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It would appear that they operate on the principle of solve the problem when it occurs and the solution is to cobble something together on the spur of the moment. The solution to a current shortfall, caused by a blown transformer on the Cape, is to attach two generating trailers to the line at the Tisbury dump. This solution provides some additional capacity to a current shortfall. It is unclear how much generating capacity would be required to alleviate a complete breakdown of power transmission. ============================================================== Possible Consequences of a complete transmission failure, from a DPW perspective:s c) Island transmission line infrastructure may not be able to handle standard loads 3) Much of the Island transmission line infrastructure was replaced after Hurricane Bob in 1991. TownCritical Infrastructure TypesFacilitiesFacility Name, if applicableGenerator Y/NGas/ Diesel/ Propane (G/D/P)Storage capacity (Gallons)Max Run Time (Hours)Tested Weekly/Monthly (W/M)Approx. Test Run Time (Hrs)TisburyTown Government BuildingsTown HallTown Hall-AnnexPolice StationFire StationEMSDPW BuildingsMainPublic Water SuppliesRadio TowersSheltersHuman Remains StorageWastewater Processing FacilitiesWastewater Control StationsCOAsFederal/State Government BuildingsPost Office Main Post Office West ChopRoad Maint. - StateOther Government BuildingsAirport JailFoodRetail-Grocery storesCronigsStop & ShopWholesale storesCash & CarryWarehouse FacilitiesIFPConvenience storesCumberland FarmsFuelGasoline/Diesel Sales Tisbury ShellSalesMobile MartGasoline/Diesel Storage FacilitiesPacker FuelHeating Oil Sales & StoragePacker FuelPropane Sales/StorageIsland propanePublic TransportationFerries Terminals, docks & Staging areasSSAGround Transportation Facilities UtilitiesElectric Comm CentersNSTARTransmission FacilitiesTransmission Lines to Critical FacilitiesGenerating FacilitiesUtilities -PhoneComm CenterTransmission FacilitiesTransmission Lines to Critical FacilitiesCell TowersATTVerizonSprint/NEXTELCable TV - Transmission FacilitiesPlum TVCable TV - Production FacilitiesPlum TVInternet ProvidersProviderComcastProviderVineyard.netRadio StationsProviderWMVYProviderOther stationHospitalBanksBank MV SavingsATMBank SovereignATMDrugstoresLesliesMedicine ShoppeDoctors OfficesSpecial Needs FacilitiesWood Side VillagePackage StoresChurchesSt Augustine1st BaptistHebrew Synagogue Unitarian ChurchMethodist @ American Legion Bethel :  5M)22:=H*5\DEyju ^ _   $If=  ) 9 J T a i p ,FfFf$If       hdFf Ff$If    # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; I N \8pFf Ff $IfFfN O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b x y z { | } ~ ,Ff"Ff$If~  \LFf1Ff,Ff'$If       Ff;Ff6$If        ! 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