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Staff to include select department heads with multi-agency coordination system responsibilities, area commanders, emergency managers and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center managers CATEGORY: Emergency Medical ServicesNamePosition HeldSELECT ONE 1) Salaried (S) 2) Hourly (H) 3) Volunteer (V)SELECT ONEEmergency ResponderFirst-Line SupervisorMid-level Response SupervisorsSenior-level Response ManagersGovernment OfficialsFirst Line Supervisors include first responder level Personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS, single resource leaders, field supervisors and other emergency management/response personnelMiddle management to include strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division/group supervisors, branch directors and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center staffCommand and General Staff to include select department heads with multi-agency coordination system responsibilities, area commanders, emergency managers and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center managers CATEGORY: Fire ServiceNamePosition HeldSELECT ONE 1) Salaried (S) 2) Hourly (H) 3) Volunteer (V)SELECT ONEEmergency ResponderFirst-Line SupervisorMid-level Response SupervisorsSenior-level Response ManagersGovernment OfficialsFirst Line Supervisors include first responder level Personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS, single resource leaders, field supervisors and other emergency management/response personnelMiddle management to include strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division/group supervisors, branch directors and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center staffCommand and General Staff to include select department heads with multi-agency coordination system responsibilities, area commanders, emergency managers and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center managers CATEGORY: Hazardous MaterialsNamePosition HeldSELECT ONE 1) Salaried (S) 2) Hourly (H) 3) Volunteer (V)SELECT ONEEmergency ResponderFirst-Line SupervisorMid-level Response SupervisorsSenior-level Response ManagersGovernment OfficialsFirst Line Supervisors include first responder level Personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS, single resource leaders, field supervisors and other emergency management/response personnelMiddle management to include strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division/group supervisors, branch directors and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center staffCommand and General Staff to include select department heads with multi-agency coordination system responsibilities, area commanders, emergency managers and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center managers CATEGORY: Governmental AdministrationNamePosition HeldSELECT ONE 1) Salaried (S) 2) Hourly (H) 3) Volunteer (V)SELECT ONEEmergency ResponderFirst-Line SupervisorMid-level Response SupervisorsSenior-level Response ManagersGovernment OfficialsFirst Line Supervisors include first responder level Personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS, single resource leaders, field supervisors and other emergency management/response personnelMiddle management to include strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division/group supervisors, branch directors and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center staffCommand and General Staff to include select department heads with multi-agency coordination system responsibilities, area commanders, emergency managers and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center managers CATEGORY: Health CareNamePosition HeldSELECT ONE 1) Salaried (S) 2) Hourly (H) 3) Volunteer (V)SELECT ONEEmergency ResponderFirst-Line SupervisorMid-level Response SupervisorsSenior-level Response ManagersGovernment OfficialsFirst Line Supervisors include first responder level Personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS, single resource leaders, field supervisors and other emergency management/response personnelMiddle management to include strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division/group supervisors, branch directors and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center staffCommand and General Staff to include select department heads with multi-agency coordination system responsibilities, area commanders, emergency managers and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center managers CATEGORY: Law EnforcementNamePosition HeldSELECT ONE 1) Salaried (S) 2) Hourly (H) 3) Volunteer (V)SELECT ONEEmergency ResponderFirst-Line SupervisorMid-level Response SupervisorsSenior-level Response ManagersGovernment OfficialsFirst Line Supervisors include first responder level Personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS, single resource leaders, field supervisors and other emergency management/response personnelMiddle management to include strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division/group supervisors, branch directors and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center staffCommand and General Staff to include select department heads with multi-agency coordination system responsibilities, area commanders, emergency managers and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center managers CATEGORY: Law Enforcement, continuedNamePosition HeldSELECT ONE 1) Salaried (S) 2) Hourly (H) 3) Volunteer (V)SELECT ONEEmergency ResponderFirst-Line SupervisorMid-level Response SupervisorsSenior-level Response ManagersGovernment OfficialsFirst Line Supervisors include first responder level Personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS, single resource leaders, field supervisors and other emergency management/response personnelMiddle management to include strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division/group supervisors, branch directors and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center staffCommand and General Staff to include select department heads with multi-agency coordination system responsibilities, area commanders, emergency managers and multi-agency coordination system/emergency operations center managers (V&'=$ x 9J]~|}Uf,M{KLb$5 :  !Qbs| t!!#"#56CJ \] 6CJ]6]CJ 5CJ \T-.IJWXlmXp8Tt4D<Y$$Ifl4=064 la$If"# x<$IfY$$Ifl4=064 la$If  (FWbd$If$If$Ifk$$Ifl4098#0:4 labcdefzlff`fffff$If$If$$Ifl4\  9`` ` `T0:4 la  $$If$$Ifl4ִ  !(h.49 `  TTT0:    4 la$If#$$If$$Iflִ  !(h.49`  TTT0:    4 la$If#$$If$$Iflִ  !(h.49`  TTT0:    4 la$If#$$If$$Iflִ  !(h.49`  TTT0:    4 la$If  #$$If$$Iflִ  !(h.49`  TTT0:    4 la    $If#$$If$$Iflִ  !(h.49`  TTT0:    4 la$If#$$If$$Iflִ  !(h.49`  TTT0:    4 la !"$If"#$%#$ $If$$Iflִ  !(h.49`  TTT0:    4 la%&'$If#!!$$Iflִ  !(h.49`  TTT0:    4 la % 0 d|$If$Ifk$$Ifl4098#0:4 la$If$If 0 1 2 3 4 H ^ } 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