ࡱ> dM bjbj== rWW'lBBBBBBB4v&&&hjlvgnD &"HHtO> mmmmmmm$p =r nBOO n/BBHt!n///BHBtm/m//2QBBRUH, 2v&BrS*RU7n0gnSr.:rRU/vvBBBB<><><><>Department Directory  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/532/137.aspx"   A HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "ACCOUNTANT" Town Accountant HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "TOWN%20ADMINISTRATOR" Town Administrator HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "ANIMAL%20CONTROL" Animal Control HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/425/128.aspx" Board of Assessors HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/425/128.aspx" B HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/427/129.aspx" Building InspectorC HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/484/499/138.aspx" Cemetery Dept. HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/541/55.aspx" Conservation Commission HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/826/default.aspx" Council on Aging HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/1378/default.aspx" Civil DefenseD HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/484/499/138.aspx" Dept. of Public WorksE HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "ELECTRICAL%20INSPECTOR" Electrical Inspector HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/1378/default.aspx" Emergency ManagementF HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "FIRE%20DEPARTMENT" Fire DeptG HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "GAS%20INSPECTOR" Gas InspectorH HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/default.aspx" Harbormaster HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/544/61.aspx" Health Dept. (& Board of Health)L HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "LANDFILL" Landfill (DPW) HYPERLINK "http://vhlibrary.org/" \t "_blank" Tisbury Public LibraryP HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/484/499/138.aspx" Parks (DPW) HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/478/556/66.aspx" Planning Board HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "POLICE%20DEPARTMENT" Police Dept. HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/484/499/138.aspx" Public Works (DPW) HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/597/default.aspx" Plumbing InspectorR HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/484/499/138.aspx" Recreation Dept (DPW) HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/484/499/138.aspx" Refuse & Recycling (DPW) HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/484/499/138.aspx" Roads & Sidewalks (DPW)S HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "SCHOOL,%20%20Tisbury%20Elementary%20School" School-Tisbury Elementary HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/550/70.aspx" Selectmen (& Board of Selectmen) HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/1403/default.aspx" Shellfish DepartmentT HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/526/131.aspx" Tax Collector HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "TOWN%20ADMINISTRATOR" Town Administrator HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/547/73.aspx" Town Clerk  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/532/137.aspx" Treasurer HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/532/137.aspx" V HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/532/137.aspx" Veterans AgentW HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/535/133.aspx" Water WorksZ HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/553/77.aspx" Zoning Board of Appeals HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/53/122/default.aspx" \l "ZONING%20OFFICER" Zoning Inspector HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/532/137.aspx"  BOARD OF ASSESSORS  HYPERLINK "http://data.visionappraisal.com/TisburyMA/" Assessors On-line Database  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/425/201.aspx" Forms HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/425/202.aspx" Valuation by Property Type The Board of Assessors is a three member elected board, each member being elected on alternate years for a three-year term. The Board meets regularly. Meetings are open to the public and are held in the Town Hall. The Board of Assessors is required by Massachusetts Law to list and value all real and personal property on an annual basis. Valuation is subject to ad valorem taxation. Therefore, assessed values in Massachusetts are based on a full and fair cash value, or 100% of the fair market value. The Assessing office consists of three full-time employees: an Assistant Assessor and two Administrative Secretaries. On a triennial basis the Assessors are required to submit Tisbury's assessment to the Department of Revenue (DOR) for certification. The next revaluation for Tisbury is for the 2005 Fiscal Year. In the years between certification, assessors must also adjust values based on market sales. This is done so that the property taxpayer pays his or her fair share of the cost of local government in proportion to the amount of money the property is worth on a yearly basis. The Tisbury Assessors Office is responsible for appraising and assessing approximately 3, 384 parcels, 2,314 personal property accounts as well as annual motor vehicle and vessel excise accounts. Board Members: David Dandridge Angela Cywinski Roy Cutrer .Department Head: Patricia L. Blakesley,MAA, Asst. AssessorStaff Ann Marie Cywinski Alycelee PigmanOffice Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Mon. - Fri. Location: 51 Spring St., Town Hall Mailing Address: P.O Box 2147, Vineyard Haven, Ma. 02568 Telephone: (508) 696-4206 Fax: (508) 693-5876 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:assessors@ci.tisbury.ma.us" assessors@ci.tisbury.ma.us Meetings: Call for current meeting dates Contact: Patricia L. Blakesley, Asst. Assessor ==================================================== Assessors-Forms  HYPERLINK "http://www.dls.state.ma.us/PUBL/FORMS/abatement.PDF" Request for Tax Abatement Forms http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=doragencylanding&L=5&L0=Home&L1=Local+Officials&L2=DLS+Newsroom&L3=Employee+Contacts&L4=Division+of+Local+Services&sid=Ador ==================================================== Assessors-(LA 4)Classification Report(Valuation By Property Type) This page is under construction. Please check back! Tisbury Building Inspector  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/427/130.aspx" Frequently Asked Questions  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/427/965.aspx" Fee Schedules  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/427/381.aspx" Downloadable Forms The responsibility of Public Safety, with respect to all buildings and structures in a given community, lies with the Building Official, who enforces 780 CMR - the State Building Code, Mechanical Code and 521 CMR Architectural Access Regulations, MGL Chapter 40A, the Zoning Act and the local Zoning Bylaws and General Laws. Building Inspector: Kenneth A. BarwickStaff Members: Rhonda DeBettencourt, Admin. SecretaryTisbury Building Inspector Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Mon. - Fri. Location: 215 Spring St., Town Hall Annex Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1239, Vineyard Haven, Ma. 02568 Telephone: (508) 696-4280 Fax: (508) 696-7341 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:inspections@ci.tisbury.ma.us" inspections@ci.tisbury.ma.us  HYPERLINK "mailto:rdebettencourt@ci.tisbury.ma.us" rdebettencourt@ci.tisbury.ma.us Meetings: Contact:Kenneth Barwick, Building Inspector Tisbury Building Inspector FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How do I apply for a Building Permit? You must request a Building Application, fill it out, and submit it, along with three (3) copies of a building plan, three (3)site plans, and the applicable fee. Where do I apply for an Electrical or Gas Permit? You would request an application from the Building Department. Complete the application, and submit it, along with a fee to the town. What are the requirements for building? Building requirements are governed by the 780 CMR Mass. Building Code, which is enforced by the Building Inspector. For additional assistance, we suggest that you call, fax, or email the Building Inspector's Office. Telephone: (508) 696-4280 Fax: (508) 696-7341 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rwelty@ci.tisbury.ma.us" rwelty@ci.tisbury.ma.us =============================================================== Fee Schedule Building Department - HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/427/965.aspx" \l "*" Permit Fee Schedule  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/427/965.aspx" \l "." Electical Inspections TOWN OF TISBURY Office of BUILDING INSPECTION & ZONING ENFORCEMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1239 VINEYARD HAVEN , MA 02568 Kenneth A. Barwick ` Phone (508) 696-4280 RhondaDeBettencourt Fax (508) 696-7341 * PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE NEW CONSTRUCTION FOR DWELLINGS $300.00 PER $100,000.00: $3.00 EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000.00 DOLLARS OR PORTION THEREOF. (EST. $38.00 PER SQUARE FOOT)ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS OR REPAIR/RECONSTRUCTION $50.00 FOR FIRST $5,000.00; $4.00 EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000.00 DOLLARS OR PORTION THEREOF.NEW GARAGE OR BARN NEW CONSTRUCTION FEE OF 3.00 PER THOUSAND OR PORTION THEROF.  MISCELLANOUS FEES$25.00 PERMIT FEES$75.00 PERMIT FEES DECKSWIMMING POOLSMOVE A BUILDINGZONING APPLICATION$50.00 PERMIT FEESFENCE OVER 6FTREPEAT INSPECTIONSSHEDDUPLICATE PERMITS FOUNDATION ONLY DEMOLITION OF A BUILDINGSIGN PERMITSWOODSTOVEOCCUPANCY PERMITSMOVE A BUILDING BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL FEESNEW CONSTRUCTION - $5.00 PER THOUSAND DOLLARS EST. COST OR PORTION THEREOF.ADDTIONS/ALTERATIONS OR REPAIR RECONSTRUCTION - $10.00 PER THOUSAND DOLLARS EST COST OR PORTION THEREOF.   TOWN OF TISBURY Office Of WIRING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1239 VINEYARD HAVEN, MASSACHUSETTS 02568 Ray Gosselin, Inspector Phone (508) 696-4280 Robert Mongillo, Assistant Fax (508) 696-7341 . FEE SCHEDULE FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS STATE PERMIT FEE $40.00COMMERCIAL WIRING INSPECTIONS (EXCEPT TRENCHES)$50.00TRENCH INSPECTION (COM. OR RES.) $50.00TEMPORARY SERVICE $50.00SERVICE (PER METER) $50.00RESIDENTIAL WIRING INSPECTION $50.00ROUGH INSPECTION FEE $50.00FINAL INSPECTION $50.00PRIMARY PAD OR SPLICE BOX(FIRST ONE) $50.00(SECOND ONE AND MORE) $50.00HANDHOLE (FIRST) $50.00HANDHOLE (SECOND OR MORE) $50.00 =============================================================== Building Department Forms  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/427/bUILDING_APPLICATION_REVISED%5B1%5D.doc" Building Permit Application   HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/427/Sign_Application.doc" Sign Application   HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/el/forms/99uep.pdf" Application for Permit to Perform Electrical Work   HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/pl/forms/pb13-000.pdf" Massachusetts Uniform Application for Permit to do Gasfitting   HYPERLINK "http://www.tisburyma.org//filestorage/126/427/woodstove_permit.doc" Woodstove Permit  TOWN OF TISBURY BUILDING INSPECTION & ZONING ENFORCEMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1239 VINEYARD HAVEN, MA 02568 Kenneth A. Barwick Phone: (508) 696-4280 Rhonda DeBettencourt Fax (508) 696-7341  HYPERLINK mailto:kbarwick@ci.tisbury.ma.us kbarwick@ci.tisbury.ma.us - BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - FEE: ____________ OTHER PERMITS/APPROVALS REQUIRED: BOARD OF APPEALS: _______________ PLANNING BOARD: _______________ BOARD OF HEALTH: _______________ CONSERVATION: _______________ FIRE DEPARTMENT: _______________ HISTORIC DISTRICT: _______________ MARTHAS VINEYARD COMMISSION: ______ SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE: _____ ************************************************************************************ PROPERTY OWNER:_______________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:_______________________________ PREVIOUS OWNER IF PURCHASED WITHIN 1 YEAR_____________________________ APPLICANT NAME:________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:________________________________ PROPERTY LOCATION: STREET: ______________________________________________________________ ASSESSORS PARCEL: _____-_____-_____ ZONING DISTRICT: _______________ DATE OF DEED TO OWNER: _______________ BOOK: __________ PAGE: __________ DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DIMENSIONS: _______________(LIVING AREA) SQUARE FEET: _______________ NUMBER OF EXISTING BEDROOMS: __________ BATHROOMS: __________ NUMBER OF PROPOSED BEDROOMS: __________ BATHROOMS: __________ DISTANCE FROM WETLANDS, BOG, MARSH, BEACH, OR BODY OF WATER: __________ BUILDER: _________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ___________________________________ CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: ______________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ___________________LICENSE NUMBER________________ ESTIMATED COST OF STRUCTURE:________________________________ (MATERIAL & LABOR) PLANS REQUIRED (3 SETS EACH): A. PLAN OF LAND REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR ANY CONSTRUCTION OUTSIDE EXISTING PERIMETER OF STRUCTURE* B: DETAILED BUILDING PLANS INCLUDING DIMENSION LUMBER, INSULATION VALUES, MATERIALS TO BE USED, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS, ETC.