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Using the following planning criteria categorize each function in Column C: Priority 1 Potential to affect, health and safety of the public, is legislated or required by law. Priority 2 Major inconvenience to the Customer but does not affect health and safety. Priority 3 Minor inconvenience to the Customer; service probably not missed over the short term (6 weeks) 4. In Column D, enter your assessment of the potential increase in demand for this service during a pandemic. 5. Those service activities listed as Priority 1 are considered Essential Services that must be maintained during a pandemic. Example: Department: Works A B C D Service Function Priority Potential for Increased Demand (Low, Medium, High) WSIB Case Mgmnt Provide coaching to mgrs 3 Low Coordinate reporting to WSIB 1 Low Process and audit payments 2 Low Appendix 1 1 - 2 IDENTIFICATION OF ESSENTIAL SERVICES Department:____________________________ A B C D Function/Service Functional Activities Priority Potential for Increased Demand (Low, Medium, High) Appendix 2 2 - 1 ESSENTIAL SERVICES STAFFING TEMPLATE Priority 1 Functions/Services 1. In Column A, list the Priority 1 functions (identified using Appendix 1 from Column B). 2. In Column B, list the current number of staff performing this service. 3. In Column C, list the assessed minimum number of staff that could perform this service. 4. In Column D, calculate the pandemic staff reduction by multiplying column B by 65% (the worst case planning assumption is 35 % staff off). 5. In Column E, calculate the possible staffing shortfall by listing the difference between Column C and Column D (difference between staff remaining after applying 35% reduction and the minimum required to perform the service). Example: (Illustrative only) Department: O and ES Department Function: A B C D E Priority 1 Function Current Staff Minimum Staff Pandemic Staff Reduction (B X 65%) Potential Pandemic Staff Shortfall Snow Clearing (full operation) 35 25 23 2 NOTE: This table provides basic information as a basis for planning. More detailed planning is required. Within a complement of staff there will be positions that may be identified as more critical than others because of number and/or qualifications and these should be examined more closely. Appendix 2 2 - 2 ESSENTIAL SERVICES STAFFING TEMPLATE Priority 1 Functions/Services Department: Function/Service: A B C D E Functional Activity Current Staff Minimum Staff Pandemic Staff Reduction (B x 65%) Potential Pandemic Staff Shortfall Appendix 3 3 - 1 BUSINESS CONTINUITY FOR A PANDEMIC PLAN TEMPLATE Department: Service: Priority 1 Function: Director /Manager: Designated Alternates: 1. 2. Potential for Increased Service Demand (which may affect assessed minimum staff required) Low Medium High Minimum Staff Required: (list types/qualifications i.e. supervisor, technical, other) Potential Staff Shortfall: (From Appendix 2. List the number of staff and qualifications required.) Alternate Staff Sources (e.g. retirees, staff from other Departments, supervisors) Training Requirements (for alternate staff or cross training of current staff) Alternate Service Delivery Options Critical Supplies and Suppliers Critical Support from Other Departments/Organizations (e.g. IT requirements) “œˆ@ Q    $ 0 D Ю ј . в-k†Яч 8qъєцецєцєцецєцєцєцєцєцєцєцєцєцєцєШB*CJOJQJaJph!56B*OJQJ\]^Jph5B*OJQJ\^JphB*OJQJ^Jph! 6”ѕ5„тч=’Їu“œЎЖя2Uvw‚ˆ­љљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљ7$8$H$ў­ен, @ K Q v ” я 9 ” њ " ‹ х  $ D N X c l t z ‚ ˆ — Ћ О љљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљ7$8$H$О Ю ј W Е (.Sq}™Є­ЕЛУЩиьџ CQ]fљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљ7$8$H$f{ŽЈЋУвэ-Mk†ЁЕЯч"8VqŒ”ЊДаъљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљљ7$8$H$§§#0PАа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %А i8@ёџ8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@ђџЁ< Default Paragraph Font3"6џџџџ џџ z™ џџ z™ џџ z™”Л [ 6”ѕ5„тч=’Їu“œЎЖя2Uvw‚ˆ­ен,@KQv”я9”њ"‹х$DNXcltz‚ˆ—ЋОЮјW Е   ( . 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