ࡱ> *,)M K bjbj== &WWKlxxxx  s$) I -   "   V.@ `Ʀx"n C0szx* Outline Island Emergency Management Problems Lack of Volunteers because of: a) lack of time b) Lack of Funds c) Increased pre-requisites (ie: ICS training, etc.) Funding for Projects 10,000 sq. ft. for pre-positioned emergency supplies storage Self sufficiency education for Islanders Explain resources to be targeted Retired or semi-retired upper level corporate managers & planners Corporate Executives & CEOs Wealthy philanthropists & Socialites Explain Goals Determine if there is: a) a sufficiently large upper-income demographic of island population, among the full time and seasonable residents, that can be motivated to become involved in trying to solve the Islands emergency managements problems b) a willingness among the corporate executives & CEOs to involve their companies in trying to solve the Islands emergency management problems (possibly for trying out their products or services in the emergency management field or for other reasons such as for advertising or tax breaks) c) a willingness among the wealthy philanthropists and socialites to group together in fund raising activities Develop a plan and organization to form an Island Association of the above demographic Develop an island part-time volunteer organization of active, semi-retired corporate executives, managers, CEOs, etc to determine the emergency management needs particular to upper-income islanders Determine if this demographic and their companies have emergency management information needs that are different than the run of the mill, regular hurricane, winter storm warnings (ie: travel warnings, pandemic news, cyber threats, economic threats) Develop an email emergency management monthly email newsletter to keep the above informed about impending global emergency management issues that can affect them or their companies Develop an annual socializing event for the island upper income social demographic for county emergency management fund raising Solve volunteer compensation problem Develop innovative educational programs & seminars to educate Islanders in self sufficiency K >*-"#Dw H K  & F^ & Fh^h & FK $&P1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph FontK-"#DwHM0 0 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0K K K LNMLOM33$-5>K4C )vGPJ=HQQJJMValued Gateway Client`C:\Documents and Settings\OPS\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Document4.asdValued Gateway ClientC:\Documents and Settings\OPS\My Documents\DCEMA Ops\Island Emergency Management Association\070622-Island Emergency Management Association briefing.docValued Gateway ClientC:\Documents and Settings\OPS\My Documents\DCEMA Ops\Island Emergency Management Association\070622-Island Emergency Management Association briefing.doc}fRPL*x9h^`.h^`.hpLp^p`L.h@ @ ^@ `.h^`.hL^`L.h^`.h^`.hPLP^P`L.h^`.hpp^p`.h@ L@ ^@ `L.h^`.h^`.hL^`L.h^`.hPP^P`.h L ^ `L.h88^8`.h^`.h L ^ `L.h  ^ `.hxx^x`.hHLH^H`L.h^`.h^`.hL^`L.}*xRP                           @l 8K@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qhX3\20eK 2QOutline ProblemsValued Gateway ClientValued Gateway ClientOh+'0  ,8 T ` lxOutline ProblemsdutlValued Gateway Client9alualu Normal.dotwValued Gateway Client92luMicrosoft Word 9.0n@ K @ڴ@3՜.+,0 hp  Your Company Nameee Outline Problems Title  "#$%&'(+Root Entry F0h-1TableWordDocument&SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8!CompObjjObjectPool0h0h  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q