** C. APPENDIX J (ENERGY AUDIT) *All such plans and computations shall bear the Massachusetts Seal of Registration and signature of the qualified Registered Professional Land Surveyor. **All building plans must comply with 780 CMR Building Code. This application will not be processed unless it is deemed complete including attachments as required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Signature: OWNER___________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVED: __________ DISAPPROVED: ___________ COMPLIES WITH ZONING BYLAW SECTION: ___________________________________ PERMIT NUMBER: ___________________ DATE OF ISSUE: ____________________________ _________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPLICATION FOR: ATTACHED___ DETACHED___ TEMPORARY STRUCTURE___ NEW - DWELLING___ GARAGE___ SHED___ OTHER_______________ ADDITION TO - DWELLING___ GARAGE___ SHED___ OTHER_______________ BUILDING TYPE (SELECT ONE): BUNGALOW___ CAMP___ CAPE/SALTBOX___ COLONIAL___ COMMERCIAL___(see Page 4) MODERN/CONTEMPORARY___ TWO-FAMILY___ RANCH___ RAISED RANCH___ SPLIT-LEVEL___ OTHER_______________ STRUCTURAL DATA (MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL BUILDINGS): A. FOUNDATION TYPE B. FOUNDATION CELLAR___ BLOCK___ CRAWL SPACE___ POURED CONCRETE___ OTHER__________ OTHER__________ EXTERIOR WALLS (SELECT ONE, UNLESS THERE ARE EQUAL PROPORTIONS OF TWO) COMPOSITION/WALL BOARD___ WOOD ON SHEATHING___ ASBESTOS SHINGLES___ STUCCO___ BOARD & BATTEN___ STONE ON MASONRY___ BRICK ON VENEER___ BRICK ON MASONRY___ STONE ON MASONRY___ CLAPBOARD___ VINYL SIDING___ ALUMINUM SIDING___ CEDAR OR REDWOOD SIDING___ WOOD SHINGLES___ GLASS/THERMOPANE___ PREFAB WOOD PANEL___ PRE-FINISHED METAL___ CONCRETE/CINDER___ LOGS___ OTHER_________________ D. ROOF TYPE (SELECT ONE. IF MORE THAN ONE, CHOOSE THE PREDOMINANT) FLAT___ SHED___ GABLE/HIP___ SALTBOX___ MANSARD___ GAMBREL___ ROOF COVER (SELECT ONE. IF MORE THAN ONE, CHOOSE THE GREATEST AREA) ASPHALT___ WOOD SHINGLE___ CLAY OR TILE___ SLATE___ METAL OR TIN___ ROLLED COMPOSITION___ BUILT UP TAR/GRAVEL___ OTHER____________________ F. INTERIOR WALLS MASONRY___ PANELING___ PLASTER___ WOOD PANEL CUSTOM___ DRYWALL___ OTHER__________________ G. INTERIOR FLOORS (DO NOT COUNT KITCHEN) PLYWOOD___ PINE OR SOFTWOODS___ TILE___ HARDWOOD___ CARPETING___ PARQUET___ LINOLEUM___ VINYL___ OTHER_________________ H. HEATING FUEL I. HEATING TYPE WOOD/COAL/KEROSENE___ NONE___ OIL___ CONVECTION___ GAS___ FORCED AIR - DUCTED___ ELECTRIC___ FORCED AIR - NON-DUCTED___ SOLAR___ HOT WATER___ STEAM___ RADIANT ELECTRIC___ J. AIR CONDITIONING NONE___ CENTRAL___ HEAT PUMP___ K. OTHER DATA NUMBER OF STORIES:___ NUMBER OF FIREPLACES/WOOD STOVES:___ OTHER SIGNIFICANT FEATURES IF ANY:__________________________________ ********************************************************************** ADDITIONAL DATA (FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ONLY): A. HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING PACKAGED___ SPLIT___ NONE___ B. STRUCTURAL FRAME NONE___ WOOD FRAME___ MASONRY___ STEEL___ FIREPROOF STEEL___ REINFORCED CONCRETE___ OTHER__________________ C. CEILING & WALL (CHOOSE ONE FROM EITHER SUSPENDED OR NOT SUSPENDED) SUSPENDED NOT SUSPENDED CEILING ONLY FINISHED___ CEILING ONLY FINISHED___ CEILING WITH MINIMUM WALL___ CEILING WITH MINIMUM WALL___ CEILING & WALL FINISHED___ CEILING & WALL FINISHED___ D. OTHER DATA NUMBER OF ROOMS PER FLOOR___ WALL HEIGHT___ PERCENT OF COMMON WALL___ TOTAL NUMBER OF RESTROOMS___ IF RESIDENTIAL UNITS: NUMBER OF UNITS___ BEDROOMS PER UNIT___ BATHS PER UNIT___ Suggested Affidavit for Home Improvement Contractor Permit Application TOWN OF TISBURY AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application MGLc.142A requires that the reconstruction, alteration, renovation, repair, modernization, conversion, improvement, removal, demolition, or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner-occupied building containing at least one but not more than four dwellings units...or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building be done by registered contractors, with certain exceptions, along with other requirements. TYPE OF WORK:__________________________________ EST. COST: $___________ ADDRESS OF WORK:________________________________________________ OWNER NAME:_____________________________________________________ DATE OF PERMIT APPLICATION:_____________________________________ I hereby certify that: REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON (S): ___WORK EXCLUDED BY LAW ___JOB UNDER $1,000 ___BUILDING NOT OWNER-OCCUPIED ___OWNER PULLING OWN PERMIT ___OTHER (SPECIFY)____________________________________________ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: OWNERS PULLING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR DEALING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER MGL c. 142A Signed under the penalties of perjury. I hereby apply for a permit as the agent of the owner: _____________ _____________________________ __________________ DATE CONTRACTOR NAME REGISTRATION NO. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice, I hereby apply for a permit as the owner of the above property: ___________________ ________________________________ DATE OWNER NAME COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS 600 WASHINGTON STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02111 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT Download form from:  HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dia/DESKSCAN/aff_builders.pdf" http://www.mass.gov/dia/DESKSCAN/aff_builders.pdf TOWN OF TISBURY Office of BUILDING INSPECTION & ZONING ENFORCEMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1239 VINEYARD HAVEN, MA 02568 Kenneth A. Barwick Phone (508) 696-4280 Rhonda DeBettencourt Fax (508) 696-7341 SIGN APPLICATION FEE: $25.00 PER SIGN NAME OF APPLICANT: _____________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ________________________________________________________________________ PROPERTY OWNER: _______________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ PROPOSED LOCATION OF SIGN: ____________________ ASSESSOR PARCEL: _____-_____-____ SQUARE FEET AND DIMENSION OF SIGN*: ____________________________________________________ NUMBER OF EXISTING SIGNS ON PARCEL: ____ SQUARE FEET OF EXISTING SIGNS: ________ TYPE OF SIGN: ROOF___ POST IN GROUND___ EXTERIOR WALL___ HANGING___ WORDING ON SIGN: _________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF BUSNIESS MATERIAL COMPONENT OF SIGN: ___________________________________________________________ BUILDING FRONTAGE (BUSINESS ONLY) LINEAL FEET: ________________________________________ * DETAILED DRAWINGS SHOWING DIMENSIONS SHALL BE FILED WITH APPLICATION. ___________________________________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT NOTE: ALL PROPOSED SIGNS MUST COMPLY WITH 780 CMR ARTICLE 29 ******************************************************************************************** OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVED_________________ DISAPPROVED__________ PERMIT NUMBER___________ ZONING DISTRICT_______ ZONING BYLAW____________ __________________________________________ BUILDING INSPECTOR/ZONING OFFICER CC: TOWN CLERK & ASSESSOR OFFICE ===========================================================================  HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/el/forms/99uep.pdf" Application for Permit to Perform Electrical Work  HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/el/forms/99uep.pdf" http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/el/forms/99uep.pdf  HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/pl/forms/pb13-000.pdf" Massachusetts Uniform Application for Permit to do Gasfitting  HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/pl/forms/pb13-000.pdf" http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/pl/forms/pb13-000.pdf TOWN OF TISBURY BUILDING INSPECTION & ZONING ENFORCEMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1239 VINEYARD HAVEN, MA 02568 Kenneth A. Barwick Phone: (508) 696-4280 Rhonda DeBettencourt Fax (508) 696-7341  HYPERLINK "mailto:Rdebettencourt@ci.tisbury.ma.us" Rdebettencourt@ci.tisbury.ma.us WOOD STOVE PERMIT APPLICATION OWNERS NAME:_____________________________________DATE:________________ MAILING ADDRESS:__________________________________PARCEL ___-___-____ PROPERTY LOCATION:_______________________________PHONE#:_____________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT:__________________________FEE: $25.00 PERMIT As required by 780 CMR 3610, a permit is required for the installation of any solid fuel- burning appliance STOVE A. New _____ Used _____ B. Type-radiant _____ circulating _______ C. Manufacturer _______________ Lab. No. ______________ D. Name/Model No. _____________ Collar Size ___________ E. Dimensions: - Height ________ Length _______ Width __________ CHIMNEY A. New _____ Existing _____ B. Size (flue area) _________ C. Other appliances attached to flue ( number & size ) _____________ D. Pre-fab (manufacturer name & type) __________________________ E. Masonry/lined ___________ Flue liner ___________ Unlined _________ F. Height: ________________ cap ________ HEARTH Materials _____________________ B. Sub-floor construction _____________ C. Minimum Dimensions ____ _______________________________ Permit # __________________ Kenneth A. Barwick Tisbury Conservation Commission  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/541/56.aspx" Frequently Asked Questions HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/541/57.aspx" State Regulations HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/541/58.aspx" Wetland Bylaw HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/541/59.aspx" Wetland Regulations HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/541/60.aspx" Forms"THE CONSERVATION COMMISSION ADMINISTERS STATE AND LOCAL STATUTES, IN ORDER TO PROTECT TISBURY'S WETLANDS, SHORELINES AND FLOOD PLAINS" Board Members: Thomas Robinson - Chairman Margaret Wolontis John Best Nancy Weaver Kevin Begley Anne Good Suzan BellincampiAssociate:Staff: Laura Barbera, Assistant Jane Varkonda, Conservation AgentOffice Hours: 9 AM - 4.00 PM, Mon. - Fri. Location: ., Town Hall Annex Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1239, Vineyard Haven, Ma. 02568 Telephone: (508) 696-4260 Fax: (508) 696-7341 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Lbarbera@ci.tisbury.ma.us" Lbarbera@ci.tisbury.ma.us Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesday, Monthly at 7PM Contact: Laura Barbera Tisbury Conservation Commission FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is the limit of the Conservation Commission's jurisdiction? The Conservation Commission's jurisdiction extends up to 100 feet landward of a resource area. What is a resource area? A resource area is designated as any bank, fresh water or coastal wetland, beach, dune, flat, marsh, meadow, vernal pool or flood zone. What is the difference between a Request for Determination form and a Notice of Intent form? A Request for Determination is filed by an applicant in order to have the Conservation Commission verify the boundaries of a resource area; to verify the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission or to obtain a determination as to whether or not a project will alter a resource area. A Notice of Intent is filed in cases where it is anticipated that a project will alter a resource area or when additional measures must be applied by the Conservation Commission in order to minimize any adverse impact. Conservation Commission Regulations TOWN OF TISBURY WETLAND PROTECTION REGULATIONS AND THE TISBURY WETLANDS BY-LAW *can be obtained at the Conservation Commission office at the Town Hall Annex *****STATE OF MASSACHUSETTES WETLAND PROTECTION REGULATIONS Additional types of regulations may be retrieved from the Massachusettes Department Of Environmental Protection ( HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wwforms.htm" http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wwforms.htm) "Matrix of Primary Massachusetts Environmental Statutes and Regulations" Activity/Issue Applicable Laws Regulations Agencies Wetlands  HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dep/water/laws/ch131s40.pdf" \t "_blank" MGL c. 131 s. 40(Wetlands Protection Act)  HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dep/water/laws/riveract.htm" Rivers Protection Act  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/541/1145.aspx" 310 CMR 10.00   HYPERLINK "http://www.mass.gov/dep/water/resources/wetlands.htm" \t "_blank" DEP,Wetlands  GENERAL WETLANDS BY-LAW - TISBURY, MA Passed by special town warrant October 7, 1982 Signed by Assistant Attorney General O'Connell January 11, 1983 SECTION I: APPLICATION The purpose of this By-Law is to protect the wetlands of the Town of Tisbury by controlling activities deemed to be of significant effect upon wetland values, including, but not limited to the following: public or private water supply, groundwater, flood control, erosion control, storm damage prevention, water pollution, fisheries, shellfish, wildlife, and recreation (collectively, the "interests protected by this By-Law"). No person shall remove, fill, dredge, alter, or build upon or within one hundred feet of any bank, fresh water wetland, coastal wetland, beach, dune, flat, marsh, meadow, bog, swamp, or upon or within one hundred feet of any land under said waters or upon or within one hundred feet of any land subject to tidal action, coastal storm flowage, flooding or inundation, written, or within one hundred feet of the 100 year storm line, without filing written application for a permit to so remove, fill, dredge, alter, or build upon, including such plans as may be necessary to describe such proposed activity and its effect upon the environment, and receiving and complying with a permit issued pursuant to this By-Law. The provisions of this section shall not apply to work performed in the course of maintaining, repairing or replacing, but not substantially changing or enlarging, an existing and lawfully located structure or facility used in the service of the public and used to provide electric, gas, water, telephone or telegraph or other telecommunication services. The provisions of this section shall also not apply to work performed for normal maintenance or improvement of land in agricultural use as defined under 7.4 of this By-Law. Such application may be identical in form to a Notice of Intention filed pursuant to MA GENERAL LAWS CH. 131, SEC. 40: shall be sent by certified mail to the Tisbury Conservation Commission (the "Commission"), and must be filed concurrently with or after applications for all other variances and approvals required by the Zoning By-Law, the Subdivision Control Law or any other By-Law or regulation have been obtained. The Commission shall set a filing fee by regulation, but no filing fee is required when the Town of Tisbury files an application for a permit. The Commission will notify the applicant of any other appropriate town boards which shall receive copies of the application. Upon written request of any person, the Commission shall, within twenty-one days, make a written determination as to whether this By-Law is applicable to any land or work thereon. When the person requesting a determination is other that the owner, notice of the determination shall be sent to the owner as well as to the requesting person. Page 2 - Tisbury General Wetlands By-Law SECTION 2: HEARING The Commission shall hold a public hearing on the application within twenty-one days of its receipt. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by the Commission at the expense of the applicant, not less than five days prior to the hearing, by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in Tisbury, and by mailing a notice to the applicant, and to such other Boards and persons as the Commission may by regulation determine. The Commission, its agents, officers, and employees may enter upon privately owned land for the purpose of performing their duties under this By-Law. SECTION 2.1: PERMIT AND CONDITIONS If after the public hearing, the Commission determines that the area which is the subject of the application is significant to the interests protected by this By-Law, the Commission shall, within twenty-one days of such hearing, issue or deny a permit for the work requested. If it issues a permit after making such a determination, the Commission shall impose such conditions as it determines are necessary or desirable for protection of those interests, and all work shall be done in accordance with those conditions. If the Commission determines that the area which is the subject of the application is not significant to the interests protected by the By-Law, or that the proposed activity does not require the imposition of conditions, it shall issue a permit without conditions within twenty-one days of the public hearing. Permits shall expire three years from the date of issuance, unless renewed prior to expiration, and all work shall be completed prior to expiration. SECTION 2.2: RELATIONSHIP TO MASS. GEN. LAWS CH. 131, SECTION 40 Since the Wetlands Protection Act, MGL Ch. 131, Section 40, establishes minimum standards, the Commission shall not impose additional or more stringent conditions in an Order pursuant to Mass. General Laws Ch. 131, Section 40 than it imposes pursuant to this By-Law; nor shall it require a Notice of Intention filed under Section 40 to provide additional materials or data to those required under this By-Law. SECTION 3: EMERGENCY PROJECTS This By-Law shall not apply to any emergency project as defined in Mass. General Laws. Ch. 131, Section 40. SECTION 4: PRE-ACQUISITION VIOLATION Any person who purchases, inherits or otherwise acquires real estate upon which work has been done in violation of the provisions of this By-Law or in violation of any permit issued pursuant to this By-Law, shall forthwith comply with any such order or restore such land to its condition prior to any such violation; provided, however, that no action civil or criminal, shall be brought against such person unless commenced within three years following the date of acquisition of the real estate by such person. Page 3 - Tisbury General Wetlands By-Law SECTION 5: REGULATIONS After due