ࡱ> DFCM h bjbj== ):WWhl \$2nnnnnnnn#######$% 'L$nnnnn$4nn$444njnn#4n#4( 4\;nb %5 "ST,$0\$[,(:(4Do you think that the MRC should buy this equipment out of the grant funds that are being given to us by the state. This is not the money from the Tribe. We have approximately $15,000 to spend and it must be spent by Nov 30th 2006. Please put a Y for yes and an N for no in the appropriate box and return with email ITEMY NESTIMATEACTUALBuy materialsProfessional servicesBrochures?Laptop Computer Eileen (with Office suite)Y$2000Create database$400Create website$400Training, recruiting (at flu clinic)0Advertising for administrative secretary$150Stockpile materials$700Power point projector (with speakers and dvd player) $2000Fold-up presentation boardY$200Front page of website$400Interactive webpage for polling of members on certain issues.$500Advertising for the Flu Clinic$3000$ 10,450 ITEMCommentsBuy materialsProfessional servicesBrochuresLaptop Computer Eileen (with Office suite)Professional servicesCreate databaseCreate websiteTraining, recruiting (at flu clinic)VNS: Recruiting only Edg: To be approved by BOHsAdvertising for administrative secretaryStockpile materialsVNS: What materials. I would need to know what those materials are first & where would they be stockpiledPower point projector (with speakers and dvd player) VNS: Can this be shared with anyone?Fold-up presentation boardFront page of websiteInteractive webpage for polling of members on certain issues.Advertising for the Flu Clinic Put your suggestions hereVNS: My no votes are based on what I see as priorities, not that I am against them altogetherVNS: someone must already have basic brochures done where we can just pluug in our local informationEDG: Flu clinic funding pending sufficient support from flu clinic planning committee , F h CJ aJ H*@AFHKT[$Ifh [\]^_`abpNHHHHHNLH$If$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 lapqrstuHl$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$IfH@$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$IfNHHHHHNdH$If$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 laH`$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$If,-.01H$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$If12[\]bcdND>>>>Nt$If $If$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 ladxyzH$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$IfH> $If$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$IfH|> $If$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$IfCDEJKLHH$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$IfLklmstuvwH8$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$IfwxHFF$$Iflr R !*Z dBx t0644 la$If @`0$Ifw$$Ifl0d0  t00644 la!"#234Yn`HD`w$$Ifl0d0  t00644 la$If5 6 l }wwwpwwt}w`$If $Ifw$$Ifl0d0  t00644 la    & ' ( ) * + , www wuw$$Ifl0d0  t00644 la$If $If , F G H I   f g h \$Ifb$$Ifl00 t0644 la $$Ifa$ '&P1h0= /!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Fonth:@AFHKT[\]^bpqu,-.02[\]bdxyzCDEJLklmsuvw!"#234Y56l&'()*+,FGHIfgj000000000@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@000@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@000@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@000000@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0000@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@00h [p1dLw , h h znq_bjmsxj3AAFGHJKSTZ]]^^ppqqrrss,,--./00[[\\]abbxxyyz~CCDDEIJJkkllmrssvvwwxgjValued CustomerValued Gateway ClientVC:\Documents and Settings\OPS\My Documents\01-Temp\equipment purchase polling form.docValued Gateway Client^C:\Documents and Settings\OPS\My Documents\01-Temp\equipment purchase polling form-RESULTS.docValued Gateway Client~C:\Documents and Settings\OPS\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of equipment purchase polling form-RESULTS.asdValued Gateway Client~C:\Documents and Settings\OPS\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of equipment purchase polling form-RESULTS.asdValued Gateway Client~C:\Documents and Settings\OPS\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of equipment purchase polling form-RESULTS.asdValued Gateway Client^C:\Documents and Settings\OPS\My Documents\01-Temp\equipment purchase polling form-RESULTS.docValued Gateway Client^C:\Documents and Settings\OPS\My Documents\01-Temp\equipment purchase polling form-RESULTS.docValued Gateway Client~C:\Documents and Settings\OPS\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of equipment purchase polling form-RESULTS.asdValued Gateway ClientIC:\Documents and Settings\OPS\My Documents\Budget\equipment purchase .docxy>}|h^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohpp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohPP^P`OJQJo(hHxy>}         AFHKT[\]^_`abpqrstu,-.012[\]bcdxyzCDEJKLklmstuvwx!"#234Y56l&'()*+,FGHIfgj@ }}<} | h@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"qh !20d 3QHmDo you think the MRC should buy this equipment out of the grant funds that are being given to us by the stateValued CustomerValued Gateway ClientOh+'04@L`    nDo you think the MRC should buy this equipment out of the grant funds that are being given to us by the statero yValued Customeralualu Normal.dotoValued Gateway Clientho2luMicrosoft Word 9.0n@ @@՜.+,0T hp|  6 u  nDo you think the MRC should buy this equipment out of the grant funds that are being given to us by the state Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012456789:<=>?@ABERoot Entry F65G1Table(WordDocument):SummaryInformation(3DocumentSummaryInformation8;CompObjjObjectPool6565  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q