about decisions made at your townТs EOC with the decisions mad at the EOCs of all the other towns, you will be half way to solving your information flow and coordination challenges. You donТt even have to agree to make the same decisions, you just have to coordinate what youТre doing with what all the rest are doing 11And there other uses for this, lets call it a SelectmenТs Information and Coordinating Exchange. 12At the present time, For CodeRed, There is no mechanism for issuing an island-wide information bulletin. The Comm Center will only issue messages island wide that rise to the level of a 911 emergency. ThatТs the way it was set up. This is a decision that should be coordinated and issued by the SelectmenТs Information and Coordinating Exchange 13And what about after the disaster is over and itТs time for you to ask the FedТs for food or other support. Working as a group will get you a lot quicker action than if you try to negotiate individually. 14As mentioned earlier, the county emergency manager , by law, has absolutely no authority except over county property and county employees and in Dukes County, even that is limited. The county however does host many organizations and participates in many projects and would be happy to host a working group of selectmen to develop this. It is vital however that one selectman from each town be on the development team of the SelectmenТs Information and Coordination Exchange project, otherwise it wonТt work, for obvious reasons. 15IТll call you each to see if you want more details on formation, possible location, information receipt, communication methods to your EOC from the meeting place,etc. Thank You  *+,-.0∙·√№¤¤¤ўў ўў4ўўў ўўw$$IfЦl╓╓0Ф \," x! tр╓0      ЎШ"6ЎЎ╓  ╓  ╓  ╓  4╓4╓ laЎ$If■¤■жзийклн= \ ] ^ _ ЗиБББЗ ББЗ╨БББББЗ $Ifw$$IfЦl╓╓0Ф \," x! tр╓0      ЎШ"6ЎЎ╓  ╓  ╓  ╓  4╓4╓ laЎ_ ` a b d T U V W X Y [ p q M ∙∙Б╨∙∙∙Б ∙∙Б╪∙∙∙∙w$$IfЦl╓╓0Ф \," x! tр╓0      ЎШ"6ЎЎ╓  ╓  ╓  ╓  4╓4╓ laЎ$IfM N O P Q R T Г  ∙Б ∙∙Б╠∙∙∙∙Б ∙∙Б ∙w$$IfЦl╓╓0Ф \," x! tр╓0      ЎШ"6ЎЎ╓  ╓  ╓  ╓  4╓4╓ laЎ$If ╔╩╦╠═╬╨PQRSTUX∙∙Б ∙∙Б∙∙∙Б ∙∙БФ∙w$$IfЦl╓╓0Ф \," x! tр╓0      ЎШ"6ЎЎ╓  ╓  ╓  ╓  4╓4╓ laЎ$IfXxyz{|}Атуфхцчъ∙∙Б ∙∙БЬ∙∙∙Б ∙∙БД∙w$$IfЦl╓╓0Ф \," x! tр╓0      ЎШ"6ЎЎ╓  ╓  ╓  ╓  4╓4╓ laЎ$IfъFGHIJKN #∙∙Б ∙∙БH∙∙∙Б ∙∙Б\∙w$$IfЦl╓╓0Ф \," x! tр╓0      ЎШ"6ЎЎ╓  ╓  ╓  ╓  4╓4╓ laЎ$If#56789:=хцчшщъы∙∙Б ∙∙Б┤∙∙∙Б ∙∙Б\∙w$$IfЦl╓╓0Ф \," x! tр╓0      ЎШ"6ЎЎ╓  ╓  ╓  ╓  4╓4╓ laЎ$Ifы∙Бw$$IfЦl╓╓0Ф \," x! tр╓0      ЎШ"6ЎЎ╓  ╓  ╓  ╓  4╓4╓ laЎ$If 1Рh░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░ i8@ё 8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@Є б< Default Paragraph Font.     *+,-.0∙·√№¤■жзийклн=]^_`abdTUVWXY[pqM N O P Q R T Г       ╔ ╩ ╦ ╠ ═ ╬ ╨ P Q R S T U X x y z { | } А т у ф х ц ч ъ FGHIJKN #56789:=хцчшщъыШ0ААШ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААл0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААл0ААл0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААл0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААл0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААл0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААл0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААл0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААй0ААй0ААЩ0ААЪ0АА ¤_ M Xъ#ы "$,.5S[26@ E А Д  Y]┘тЯдї-2=\╢╝EP┼╧Д Й ¤ ei╗┬NW¤▐тё 333333333333333  Valued Gateway ClientrC:\Documents and Settings\OPS\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of selectmens meeting 101023v4.asdValued Gateway Client^C:\Documents and Settings\OPS\My Documents\01-Temp\Draft stuff\selectmens meeting 101023v4.doc*+,-.0·√№¤■зийклн^_`abdUVWXY[N O P Q R T      ╩ ╦ ╠ ═ ╬ ╨ Q R S T U X y z { | } А у ф х ц ч ъ GHIJKN #6789:=цчшщъыЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЦ @А[[Яj [[`@  Unknown            GРЗz А Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р Зz А Arial"qИЁ╨hY║щЖY║щЖ┐м!Тл$Ёе└┤┤ББ20?=2ГЁHX  $What are we trying to determine hereValued CustomerValued Gateway Client■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0дРШ╚╘ь° 8D ` l xДМФЬф%What are we trying to determine hereft hatValued Customeralualu Normal.dotoValued Gateway Clientde2luMicrosoft Word 9.0n@F├#@▐Ё╕"[╦@▐Ё╕"[╦┐м■ ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙о0  hp|ДМФ Ьдм┤ ╝ эфa!?э %What are we trying to determine here Title ■    !"■   $%&'()*■   ,-./012■   ¤   5■   ■   ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Root Entry         └Fрь└"[╦7А1Table            WordDocument        ".SummaryInformation(    #DocumentSummaryInformation8            +CompObj    jObjectPool            рь└"[╦рь└"[╦            ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q