notice and public hearing, the Commission may promulgate rules and regulations to effectuate the purposes of this By-Law. Failure by the Commission to promulgate such rules and regulations or a legal declaration of their invalidity by a court of law shall not act to suspend or invalidate the effect of this By-Law. SECTION 6: BURDEN OF PROOF The applicant shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the credible evidence that the work proposed in the application will not harm the interests protected by this By-Law. Failure to provide adequate evidence to the Commission supporting a determination that the proposed work will not harm the interests protected by this By-Law shall be sufficient cause for the Commission to deny a permit or grant a permit with conditions, or, in the Commission's discretion to continue the hearing to another date to enable the applicant or others to present additional evidence. SECTION 7: DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and implementation of the By-Law. SECTION 7.1 The term "person" shall include any individual, group of individuals, association, partnership, corporation, company, business organization, trust, estate, the Commonwealth or political subdivision thereof to the extent subject to town by-laws, administrative agencies, public or quasi-public corporations or bodies, the Town of Tisbury, and any other legal entity, its legal representatives, agents, or assigns. SECTION 7.2 The term "alter" shall include, without limitation, the following actions when undertaken in areas subject to this By-Law: (a) Removal, excavation or dredging of soil, sand, gravel or aggregate materials of any kind; (b) Changing drainage characteristics, flushing characteristics, salinity distribution, sedimentation patterns, flow patterns and flood retention characteristics; (c) Drainage or other disturbance of water level or water table; (d) Dumping, discharging or filling with any material which may degrade water quality; (e) Driving of piles, erection of buildings or structures of any kind; (f) Pacing of obstructions whether or not they interfere with the flow of water; (g) Destruction of plant life, including cutting of trees; (h) Changing of water temperature, biochemical oxygen demand or other physical or chemical characteristics of the water. Page 4 - Tisbury General Wetlands By-Law SECTION 7.3 The term "banks" shall mean that part of land adjoining any body of water which confines the water. SECTION 7.4 (a) The term "land in agricultural use" shall mean any qualifying wetland within a farm which is qualified or eligible to be qualified under Farmland Assessment Act, Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 61A, SS. 1-5. (b) The term "qualifying wetland" shall mean only inland fresh water areas which are seasonally flooded basins or flats or inland fresh meadows. (c) The term "normal maintenance or improvement" of land in agricultural use shall mean only: 1. Tilling practices customarily employed in the raising of crops. 2. Pasturing of animals, including fences and protective structures as may be required. 3. Use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and similar materials subject to state and federal regulations covering their use. 4. Constructing, grading, or restoring of field ditches, subsurface drains, grass waterways, culverts, access roads, and similar practices to improve drainage, prevent erosion, provide more effective use of rainfall, improve equipment operation and efficiency, in order to improve conditions for the growing of crops. (d) "Improvement of land in agricultural use may also include more extensive practices such as the building of ponds, dams, structures for water control, water and sediment basins, and related activities but only where a plan for such activity approved by the Conservation District of the Soil Conservation Service is furnished to the Conservation Commission prior to the commencement of work. All such activity shall subsequently be carried out in accord with said plan. In the event that the work is not carried out in accordance with the required plan, the Conservation Commission may place a stop order on said work and have recourse to such measures as if the plan were an order of conditions. SECTION 7.5 The Commission may adopt additional definitions not inconsistent with this Section 7 in its regulations promulgated pursuant to Section 5 of this By-Law. Page 5 - Tisbury General Wetlands By-Law SECTION 8: SECURITY The Commission may require, as a permit condition, that the performance observance of other conditions be secured by one or both of the following methods: (a) By a bond or deposit of money or negotiable securities in an amount determined by the Commission to be sufficient and payable to the Town of Tisbury. (b) By a conservation restriction, easement or other covenant running with the land, executed and properly recorded (or registered, in the case of registered land). SECTION 9: ENFORCEMENT Any person who violates any provision of this By-Law or of any condition of a permit issued pursuant to it shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300. Each day or portion thereof during which a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense; if more than one, each condition violated shall constitute a separate offense. This By-Law may be enforced pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 21d, by a Town Police Officer, other officer having police powers, Commission, members, or the Commission Conservation Officer. Reference SubjectFineSection 1 Violation in Buffer Zone:$25 - 1st offenseFailure to obtain Order of Conditions permitting $50 - 2nd offenseactivity or to obtainNegative Determination. $75 - 3rd offenseSection 2Violation in Resource Area: $50 - 1st offenseFailure to obtain Order of Conditions permitting $100 - 2nd offenseactivity or to obtain a negative determination. $150 - 3rd offenseSection 3 Failure to record Order of Conditions$10Section 4 Failure to post file number$10Section 5 Failure to comply with mitigating measures as indicated in Enforcement order$20Section 6Failure to stop activity, in Resource area, as directed in Enforcment Order or as ordered by a Town Police officer,other officer having police powers, Commission members, or Commission's Conservation Officer$100 - 1st offense $200 - 2nd offense $150 - 3rd offenseSection 7Failure to stop activity, in buffer zone, as directed in Enforcment Order or as ordered by a Town Police officer,other officer having police powers, Commission members, or Commission's Conservation Officer $50 - 1st offense $100 - 2nd offense $150 - 3rd offenseSection 8 Failure to comply with one or more special conditions contained in Order of Conditions.$25 - 1st offense $50 - 2nd offense $75 - 3rd offense Tisbury Wetlands By-Law Conservation Officer or Commissioners SECTIONS 1 - 5 (OF SECTION 9) PASSED ANNUAL TOWN MEETING 1990 AND APPROVED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ON September 5, 1990 and posted in five places on September 12, 1990 SECTIONS 6 - 8 AND BOLDED PORTIONS OF SECTIONS 1 & 2 (OF SECTION 9) PASSED AT TOWN MEETING APRIL 13, 1993 AND APPROVED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ON July 16, 1993 and posted in five places on July 22, 1993. General Wetlands By-law Regulations Table of Contents Attachment A Filing Fee, Notice of Intent specs, and on-site requirements 1.01 Introduction 3 1.02 Waivers 3 1.03 Severability 3 1.04 Effective Date 3-4 1.05 Definitions 4-10 1.07 Filing and Hearing Procedures 10 1.08 Extension of Permits 10-11 Part II Regulations for coastal Wetlands 2.01 Land under the ocean 11-13 2.02 Coastal Beaches and Tidal Flats 13-15 2.03 Coastal Dunes 16-18 2.04 Barrier Beaches 18-20 2.05 Coastal Banks 20-22 2.06 Salt Marshes 22-25 2.07 Salt Ponds 25-27 2.08 Land Containing Shellfish 27-29 2.09 Land Subject to Storm Flowage 29-31 Part III - Regulations for Inland Wetlands 3.01 Vegetated Wetlands 31-33 DCPC Overlay Districts Regulations 1.06 Lagoon Pond and Tashmoo 33 1.06A Pier Regulations 34-35 1.06B Submittal Requirements for piers 35 1.06C Fertilizers and Pesticide use 35-36 Non Criminal Disposition Regulations 1.09 Violations and Fines 36-37 Dates of Approval 1.01 1.05 (first page only) and 1.06A, B & C January 3, 1989 1.05 (last eight pages) 3.01 March 6, 1990 1.09 February 20, 1990 Attachment A Preface: Submittal requirements for filing under the Tisbury Wetlands By-law. Number of Copies: 2 All applications materials must be submitted to the Conservation Office in time for the application to be advertised in the newspaper five (5) days prior to the public hearing. Filing Fees Notice of Intent: Residential: $25.00 (per lot, each lot in a subdivision must be filed separately) Commercial: $40.00 per building Specifications for Notice of Intent Plans: Edge of Wetland: Outlined in green Limit of Work Area: Delineated in black Current Grades: Dashed Lines Proposed Grades: Solid lines Title box: Date/owner/prepared for/bar scale North arrow labeled Assessor's reference: sheet number and lot Lot areas Appropriate Engineers/Land Surveyors stamp and signatures Two foot interval contours based on NGVD for coastal areas and benchmark for inland resource areas. 100 year floor elevations: Delineated in red High water mark for all bodies of water from best available data Scale: 1:40 maximum 100 foot radius from wetland to be indicated Location, species and dbh of all trees (over 3"dbh) to be removed Top and toe of any coastal bank, beach or dune Location of any temporary erosion control barrier, i.e. walls, haybales, retaining walls, etc. All above ground structures, roadways, access ways and other physical alterations proposed. Identify roadway material. All below ground alterations and structures, including utility lines, drainage structures, on-site septic systems, wells and storage tanks. Distance of leaching facility to wetlands, water bodies and resource areas. Capacity of septic system Surface drainage directions and destinations when applicable (requires engineers stamp and signature) On Site Requirements: (to be in place by noon on Friday prior to the hearing date) Lot number must be posted (in difficult to locate areas as sign or flagging off a major road would be helpful) House number must be visible if existing house New structures or additions must be staked for identification purposes to all corners. Stakes must be flagged or painted. Wetland boundary must be flagged. First flag to read, "start" #1, last flag to read "end" #. Any proposed clearing for paths, access ways, etc. should be indicated. Tisbury Wetlands By-law Regulations Part I: General Provisions 1.01.1 Introduction and Purpose A These regulations are promulgated by the Town of Tisbury Conservation Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) pursuant to the authority granted to it under section five (5) of the Town of Tisbury Wetlands By-law, (hereinafter referred to as the By-law). The regulations should be read together with the By-law, which has many important provisions not repeated in these regulations. These regulations shall be used to enforce and implement the By-law, and shall have the force of law upon their effective date. These regulations supersede all existing rules and practices previously applicable to procedures and proceedings before the Commission. B Purpose: The purpose of these regulations is to establish definitions, design standards, and uniform procedures by which the Tisbury Conservation Commission is to carry out its responsibilities under the By-law. 1.02 Waivers of Requirements The Commission may, in its discretion for good cause shown, grant waivers from the operation of one or more of these regulations pursuant to this sections. Such waivers are intended to be granted only in rare and unusual cases, and shall be granted only in accordance with the provisions of this section. A waiver may be granted only for the following reasons and upon the following conditions: The Commission may grant a waiver from these regulations and impose such additional or substituted requirements as it deems necessary, upon a clear and convincing showing by the applicant that: 1) There are no reasonable conditions or alternatives that would allow the project to proceed in compliance with the regulations: 2) the project, or its natural and consequential effects, will not have any adverse effect upon any of the interests protected by the By-law. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide the Commission with any information which the Commission may in writing request in order to enable the Commission to ascertain such adverse effects. The failure of the applicant to furnish any information which has been so requested shall result in the denial of a request for a waiver pursuant to this subsection. The Commission may grant a waiver from these regulations when it is necessary to avoid so restricting the use of the property as to constitute an unconstitutional taking without compensation. If an application for a waiver pursuant to this subsection is received by the Commission, the Commission may request an opinion from Town Counsel as to whether the application of these regulations to a particular case will result in such taking without compensation. The Commission may impose additional conditions in granting a permit pursuant to this subsection, including imposing limits on projects size or effect or requiring other compensatory measures, such as wetland replication. 1.03 Severability and Invalidity The invalidity of any section of these regulations shall not invalidate any other section or provision, nor shall it invalidate any permit or determination which previously has been issued. 1.04 Effective Date The effective date of these regulations shall be the date on which these regulations are approved by vote of the Conservation Commission. These regulations shall apply to all Notices of Intent and Request for Determinations filed after that date. 1.05 Definitions The definitions in Section 1.05 of these regulations are for terms as used in the by-law and for terms as used in these regulations. To the extent not defined herein or in the By-law, words used in the By-law or in these regulations shall have the definitions contained in the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL Ch. 131, S. 40) and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. Adverse effects: A greater than negligible change in the resource area or one of its characteristics or factors that diminish the value of the resource area to one or more of the specific interests of the By-law, as determined by the Commission. "Negligible" means small enough to be disregarded. Best available measures: The most up-to-date technology or the best designs, measures or engineering practices that have been developed and that are commercially available. Fisheries: All species of fresh and saltwater fin fish including the nutrient sources and the habitat in which they live all or part of their life cycle. Salt marsh vegetation: Vegetation which is well adapted to living in a saline environment, including, but not limited to salt meadow cord grass (Spartina patens) and salt marsh cord grass (Spartina alterniflora) Shellfish: Includes the following species: Bay scallop (Argopecten irradians); Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis); Ocean quahog (Arctica islandica); Oyster (Crassostrea virginica); Sea clam (Spisula solidissima); Sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus); soft shell clam (Mya arenaria). Shellfish constable: The official in a city or town, whether designated a constable, warden, natural resources officer, or by some other name, in charge of enforcing the laws regulating the harvest of shellfish. Water dependent projects or uses: Projects which require direct wetlands access for their intended use and therefore cannot be located out of an Area Subject to Protection under the By-law. Examples include by are not limited to, docks, piers, boat landing, boathouses, marinas, stairs to beaches, and boardwalks over wetland vegetation. Projects which benefit from wetlands access but which do not require it are not water dependent projects or uses. Examples include, but are not limited to restaurants, dwellings, and commercial enterprises servicing marine-related uses such as fish markets, repair facilities, and ships chandleries. Additional Definitions Section 1.05 Abutter: An owner of land in any direction sharing a common boundary with the site of the proposed activity, including any land located directly across a street, way, stream, pond or diagonally across from an intersection of roads. A landowner more than 300 feet across a pond shall not be considered an abutter. Activity: Same as work Applicant: The individual for whom the work is being performed. Agent: The individual filing the Request for Determination or Notice of Intent other than the property owner. If the agent is not a Registered Land Surveyor, Registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or lawyer, the agent must have a letter from the owner authorizing the work. Areas subject to protection: Land Areas and/or water bodies subject to protection under this By-law, as set forth in Section 1, subsection 104, of the By-law. Bank (coastal): The seaward face or side of any elevated land form, other than a coastal dune, which lies at the landward edge of a coastal beach, land subject to tidal action or storm flooding, or other wetland. Any minor discontinuity of the slope notwithstanding, the top of the bank shall be the top of the face of the bank or the break in slope above the relevant 100-year flood plain elevation. A bank may be partially or totally vegetated, or it may comprise exposed soil, gravel, stone or sand. A bank may be created by man and/or man-made materials. Bank (Inland): The portion of land surface which normally abuts and confines a water body. A bank may be partially or totally vegetated, or it may be comprised of exposed soil, gravel, stone or sand. The upper boundary of a bank is the first observable break in the slope above the ten-year flood level. The lower boundary of a bank is the water body and/or a marsh. A bank may be created by man and/or man made materials. Barrier Beach: A narrow low-lying strip of land generally consisting of coastal beaches and coastal dunes extending roughly parallel to the direction of the coast, lies predominately within the ten(10) foot elevation contour line; on the ocean side, is characterized by highly permeable soil (typically and, gravel or mixed sand and gravel); is flood prone; severely constrains the safe siting of on-site wastewater disposal systems and potable wells; is a high risk area with respect to human health and safety as well as environmental and ecological concerns arising from human habitation and other uses and includes but is not limited to those designated by the CZM Barrier Beach Inventory Maps, April 1982. It is separation from the mainland by a narrow body of fresh, brackish or saline water or a marsh system. A barrier beach may be joined to the mainland at one or both ends. Beach Road is exempt from this definition. Beach: Unconsolidated sediment subject to wave, tidal or coastal storm action which forms the gently sloping shore of a body of salt water, including land which is separated from other land by a body of water or a marsh system. Beaches extend from the mean low water line landward to the dune line, coastal bank line, or the seaward edge of existing manmade structures, when these structures replace one of the above lines, whichever is closest to the ocean. The following definitions apply to different regions of the beach: Foreshore: The area of beach between normal low tide and normal high tide. High beach: The area of beach between normal high tide and spring high tide. Backshore: The area of beach between normal high tide and the toe of the dune, the start of the coastal bank or the seaward edge of an existing manmade structure. The backshore of the beach is made up of a significant portion of one or more, but not limited to nor necessarily including all of the following plants or groups of plants: Beach grass (Ammophila brevigulata); dusty miller (Artemisia stelleriana); sea rocket (Cakile edentula); beach heath (Husonia tomentosa); jointweed (Polygonella articulata); rushes (Juncus sp.) Bogs: Areas where standing or slowly running water is near or at the surface during a normal growing season and where a plant community has a significant portion of the ground or water surface covered with Sphagnum moss (Sphagnum) and where the plant community is made up of a significant portion of one or more, but not limited to nor necessarily including all of the following plants or groups of plants: aster (Aster nemoralis); azaleas (Phododendron canadense and R. viscosum); bog cotton (Eriophorum); cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon); high bush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum); laurels (Kalmia augustifolia and K. polifolia); leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata); orchids (Arethusa, Calopagon, Pagonia); pitcher sundew (Droseracae); sweet gale (Myrica gale); and white cedar (Chamaeacyparis thyoides) Bordering: Touching at any point Building upon: Construction of any kind of structure, whether on land or in water; placing of obstructions or objects in water (other than fish or shellfish traps, pens or trays used in conjunction with aquaculture, or aids to navigation). Bulkhead: Coastal engineering structure placed parallel to the shore, intended to prevent or alleviate storm damage, tidal wave action or erosion. For the sake of bevity, within these regulations can also mean rip rap, seawall or revetment. By-law: The Tisbury Wetlands Protection By-law. Coastal Engineering Structure: Any bulkhead, revetment, seawall, rip-rap, groin, jetty, plastic sheeting or other structure intended to prevent or alleviate storm damage, tidal action, wave action, littoral flow or erosion. Coastal Wetland: Any bank, beach, dune, estuary, marsh, swamp, meadow, flat, stream which flows into coastal Great Ponds, other lowland subject to tidal action or coastal storm flowage; an area composed of hydric soils. Commission or Conservation Commission: Tisbury Conservation Commission as a body of members lawfully appointed pursuant to MGL, ch. 40, s. 8c. Conditions: Those requirements set forth in a written Permit issued by the Commission for the purpose of permitting, regulating, or prohibiting any activity that alters an area subject to protection under the By-law. Creek: Same as a stream Department: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) or any successors thereto. Dredge: To deepen, widen or excavate, either temporarily or permanently a waterbody or watercourse. Drift Line Zone: The area of beach between spring high tide and the toe of the dune which consists chiefly of organic material deposited on the backshore during spring tides or storms. Dune: Any natural hill, or manmade structure, mound or ridge of sediment landward of a coastal beach deposited by wind action or storm overwash. Coastal dune also means sediment deposited by artificial means and serving the purpose of storm damage prevention or flood control. Erosion Control: The prevention or reduction of the detachment or movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice, gravity and/or man's activities. Estuary: Any area or partially enclosed coastal body of water where fresh and salt water meet and mix and where tidal effects are evident. Fill: To deposit any material so as to raise an elevation, either temporarily or permanently, or any material deposited so as to raise elevation either temporarily or permanently. Fisheries: All species of fresh and saltwater fin fish including the nutrient sources and the habitat in which they live all or part of their life cycles. Flat: Any nearly level part of a shoreline or coastal beach which usually extends from the extreme low water line landward to the more steeply sloping face of a coastal beach or bank. The flat may be separated from the beach by land under the ocean. The sediment making up a tidal flat is usually, but not necessarily, a fine grained material. Flood control: The prevention or reduction of flooding and flood damage. Freshwater wetland: A wet meadow, freshwater marsh, swamp, bog, pond, lake, creek, verbal pool or stream; an area of low topography where ground water, flowing water, standing surface water or ice provides a significant part of the supporting substrate for any plant community for at least five months of the year; disturbed areas where the substrate is composed of hydric soils; emergent and submergent plant communities in inland waters; that portion of any bank which touches any inland waters. Ground water: Water below or seeping from the earth's surface in the zone of saturation. Hydric soils: A soil that in its undrained condition is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions that favor the growth and regeneration of hydrophytic vegetation including but not limited in future definition to those soils in, "Hydric Soils of New England:, 1987. Interest Protected by the By-law: The wetland values either singly or collectively specified in Section 1, of the By-law. Lake: Same as pond Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage: Land subject to any inundation caused by coastal storms up to and including that caused by the 100 year storm, surge of record, or storm of record, whichever is greater. Land Subject to Flooding: An area of low, flat topography, or a depression or basin either 1) hydrologically directly connected with a water body, extending from the banks or the upland edge of the vegetated wetlands surrounding this water body; or 2) an isolated depression or basin which on the average at least every five years confines standing water as observed under conditions of average rainfall. The boundary of Land Subject to Flooding which is hydrologically directly connected to a water body is the estimated lateral extent of the flooding, which shall be based on the 100 year storm event during a year of average rainfall, or by actual record if that is higher. Marsh (freshwater): Areas where a plant community exists in standing or running water during the growing season and where a significant part of the plant community is composed of, but not limited to nor necessarily including all, the following plants: arums (Araceae); bladder worts (Utricularia); bur reeds (Sparganiaceae); button bush (Cephlanthus occidentalis); cattails (Typha); duc weeds (Lemnaceae); eelgrass (Vallisneria); frog bits (Hydrocharitaceae); horsetails (Equisetaceae); hydrophilic grasses (Graminae); leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata); picerel weeks (Pontedericaceae); pipeworts (Eriocaulon); pond weeds (Pontederiaceae); rushes (Juncaceae); sedges (Cyperaceae); smartweeds (Polygonum); sweet gale (Myrica gale); wate milfoil (Haloragaceae); water lilies (Nympheacea); water starworts (Callitrichaceae); or water willow (Decodon verticillatus). Marsh (saltwater): A coastal wetland that extends from the ocean landward up to the highest spring tide line, and where a significant part of the plant community is composed of, but not limited to nor necessarily including all, the following plants or groups of plants; salt meadow cord grass (Spartina patens); salt marsh cord grass (Spartina alterniflora); spike grass (Distichlis spicata); Sea lavender (Limonium nashii); seaside plantain (Plantago juncoides); salt marsh aster (Aster tenuifolius and A. subulatus); sea blite (Suaeda maritima); black grass (Juncus gerardi); samphire (Salicornia Bigelovii and S. europaea); woody glasswort (Salicornia virginica); silverweed (Potentilla anserina); nodding ladies' tresses (Spiranthes cernua); saltmarsh bulrush (Scirpus maritimus); sea milkwort (Glaux maritima); marsh elder (Iva frutenscens); groundsel-tree (Baccharis halimifolia); soft rush (Juncus effusus): chair maker's rush (Scirpus americanus); panic grass (Panicum longifolium) or horned rush (Rhynchospora macrostachya). Meadows: Areas where ground water is at the surface for a significant part of the growing season and near the surface throughout the year and where a significant part of the plant community is composed of various grasses, sedges, and rushes, made up of, but not limited to nor necessarily including all of the following plants or groups of plants: blue flag (iris); varvain (Verbena); thoroughwort (Eupatorium); dock (Rumex); falso loosestrife (Ludwigia); hydrophilic grasses (Graminae); loosestrife (Lythrum); marsh fern (Dryopterus thgelypteris); rushes (Juncacea); sedges (Cyperaceae); ensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis); smartweed (Polygonum); or Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis). MEPA: The Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act, MGL, c. 30, s. 62-62H and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 301 CMR 11.00 et seq. Permit: The document issued by the Commission containing conditions which regulate or prohibit an activity under the By-law. Pollution: Contamination of land, surface or ground water with materials not normally present in those water or with elevated level of naturally occurring materials. Pond: Any open body of fresh, brackish or salt water, habitually more than 5,000 square feet in area, either naturally occurring or man-made by impoundment, which is never without standing water due to natural causes except during periods of extended drought and the land under the water body, Basins or lagoons which are part of waste water treatment plants shall not be considered ponds, nor shall swimming pools or other impervious man-made retention basins. Private Water Supply: Any source or volume of surface or ground water in any private use or demonstrated to have a potential for private use. Recreation: Activities of individuals done for relaxation carried out in a resource area of this By-law, including, but not limited to, swimming, walking, hunting, fishing, bird watching, shellfishing and boating. Remove: To take away any type of material including vegetation, or thereby changing elevation, either temporarily or permanently. River: Same as a stream Shellfish: Includes, but is not limited to, Bay scallop (argopecten irradians); Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis); Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica): Oyster (Crassostrea virginica); Quahog (Mercenarai merceneria); Raxor clam (Ensis direcctus); Sea clam (Spislola soldissma); Sea scallop (Placopecten magellamicus); soft shell clam (Mya arenaria); lobster (Homarus americanus); and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Storm Damage Prevention: The prevention of damage caused by water from storms, including but not limited to: erosion and sedimentation; introduction of contaminants to any water bodies, wetlands, or private and public water supplies; damage to vegetation, property or buildings; or damage caused by flooding, waterborne debris or waterborne ice. Stream: A body of running water and the land under the water, including brooks, creeks, and man-made water courses, which flows along in an identifiable path. A portion of a stream may flow through a culvert, pipe or beneath a bridge. A stream may be intermittent (i.e., does not flow throughout the year). Structure: A combination of materials assembled at a fixed location to give support or shelter. A "structure" includes any building. A fence or wall over six (6) feet high shall be considered a "structure"; an open terrace not more than thirty (30) inches above grade shall not be considered to be a "structure." A vessel shall not be considered to be a "structure." Swamps: Areas where ground water is at or near the surface of the ground for a significant part of the growing season or where runoff water from surface drainage frequently collects above the soil surface, and where a significant portion of the plant community is made up of, but not limited to and not necessarily including all, of the following plants or groups of plants: alders (Alnus); ashes (Fraxinus); azaleas (Rhododendron canadense and R. viscosum); black alder (Ilex verticillata); button bush (Caphalanthus occidentalis); highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum); poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix); red maple (Acer rubrum); sphagnum mosses (Sphagnum); black gum, tupelo & beetlebung (Nyssa sylvatica); sweet pepper bush (Clethra alnitolia); willow (Salicaceae); and common reed (Phragmites communis). Water Dependent Projects or Uses: Projects which require direct wetlands access for their intended use and therefore cannot be located out of an Area Subject to Protection Under the By-law. Examples include but are not limited to: docks, piers, boat landings, boathouses, marinas and stairs to beaches, boardwalks over wetland vegetation. Projects which benefit from wetlands access but which do not require it are not water dependent uses. Examples include restaurants, dwellings, and commercial enterprises servicing marine-related uses such as fish markets and ships chandleries. Wildlife: All non-domesticated mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes or invertebrates which use and Area Subject to Protection Under the By-law for any part of their life cycle. Special consideration shall only be given to members of the class Insecta if they are rare or endangered as defined by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Program or its successor, or if they are a major food source of other wildlife, but not if the insect species is determined by the Commission and the Board of Health to constitute a pest whose protection under the By-law would be a risk to man at the proposed project site. Section 1.07: Filing and Hearing Procedures If the Notice of Intent is deemed by the Commission to be insufficient to fully describe the proposed activity and its effect on the environment, the Commission may, at its discretion: a) Notify the applicant, by certified mail within 10 days of receipt of notice, of the additional information that will be necessary to render the notice sufficiently complete for acceptance. The filing fee shall be returned and the review period shall not begin until a complete application is submitted; or b) inform the applicant at or prior to the public hearing of the additional information required, and offer the applicant the opportunity to continue the public hearing so that the additional information can be submitted for review. When a person filing an application is other than the owner, the findings and decision of the Commission shall be sent by the Commission to the owner as well as to the person filing the application, and the applicant shall supply the Commission with the name and current address of the owner. In the event that only part of the work proposed lies within an Area Subject to Protection Under the By-law, all aspects of the work shall be briefly described on the application form. When the individual filing the Request for Determination or Notice of Intent is other than the property owner, a Registered Professional Engineer, a registered land surveyor or lawyer, then the Commission must receive a letter from the property owner authorizing the work. When a person filing a Request for Determination or Notice of Intent is not the owner, notice of the time and place of a hearing shall be given to the owner, by the Commission at the address supplied to the Commission by the applicant. If a hearing is to be continued, all revised plans and requested information must be received by the Conservation Commission Staff two days prior to the Commission meeting. Section 1.08: Extensions of Permits 1. The Commission may extend a Permit as provided by the By-law Section 2. 2. The Commission shall not deny a request for an extension unless it finds by a preponderance of the evidence any one of the following: No work has begun on the project; unless the failure to begin work is due to an unavoidable delay in obtaining other necessary state or municipal approvals, permits or variances are appealed; New information, not available at the time the Permit was issued, indicates that the Permit is not adequate to protect the interests identified in the By-law; Incomplete work is causing damage to the interests identified in the By-law; Work has been done in violation of the By-law, these regulations or conditions in the Permit; or The extension request is not timely. An extension request shall be timely if received by the Commission for review at a normally scheduled meeting of the Commission prior to the expiration date of the Permit. Part II Regulations for Coastal Wetlands 2.01 Land Under the Ocean Characteristics and Protected Interests 1. The Commission finds that regulations applicable to activities involving land under the ocean are necessary and proper for the following reasons: Land under the ocean provides feeding areas, spawning and nursery grounds and shelter for many coastal organisms related to marine fisheries and wildlife. Destruction of eelgrass beds (Zoster marina) will harm scallop production. Nearshore areas, and in some cases offshore areas, of land under the ocean help reduce storm damage, erosion and flooding by diminishing and buffering the high energy effects of storms. Submerged sand bars dissipate wave energy. Such areas provide a source of sediment for seasonal rebuilding of coastal beaches and dunes. The bottom topography and sediment type of nearshore areas of land under the ocean is critical to erosion control, storm damage protection, and flood control. Water circulation and flushing rates, distribution of sediment grain size, water quality (including but not limited to turbidity, temperature, nutrients, pollutants, salinity and dissolved oxygen), and the habitat of wildlife, fin fish and shellfish are all factors critical to the protection of wildlife and marine fisheries and shell fisheries. Land under the ocean in an unobstructed state is important to recreational swimming, fishing and shellfishing to recreational boating and sailing, and to commercial fishing and shellfishing. 2. In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed project involves removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon land under the ocean, the Commission shall find that such land is significant to the protection of the following interests: flood control, erosion control, storm damage prevention, fisheries, shellfish, wildlife and recreation. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear showing that the Land Under the Ocean does not play a role in protecting one or more of the interests given above and only upon a specific written determination to that effect by the Commission. 2.01 When Land Under the Ocean is Determined to be significant to an Interest Protected by the By-law, the following regulations shall apply: Improvement and maintenance dredging for navigational purposes shall be designed and carried out using the best available measures as determined by the Commission so as to have the least possible adverse effects or changes in marine productivity caused by changes in, or resulting from suspension or transport of pollutants, sediment transport, smothering of bottom organisms, accumulation of pollutants by organisms, destruction of habitat or nutrient source areas, or changes in water circulation and water quality. Dredging, particularly important dredging shall also use such best available measures to minimize adverse effects caused by changes in bottom topography resulting in an increase in height and velocity of waves hitting the shore or in changes in sediment transport which affect natural replenishment of beaches or maintenance of channels. Construction of residential piers shall be accomplished as determined by the Commission so as not to change shoreline movement of sediments, harm significant shellfish resources, obstruct commercial shellfishing or obstruct the reserved public rights of fishing, fowling, navigation or passage. No solid fill piers shall be permitted. The regulations contained in regulations 4 and 8 of this section do not apply to water dependent commercially zoned uses except where DCPC regulations supercede. Regulations for piers in all town waters shall be those contained in Section 1.06 A and 1.06 B. The inner harbor is exempt from these requirements. Construction of commercial piers shall not affect sediment transport, and shall not destroy or pollute fisheries and shellfish habitat or nutrient source areas for those resources. No solid-fill piers shall be permitted. Best available measures as determined by the Commission shall be used to minimize adverse effects of a commercial or residential pier on the interests protected by the By-law. Aquaculture projects shall be undertaken pursuant to such means as may be established by the Commission so as to have the least possible adverse effect on wildlife, erosion control, storm damage prevention, flood control, recreation or public access. No destruction of habitat or areas where shellfish feed, or change in water quality or circulation in any manner which adversely affects productivity or marine fisheries or shellfish beds shall be permitted. No new bulkheads or coastal engineering structures shall be permitted to protect structures built after August 10, 1978. Existing bulkheads may be repaired or reconstructed in a similar location and according to the guidelines in the Army Corps of Engineers "Shore Protection Manual," so as to minimize, using best available measures, adverse effects on adjacent or nearby coastal beaches and structures due to changes in wave action, and only to its original length, if it is protecting an existing house. Bulkheads may be rebuilt only if the Commission determines there is no environmentally better way to control an erosion problem, including in appropriate cases the moving of the threatened building. Water dependent projects shall be designed and performed so as to cause no adverse effects on wildlife, erosion control, marine fisheries, shellfish beds, storm damage prevention, flood control and recreation. No activity on land under the ocean which is not water dependent shall be permitted by the Commission, except activity allowed pursuant to a waiver from these regulations, as set forth in Section 1.02. The Commission may impose such additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests protected by the By-law. 2.02 Coastal Beach and Tidal Flats Characteristics and Protected Interests 1. The Commission finds that regulations applicable to activities involving coastal beaches and tidal flats are necessary and proper for the following reasons: Coastal beaches dissipate wave energy by their gentle slope, their permeability and their granular nature which permit changes in beach form in response to changes in wave conditions. Coastal beaches serve as a sediment source for dunes and subtidal areas. Steep storm waves cause beach sediment to move offshore, resulting in a gentler beach slope and greater energy dissipation. Less steep waves cause an onshore return of beach sediment, where it will be available to provide protection against future storm waves. A coastal beach at any point serves as a sediment source for coastal areas downdrift from that point. The oblique approach of waves moves beach sediment alongshore in the general direction of wave action. Thus the coastal beach is a body of sediment which is moving along the shore. Coastal beaches serve the purpose of storm damage prevention, erosion control, and flood control by dissipating wave energy, by reducing the height of storm waves and by providing sediment to supply other coastal features, including coastal dunes, land under the ocean and other coastal beaches. Interruptions of these natural processes by man-made structures reduces the ability of the coastal beach to perform these functions. Tidal flats are important to the protection of marine fisheries because they provide habitats for marine organisms, such as polycheate worms and mollusk which in turn are food sources for fish. Tidal flats are also sites where organic and inorganic materials are entrapped and then returned to the photosynthetic zone of the water column to support algae and other primary producers of the marine food web. Coastal beaches and flats serve as important habitats for a wide variety of wildlife. They are used in particular by coastal birds for feeding areas and nesting sites. The natural erosional and depositional cycles, sediment grain size, water quality (including but not limited to turbidity, temperature, nutrients, pollutants, salinity and dissolved oxygen) and circulation and elevation of the land surface are all features of wildlife habitat which are critical characteristics for the protection of wildlife. Characteristics of coastal beaches and flats which are critical to the protection of marine fisheries and shellfish include: distribution of sediment grain size, movement of sediment, water quality (including the characteristics given above) and circulation and beach relief and elevation. Characteristics of coastal beaches and flats which are critical to storm damage prevention, erosion control, or flood control include sediment volume and form, their depositional cycles, and wave intensities. Characteristics of coastal beaches which are critical to recreation are topography, sediment grain size, water quality, water circulation rates and patters, unobstructed access along the shore, natural erosional and depositional cycles and wave intensity. Land within 100 feet of a coastal beach or tidal flat is considered to be important to the protection and maintenance of coastal beaches and tidal flats and therefore to the protection of the wetland values which these areas contain. 2. In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed project involves removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon a coastal beach or flat, the Commission shall find that the beach or flat is significant to the protection of the following interests: flood control, erosion control, storm damage prevention, fisheries, shellfish, wildlife and recreation. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear showing that the beach or flat does not play a role in protecting one or more of the interests given above and upon only a specific written determination to that effect by the Commission. 2.02 When a coastal beach, tidal flat or land within 100 feet of a coastal beach or tidal flat is determined to be significant to an Interest Protected by the By-law, the following regulations shall apply: The provisions of Section 2.01 B (1-8) (Land Under the Ocean) shall apply to coastal beaches and tidal flats. No new bulkheads or coastal engineering structures shall be permitted. Existing bulkheads may be repaired or reconstructed in a location similar to the existing location and only to its original length, if it is protecting an existing house built prior to August of 1978. Bulkheads may be rebuilt according to guidelines in the Army Corps of Engineers "Shore Protection Manual," so as to minimize, using best available measures, adverse effects on adjacent, nearby coastal beaches and structures due to changes in wave action, and only if the Commission determines there is no environmentally better way to control an erosion problem, including in appropriate cases the moving of the threatened building. Existing coastal engineering structures, other than bulkheads, may not be repaired, re-built or re-habilitated. Dredging projects in flats must be done in accordance with such procedures as the Commission determines would disturb the absolute minimum amount of habitat possible. No fill shall be placed within 25 feet of a coastal beach. If a project is water dependent, the Commission may allow limited placement of fill after making a written finding that there is no feasible way to avoid filling the beach or within 25 feet of the beach. All possible mitigation measures shall be taken as determined by the Commission to limit the adverse effects of the fill. No newly constructed, except for an upgrade/replacement of a failed cesspool or septic system (as determined and/or ordered by the Board of Health or other such Agency), or determined to fail in the immediate future, (as determined by a R.P.E., Registered sanitician or the Health inspector) shall be placed in shifting sands or on a coastal beach. No newly constructed septic system shall be within 100 feet of the landward edge of a coastal beach or tidal flat. No newly constructed septic system shall be installed in soils with a percolation rate of five (5) minutes per inch where the distance to naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than five feet, and in soils with a percolation rate of less than five (5) minutes per inch where the distance between naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than seven (7) feet. All work on projects which are not water dependent shall maintain at least a 25 foot natural undisturbed area adjacent to a coastal beach. All structures which are not water dependent shall be at least 50 feet from a coastal beach. In areas of eroding shoreline, the distance from all buildings to the coastal beach shall be at least 20 times the average annual shoreline erosion or 50 feet, whichever is the greater. The average annual shoreline erosion rate shall be determined by averaging the annual erosion over a 150-year period ending the date the notice of intent was filed, or if no notice of intent was filed, the date construction began. If erosion data is not available for the 150-year period, the Commission shall determine the average annual erosion rate from the such lesser time period for which erosion data is available. Cleaning, raking of coastal beaches must be accomplished using a rake in such a manner as to preserve the existing form, volume and grain size distribution of the beach. Cleaning of the beach is permitted on the areas of the beach between mean high tide and the spring high tide. Exceptions to this shall be taken into account when the area adjacent to the spring high tide zone is designated a nesting habitat for any species of tern or the piping plover. The party responsible for the cleaning, raking, shall provide the Commission with a description of the rake, this information if required in order to insure that the rake teeth are sufficiently separated so that the beach sediment will not be removed and that the beach form will not be altered. Cleaning, raking, of a coastal beach is prohibited in the Drift line zone due to the sensitive nature of this portion of the high beach. The drift line zone consists chiefly or organic material deposited on the backshore during high spring tides or storms. Drift lines may contain large quantities of marine algae, eelgrass, and marsh detritus. Bacteria and fungi quickly break down this organic matter, releasing nutrients into the sand and eventually back to the sea. The application of any inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or other quick release chemicals is prohibited within 100 feet of a coastal beach or tidal flat. The Commission may grant a waiver for the application of all but inorganic fertilizers upon a clear and convincing showing the application of such chemicals is necessary to control: A pest deemed a health hazard by the Local Board of Health or, A pest which has damaged twenty percent (20%) of a commercial crop or a crop necessary for livestock. Conditions: The request for the waiver must be accompanied by a recommendation including the amount, frequency and specific chemical to be applied by the Dukes County Extension Service or Pesticide Bureau. Applications of organic fertilizers are prohibited within 100 feet of a coastal beach or tidal flat unless a permit is first granted by the Commission. The permit request must be accompanied by the results of a soil analysis and recommendations from the Dukes County Extension Service. The Commission may impose such additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests Protected by the Bylaw. 2.03 COASTAL DUNES Characteristics and Protected Interests The Commission finds that regulations applicable to activities involving coastal dunes are necessary and proper for the following reasons: Coastal dunes aid in storm damage prevention, erosion control, and flood control by supplying sand to coastal beaches. Coastal dunes protect inland coastal areas from storm damage and flooding by storm waves and elevated sea levels because such dunes are higher then the coastal beaches which they border. Vegetated cover contributes to the growth and stability of coastal dunes by providing conditions favorable to sand deposition. On retreating shorelines, the ability of coastal dunes bordering a coastal beach to move landward at the rate of shoreline retreat allows these dunes to maintain their form and volume. Characteristics of coastal dunes which are critical for storm damage prevention, flood control, and erosion control include; ability of dune to erode and change in response to coastal beach conditions; dune volume, sediment grain size and slope; dune form which can change with wind and natural water flow; amount, continuity and density of vegetative cover; and ability of dune to move landward or laterally. Coastal dunes are important habitats for a wide variety of wildlife, particularly birds for feeding and nesting areas. Amount of vegetation, dune height and slope, sediment grain size and degree of isolation from human-caused disturbances are all features of dunes which are critical characteristics for the protection of wildlife. Land within 100 feet of a coastal dune is considered to be significant to the protection and maintenance of coastal dunes, and therefore to the protection of the wetland values which these areas contain. In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed project involves removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon a coatal dune, the Commission shall find that the dune is significant to the protection of the following interests: flood control, erosion control, storm damage prevention and wildlife. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear showing that the dune does not play a role in protecting one or more of the interests given above and only upon a specific written determination to that effect by the Commission. 2.03 When a Coastal Dune or Land within 100 feet of a Coastal dune is determined to be significant to an Interest Protected by the Bylaw, the following regulations shall apply: No Coastal revetments or coastal engineering structures of any type shall be constructed, rebuilt or repaired. All projects which are water dependent shall maintain at least a 25 foot natural undisturbed area adjacent to the landward edge of a coastal dune. All structures which are not water dependent shall be at least 50 feet from the landward edge of a coastal dune. No excavation or disturbance of vegetative cover shall be allowed on a coastal dune unless the area is completely and successfully restored, replanted and stabilized to its original form and volume. Fill may be used only if the Commission authorizes its use and only if such fill is to be used for beach and dune nourishment projects or for habitat improvement for rare and endangered species. No newly constructed, except for an upgrade/replacement of a failed cesspool or septic system, (as determined and/or offered by the Board of Health or other such agency) or a system determined to fail in the immediate future, as determined by a R.P.E., Registered Sanitician or Health Inspector shall be placed on a coastal dune. Newly constructed septic systems shall be at least 100 feet from the landward edge of the coastal dunes. No newly constructed septic system shall be installed in any area with soils with a percolation rate of five (5) minutes per inch where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than five feet or in soils with a percolation rate faster than five (5) minutes per inch where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than seven (7) feet. Any activity allowed on a coastal dune or within 100 feet of a dune shall be restricted to such activity that is determined by the Commission not to have any adverse effect on the dune by altering the ability of waves to remove sand from or deposit sand on a dune; by disturbing vegetative cover in a manner sufficient to destabilize the dune; by causing any modification of the dune form and slope which would increase the potential for erosion, storm or flood damage; by interfering with landward or lateral movement of the dune; or by causing the rate of sand removal to increase through manmade means or structures. No activity shall be permitted, other than the maintenance and repair of a structure existing on the effective date of these regulations, that will result in construction of a building upon a coastal dune or within 50 feet of any coastal dune. Any pedestrian walkways must be designed as determined by the Commission so as to minimize disturbances of vegetative cover and traditional bird nesting habitat. In areas of eroding shoreline, the distance from all buildings to the coastal dune shall be a t least 20 times the average annual shoreline erosion or 50 feet, whichever is the greater. The average annual shoreline erosion rate shall be determined by averaging the annual erosion over a 150 year period, ending the date the Notice of Intent was filed, or if no Notice of Intent was filed, the date construction began. If erosion data is not available for the 150 year period, the Commission shall determine the average annual erosion rate from such lesser time of which erosion data is available. Cleaning, raking of the beach which is associated with a dune system is prohibited from the dunes and from the drift line zone. Raking is likely to destroy or impair dune vegetation and thereby destabilize the dune. Raking may modify the dune form, thereby increasing the potential for storm and flood damage. Raking of the drift line zone would remove the fragments and seeds of dune plants which would impede the development of new dunes. Regeneration of beach grass on open sand and new dune development on open sand is almost exclusively composed of plant fragments washed from eroding dunes and re-deposited on the beach as drift. Once the plants are established, embryonic dunes can develop, provided they are not destroyed by raking or other impacts. Vehicular traffic through or within 100 feet of a coastal dune for access to existing houses, fishing areas, shellfishing areas, beaches and or other recreational areas shall be in accordance with such procedures as the Commission determines will minimize any adverse effect(s) on the dunes. Applications of any inorganic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or other quick release chemicals is prohibited within 100 feet of coastal dunes. The Commission may grant a waiver for the application of all but inorganic fertilizers upon a clear and convincing showing that the application of such chemicals is necessary to control: A pest deemed a health hazard by the local Board of Health, or; A pest which had damaged twenty percent (20%) of a commercial crop or a crop necessary for livestock food. The request for the waiver must be accompanied by a recommendation including the amount, frequency and specific chemical to be applied by the Dukes County Extension Service or Pesticide Bureau. Applications of organic fertilizers are prohibited within 100 feet of a vegetated wetland unless a permit is first granted by the Commission. The permit request must be accompanied by the results of a soil analysis and recommendations from the Dukes Extension Service. The Commission may impose such additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests Protected by the Bylaw. 2.03 The following projects may be permitted, provided that they adhere to the provisions listed in 2.03 (B) (1-10). Pedestrian walkways, designed to minimize the disturbance to the vegetative cover and traditional bird nesting habitat; Fencing and other devices designed to increase dune development; and Plantings compatible with the natural vegetative cover. 2.04: BARRIER BEACHES Characteristics and Protected Interests The Commission finds that the regulations applicable to activities involving barrier beaches are necessary and proper for the following reasons: Barrier beaches protect landward areas from flooding and erosion because they provide a buffer to storm waves and to sea levels elevated by storms. Barrier beaches protect from wave action such highly productive areas as salt marshes, estuaries, lagoons, harbors, slat ponds and freshwater marshes and ponds, which are in turn important to fisheries and shellfish. Barrier beaches are maintained by the alongshore movement of beach sediment caused by wave action. The coastal dunes, beaches, and tidal flats of a barrier beach are made up of sediment supplied by wind action, storm wave overwash and tidal inlet deposition. Barrier beaches in Massachusetts undergo a landward or alongshore migration caused by the landward and alongshore movement of sediment by wind, storm waves and tidal current processes. The continuation of these processes maintains the volume of the land form which is necessary to carry out its storm and flood buffer functions. The ability of barrier beaches to respond to wave action, including storm overwash sediment transport, is critical to the protection of the wetlands values of barrier beaches. The Characteristics and Protected Interests of Coastal Beaches, set forth in 2.02A of these regulations and the Characteristics and Protected Interests of Coastal Dunes, set forth in Section 2.03A also apply to Barrier Beaches. In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed project involves removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon a barrier beach, the Commission shall find that the barrier beach is significant to the protection of the following interests: flood control, erosion control, storm damage prevention, fisheries, shellfish, wildlife and recreation. Barrier beaches shall be found significant to private water supply and ground water if there are existing houses with wells on or near the barrier beach or if the barrier beach abuts, creates, or protects a swamp, freshwater marsh or pond. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear showing that the barrier beach does not play a role in protecting one or more of the interests given above and only upon a specific written determination to that effect by the Commission. 2.04 When a Barrier Beach or land within 100 feet of a Barrier Beach is determined to be significant to an Interest Protected by the Bylaw, the following regulations shall apply: No coastal revetments or coastal engineering structures of any type shall be constructed, rebuilt or repaired unless they are designed to maintain historic navigational channels using best available measures. Commercially zoned water dependent properties and uses along Beach Road are exempt. Fill may be used only if the Commission authorizes its use and only if such fill is to be used for beach and dune nourishment projects. No septic systems or buildings shall be constructed on a barrier beach. Buildings and septic systems which pre-exist these regulations may be maintained and repaired, but not enlarged. Excavation of sand around existing houses may be permitted, but no new projects shall be permitted which will require periodic sand removal for maintenance. All disturbed areas (including blowouts) shall be stabilized through planting of vegetation. The evacuated sand must be retained in the area and be a part of the barrier beach. Vehicular access for existing houses, fishing areas or shellfishing areas shall be done in accordance with such procedures as the Commission determines will minimize any adverse effect on the beach. Projects such as Pond openings for the enhancement of fisheries and shellfisheries, may be permitted if they are performed in a manner which will not permanently adversely effect the interests of storm damage prevention and flood control. Piers are prohibited from barrier beaches, including, but not limited to those State (CZM) and/or Federally listed barrier beaches. Commercially zoned properties and uses on Beach Road are exempt. Asphalt or bituminous paving is prohibited. The use, storage or possession of fertilizers, herbicides or insecticides, fungicides or other quick release chemicals are prohibited. The storage possession of any hazardous chemical substance, as classified by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency or the Mass. Department of Environmental Protection, other than common household substances in volumes or concentrations not to exceed twice that found in the normal retail size container is prohibited. The Commission may impose such additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests Protected by the Bylaw. 2.05: COASTAL BANKS Characteristics and Protected Interests The Commission finds that regulations applicable to activities involving coastal banks are necessary and proper for the following reasons: Coastal banks composed of unconsolidated sediment and exposed to wave action serve as a major source of sediment of other coastal landforms, including beaches, dunes, and barrier beaches. The supply of sediment is removed from banks by wave action. It is a naturally occurring process necessary to the continued existence of coastal beaches, coastal dunes and barrier beaches. These areas dissipate storm wave energy, thus protecting structures and coastal wetlands landward of them from storm damage, erosion and flooding. Coastal banks, because their height and stability may act as a buffer or natural wall, which protects upland areas from storm damage, erosion and flooding. While erosion caused by wave action is an integral part of shoreline processes and furnishes important sediment to downdrift landforms, erosion of a coastal bank by wind and rain runoff, which play only a minor role in beach nourishment, should not be increased unnecessarily. Disturbances to a coastal bank which reduce its natural resistance to wind and rain erosion cause cuts and gullies in the bank, and decrease its value as a buffer. Vegetation tends to stabilize a coastal bank and reduce the rate of erosion due to wind and rain runoff. Undisturbed, vegetated areas along banks are critical to reducing wind and rain erosion from the top of the bank. A particular coastal bank may serve both as a sediment source and as a buffer or it may serve only one role. Coastal banks provide habitat for wildlife, particularly nesting birds. Characteristics of coastal banks which are critical to wildlife are bank steepness, height, stability and soil grain size compaction. In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed project involves removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon a coastal bank, the Commission shall find that the bank is significant to the protection of the following interests: flood control, erosion control, storm damage prevention and wildlife. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear showing that the coastal bank does not play a role in protecting one or more of the interests given above and only upon a specific written determination to that effect by the Commission. 2.05 When a Coastal Bank or land within 100 feet of a Coastal Bank is determined to be significant to an Interest Protected by the Bylaw, the following regulations shall apply: No new coastal engineering structures may be permitted. Existing bulkheads, may be repaired or reconstructed to its original length, if it is protecting an existing house built prior to August 10, 1978, or a house built prior to August 10, 1978 which has been rebuilt increasing its floor area by 10 percent or less or for repairs or alterations totaling fifty percent or more of the actual cash value of the structure. Commercially zone properties and uses are exempt from the above regulations. All coastal engineering structures built or re-built, shall be designed as pre Army Corps of Engineer, "Shore Protection Manual," guidelines so as to minimize, using best available measures, adverse effects on adjacent or nearby coastal beaches and structures due to changes in wave action. Bulkheads and groins may be rebuilt only if the Commission determines there is no environmentally better way to control an erosion problem, including in appropriate cases the moving of the threatened building. Commercially zoned uses and properties are exempt. Piers shall be constructed using procedures determined by the Commission to be the best available measures to minimize adverse effects on Interests Protected by the Bylaw. All projects shall be restricted to activity as determined by the Commission to have no adverse effect on bank height, bank stability, or the use of the bank as a sediment source. Elevated walkways designed not to affect bank vegetation shall be required for pedestrian passage over a bank. All projects which are not water dependent shall maintain at least a 25 foot natural undisturbed area adjacent to a coastal bank. All structures which are not water dependent shall be at least 50 feet from a coastal bank. New septic leach facilities of a septic system shall be at least 100 feet from the top of the coastal bank. No newly constructed septic system shall be installed in soils with a percolation rate of five minutes per inch any area where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation in less than five feet or in soils with a percolation rate faster than five minutes per inch in any area where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than seven feet. In areas of eroding shoreline the distance from all buildings to the coastal bank shall be at least 20 times the average annual shoreline erosion or 50 feet, whichever is the greater. The average annual shoreline erosion rate shall be determined by averaging the annual erosion over a 150 year period ending the date the Notice of Intent was filed, or if no Notice of Intent was filed, the date construction began. If erosion data is not available for the150-year period, the Commission shall determine the average annual erosion rate from such lesser time period for which such erosion data is available. All permits issued for the construction of buildings under the Bylaw within 100 feet landward of the top of a coastal bank shall contain the specific condition that no coastal engineering structure of any kind shall be permitted an eroding bank in the future to protect the project allowed by this permit, except those coastal engineering structures allowed by a waiver issued pursuant to Section 1.02 of these regulations. The specific condition regarding no coastal engineering structures is on-going, applies to all successors, heirs, assigns and shall not expire with the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. The Commission may impose such additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests Protected by the Bylaw. 2.05 The following projects may be permitted, provided that they adhere to the provisions listed in 2.05 (B) (1-8). Pedestrian walkways, designed to minimize the disturbance to the vegetative cover and traditional bird nesting habitat. Plantings compatible with the natural vegetative cover. 2.06: SALT MARSHES Characteristics and Protected Interests The Commission finds that regulations applicable to activities involving salt marshes are necessary and proper for the following reasons: A salt marsh produces large amounts of organic matter. A significant portion of this material is exported as detritus and dissolved organics to estuarine and coastal waters, where it provides the basis for a large food web that supports many marine organisms, including finfish and shellfish. Salt marshes also provide spawning and nursery habitat for several important estuarine forage finfish. Salt marsh plants and substrate remove pollutants from surrounding waters. The network of saltmarsh vegetation roots and rhizomes bind sediments together. The sediments absorb chlorinated hydrocarbons and heavy metals such as lead, copper and iron. The marsh also helps retain nitrogen and phosphorus compounds which can cause algal blooms and changes in ocean plankton and plant communities, particularly eelgrass. The underlying peat serves as a barrier between fresh groundwater landward of the marsh and the ocean, this helping to maintain the level of the groundwater. Slat marsh cord grass and underlying peat are resistant to erosion and dissipate waver energy, thereby providing a buffer that reduces wave damage and coastal erosion. A salt marsh is an important feeding area for many types of fish and aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. The marsh, including its creeks and open water, also provide important shelter for many aquatic migratory birds. Marshes help absorb pollutants, but there is a careful balance of nutrient and pollutant input which if exceeded will result in accumulation of pollutants and/or changes in the marsh community. As sea level rises, marshes shall migrate landward in response to the increase in tidal action and depth. Because the marsh is the basis for such a large food web, bioaccumulation of pollutants and toxins can mean that relatively low levels of pollutants may be detrimental. Some of the characteristics of slat marshes which are critical to their health and ability to protect wetland values include: the growth, composition and distribution of slat marsh vegetation; the amount of flow and level of both tidal and fresh water; the water quality (including but not limited to turbidity, temperature, nutrients, pollutants, salinity and dissolved oxygen) of both tidal and fresh water; the presence and depth of pet; rate of marsh productivity; and the diversity of the animals and plants making up the marsh community. Salt marshes provide excellent areas for bird watching, canoeing and hunting. In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed project involves removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon a salt marsh, the Commission shall find that the salt marsh is significant to the protection of the following interests: groundwater, erosion control, storm damage prevention, water pollution prevention, fisheries, shellfish, wildlife and recreation. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear showing that the salt marsh does not play a role in protecting one or more of the interests given above and only upon a specific written determination to that effect by the Commission When a salt marsh or land within 100 feet of a salt marsh is determined to be significant to an Interest Protected by the Bylaw, the following regulations shall apply: Salt marshes shall not be filled. Salt marsh hay may be harvested from a salt marsh only if performed in a manner which does not disturb the marsh substrate. A project which will create, restore or rehabilitate a salt marsh, such as removal of debris, removal of invasive exotic vegetation or restoring normal tidal action, may be permitted if performed in a manner which does not disturb or adversely effect the substrate of the marsh. No proposed project in a salt marsh, or in lands within 100 feet of a salt marsh, shall destroy any portion of the salt marsh, have an adverse effect on salt marsh productivity, pollute the salt marsh or adversely effect water quality. All projects which are not water dependent shall be no closer than 50 feet from a salt marsh. All projects which are not water dependent shall maintain at least a 25 foot natural undisturbed area adjacent to the salt marsh. Elevated walkways may be constructed over a salt marsh if they are constructed in a manner which does not adversely effect marsh productivity and/or height and/or density. Minimum walkway height over Spartina alterniflora is 3.5 feet, minimum height over S. patens is 4.5 feet and minimum height over Distichlis spicata is 4.5 feet. Any grading, alteration in topography or removal/addition of vegetation within 100 feet of a salt marsh shall not change the direction of or amount of water flow towards the marsh. New septic leach facility of a septic system shall be at least 100 feet from the salt marsh. No newly constructed septic system shall be installed in soils with a percolation rate faster than five (5) minutes per inch in any area where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than five feet or in soils with a percolation rate faster than five minutes per inch in any area where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than seven (7) feet. The application of any inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or other quick release chemicals is prohibited within 100 feet of a salt marsh. The Commission may grant a waiver for the application of all but inorganic fertilizers upon a clear and convincing showing that the application of such chemicals is necessary to control: A pest deemed a health hazard by the local Board of Health, or: A pest which had damaged twenty percent (20%) of a commercial crop or a crop necessary for livestock food. The request for the waiver must be accompanied by a recommendation including the amount, frequency, and specific chemical to be applied by the Dukes County extension service or the Pesticide Bureau. Applications of organic fertilizers are prohibited within 100 feet of a salt marsh unless a permit is first granted by the Commission. The permit request must be accompanied by the results of a soil analysis and recommendations from the Dukes County Extension Service. Salt marsh ditching, or drainage of any way shape or form, whether new or maintenance is prohibited unless the local Board of Health, or other such agency, deems such activity necessary as the only method, other than the application of pesticides, to control a pest deemed a hazard to the health of the people in the surrounding area. The Commission may impose such additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests Protected by the Bylaw. 2.06 The following projects may be permitted, provided that they adhere to the provisions listed in 2.06 (B) (1-12). Pedestrian walkways (as per 2.06 (B) (6). Plantings compatible with the natural vegetative cover. 2.07 SALT PONDS Characteristics and Protected Interests The Commission finds that regulations applicable to activities involving salt ponds are necessary and proper for the following reasons: Salt ponds provide excellent habitat for marine fisheries. The high productivity of plants and phytoplankton provides food for shellfish, crustaceans, and juvenile fish. The bottom sediments and shallow water are excellent areas for many bivalves. The ponds also serve as spawning and nursery areas for crabs and fish. The productivity of salt ponds and the food web they support provides ideal habitat for many types of wildlife, particularly various ducks and shore birds. The enclosed nature of the ponds also provides shelter for wildlife. Salt ponds and the area around them provide the public many recreational opportunities including: shellfishing, fishing, sailing, swimming, hunting, and wildlife observation. Because of their semi-enclosed nature, salt ponds are sensitive to pollution or nutrient input. These inputs can change the plant and animal species composition of the pond, and thus can be detrimental to fish, shellfish and wildlife. Bioaccumulation through food webs can also create dangerous levels of pollutants or toxins for wildlife and humans. Characteristics of salt ponds which are critical to various wetland values include water circulation, distribution of sediment grain size, amount of freshwater and saltwater inflow, productivity of plants and water quality (including but not limited to amounts of dissolved oxygen, nutrients, temperature, turbidity, pollutants, and salinity). Land within 100 feet of a salt pond is considered to be significant to the protection and maintenance of a salt pond and the land beneath it and therefore to the protection of the wetlands values of the pond. In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed project involves removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon a slat pond, the Commission shall find that the salt pond is significant to the protection of the following interests: fisheries, shellfisheries, wildlife and recreation. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear showing that the salt pond does not play a role in protection of one or more of the interests given above and only upon a specific written determination to that effect by the Commission. 2.07 When a salt pond or land within 100 feet of a salt pond is determined to be significant to an Interest Protected by the Bylaw, the following regulations shall apply: The work shall be done in accordance with procedures determined by the Commission to have no adverse effect on wildlife, fisheries, shellfish, or existing water quality and so as not to pollute the pond or alter the critical characteristics of salt ponds. All projects which are not water dependent shall maintain at least a 25 foot natural undisturbed area adjacent to a salt pond. All structures which are not water dependent shall be at least 50 feet from a salt pond. The septic leach facility of a new septic system shall be at least 100 feet from the salt pond spring high tide or the associated wetlands whichever is the greater. No newly constructed septic system shall be installed in soils with a percolation rate of five (5) minutes per inch where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than five (5) feet or in soils with a percolation rate faster than five (5) minutes per inch where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than seven (7) feet. Projects designed to enhance a particular fishery or shellfish shall be designed in accordance with such procedures as the Commission determines will minimize adverse ecological effects on the salt pond, including adverse effects on plants and animals which are not the species targeted for management. If such management projects have adverse effects on any of the Protected Interests of the Bylaw, such projects shall be permitted only pursuant to a waiver, as set forth in section 1.05(F) of these regulations. The application of inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or other quick release chemicals is prohibited within 100 feet of a salt pond. The Commission may grant a waiver from the application of all but inorganic fertilizers upon a clear and convincing showing that the application of such chemicals is necessary to control: A pest deemed a health hazard by the local Board of Health; A pest which had damaged twenty percent (20%) of a commercial crop or a crop necessary for livestock food. Permits for the application of organic fertilizers must be accompanied by the results of a soil analysis and recommendations from the Dukes County Extension Service. These recommendations shall become part of the Order of Conditions. Regulations for the placement of piers shall be those contained in Section 1.06(A) and 1.06(B). Commercially zoned water dependent properties and uses are exempt. The Commission may impose additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests Protected by the Bylaw. 2.07 The following projects may be permitted, provided that they adhere to the provisions listed in 2.07(B) (1-8). Pedestrian walkways, designed to minimize the disturbance to the vegetative cover and traditional bird nesting habitat. Plantings compatible with the natural vegetative cover. 2.08 LAND CONTAINING SHELLFISH Characteristics and Protected Interests The Commission finds that regulations applicable to activities involving land containing shellfish are necessary for the following reasons. Shellfish are one of the Interests protected by the Bylaw. Land containing shellfish is found within many of the areas protected by this Bylaw. In addition to their regulations, this section discusses additional protection for shellfish. Shellfish in Tisbury, particularly scallops, are a very important recreational, commercial and economic resource. Shellfish used as a human food resource, as they are in Tisbury, need very clean, uncontaminated and relatively competitor and predator free environment. Shellfish are a valuable renewable resource. The maintenance of productive shellfish beds not only assures the continuance of shellfish themselves but also plays a direct role in supporting fish stocks by providing a major food source. Characteristics of land containing shellfish which are critical to the protection of shellfish include, but are not limited to: water circulation patterns, rates of waterflow, and amounts of water; the relief, elevation, distribution, grain size analysis and pollutant load of the sediments; the presence and population of competitive and predative flora and fauna; and water quality (including but not limited to: turbidity, temperature, pollutants, nutrients, salinity and dissolved oxygen). In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed project involves removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon land containing shellfish or the water overland containing shellfish, the Commission shall find that the land containing shellfish is significant to the protection of the following interests; shellfish, fisheries and recreation. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear and convincing showing that the land containing shellfish does not play a role in protecting one or more of the interests given above and only upon a specific written determination to that effect by the Commission. 2.08 When land containing shellfish or land within 100 feet of land containing shellfish is determined to be significant to an interest protected by the by-law, the following regulations shall apply: Projects shall not change water quality (including, but not limited to: changes in turbidity, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and additional nutrients and pollutants), water circulation, the elevation of the land, the sediment grain size of the substrate, competitor and predator populations or natural drainage from adjacent lands. Regulations for piers in all coastal water bodies containing shellfish shall be those contained in Section 1.06 (A) and 1.06 (B). The inner harbor and commercially zoned uses/properties are exempt. In determining the potential impact of the pier and the importance of the shellfish bed or eel grass bed the Commission shall solicit and review comments from The Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group. Land containing shellfish shall not be compacted by vehicular traffic or other means. Projects shall not obstruct the ability of the public to gather shellfish recreationally or the ability of commercial fishermen to harvest shellfish. Any project which will release pollutants shall use such procedures the Commission determines to utilize the best known technology to remove pollutants or prevent risk of pollution. All septic leach facilities shall be at least 100 feet from land containing shellfish. No newly constructed septic system shall be installed in any soils with a percolation rate of five (5) minutes per inch where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than five (5) feet or in soils with a percolation rate greater than five minutes per inch where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum groundwater elevation is less than seven (7) feet. No project detrimental to shellfish shall be permitted, except activity allowed pursuant to a waiver from these regulations, as set forth in Section 1.02. The application of any inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or other quick release chemicals is prohibited within 100 feet of land containing shellfish. The Commission may grant a waiver for the application of all but inorganic fertilizers upon a clear and convincing showing that the application of such chemicals is necessary to control: A pest deemed a health hazard by the local Board of Health or: A pest which had damaged twenty percent (20%) of a commercial crop or crop necessary for livestock food. The request for the waiver must be accompanied by a recommendation including the amount, frequency and specific chemical to be applied by the Dukes County Extension Service or Pesticide Bureau. The permit for the application of organic fertilizers must be accompanied by the results of a soil analysis and recommendations from the Dukes County Extension Service. The Commission may impose such additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests Protected by the Bylaw. 2.09: LAND SUBJECT TO COASTAL STORM FLOWAGE Characteristics and Protected Interests The Commission finds that regulations applicable to activities involving land subject to coastal storm flowage are necessary and proper for the following reasons: Land subject to coastal storm flowage (the coastal flood plain) buffers and protects upland areas from severe storm conditions. Since the flood plain contains areas where the water table is close to the surface (as well as other wetland resource areas) pollutants in a flood plain, including contents of septic systems and fuel tanks, may affect private water supply, groundwater quality, wildlife fisheries and shellfish during and after a storm. Direct and collateral damage to man-made structures in the flood plain are caused by wave impacts and inundation by flood waters and storm driven debris. Protecting lives and property in flood plains during a storm can be expensive to the Town of Tisbury and unsafe for its Police, Fire and Medical personnel involved in such efforts. Desires of property owners to protect themselves from the effects of storms can lead to pressure on the Town and its regulatory bodies to erect engineering structures in wetlands which can have detrimental effects on wetland values and surrounding lands. In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed project involves removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon land subject to coastal storm flowage, the Commission shall find that the land is significant to the protection of the following interests: flood control, erosion control and storm damage prevention. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear and convincing showing that the land subject to coastal storm flowage does not play a role in one or more of the interests given above and only upon a specific written determination to that effect by the Commission. 2.10 When land subject to coastal storm flowage or land within 100 feet of land subject to coastal storm flowage is determined to be significant to an Interest Protected by the Bylaw, the following regulations shall apply: The work shall not reduce the ability of the land to absorb and contain floodwaters, or to buffer inland areas from flooding and wave damage. Projects shall not cause ground, surface, or salt water pollution triggered by coastal storm flowage. All newly constructed septic tanks and leach facilities shall be outside the100 year flood plain. All private underground fuel tanks shall be outside the 100yearflood plain. Commercial tanks shall be outside the100 year flood plain, or if the Commission determines this is not practical, the commercial tanks shall be secured so that they cannot float loose. The application of inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or other quick release chemicals is prohibited within land subject to coastal storm flowage and within 100 feet of the100 year flood. The Commission may grant a waiver for the application of all but inorganic fertilizers upon a clear and convincing showing that the application of such chemicals is necessary to control: a. A pest deemed a health hazard by the local Board of Health, or: b. A pest which has damaged twenty percent (20%) of a commercial crop or crop necessary for livestock food. The request for a waiver must be accompanied by a recommendation, including the amount, frequency and specific chemical to be applied by the Dukes County Extension of Pesticide Bureau. Applications of organic fertilizers are prohibited within 100 feet of land subject to coastal storm flowage unless a permit is first granted by the Commission. Permit requests for the application of organic fertilizers must be accompanied by the results of a soil analysis and recommendations from the Dukes County Extension Service. No newly constructed, except for an upgrade/replacement of a failed cesspool or septic system, (as determined and/or offered by the Board of Health or other such agency) or a system determined to fail in the immediate future, as determined by a R.P.E., Registered Sanitician or Health Inspector shall be placed in land subject to coastal storm flowage in soils with a percolation rate of five (5) minutes per inch where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than five (5) feet or in soils with a percolation rate faster than five (5) minutes per inch where the distance from naturally occurring ground water elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than seven (7) feet. The Commission may impose such additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests Protected by the Bylaw. INLAND WETLANDS 3.01: VEGETATED WETLANDS (MEADOWS, MARSHES, SWAMPS, BOGS AND VERNAL POOLS) Characteristics and Protected Interests The Commission finds that regulations applicable to activities involving vegetated wetlands are necessary and proper for the following reasons: The plant communities, soils, and associated low, flat topography of vegetated wetlands remove or detain sediments, nutrients and toxic substances that occur in run-off and floodwaters. Some nutrients and toxic substances are retained for years in plant root systems or in the soils. Others are held by plants during the growing season and released as the plants decay. This latter phenomenon delays the effect of nutrients and toxins until the winter, when the release of these substances is less likely to reduce water quality. Wetlands help maintain water quality or improve degraded water by removing, transforming and retaining nutrients; processing chemical and inorganic wastes and pollutants; and reducing sediment loads. Wetlands intercept runoff from uplands before it reaches the water and help filter sediments, nutrients and wastes from flood water. It is important, however, to recognize, that wetlands have a finite capacity to perform this function. The profusion of vegetation and the low, flat topography of vegetated wetlands slow down and reduce the passage of flood waters during periods of peak flow by temporarily storing flood water, slowing water velocities, reducing bank and shoreline erosion and slowly releasing stored water, thereby saving lives and property. This function is especially important in areas with developed flood plains, where the potential for flood damage is high. Inland wetlands located along major streams and around lakes stabilize shorelines and channel banks and buffer developed uplands from storm, wave or erosion damage. During dry periods the water retained in vegetated wetlands is essential to the maintenance of base flow levels in streams or into the groundwater. Wetland and buffer vegetation provide shade that moderates water temperatures important to fish. Vegetated wetlands that are always wet or that are flooded by adjacent water bodies, waterways or overland floodwaters, provide food, breeding habitat and cover for many species of wildlife including those listed by the Mass. Natural Heritage Program. Wetlands are important as natural areas containing diverse plant and animal life. Since wetlands constitute one of the smallest percentages of lands in the country, these communities are rare. Undisturbed natural wetland communities have high value as prime examples of their community type, as areas of study and comparison for protection as a unique resource. The existence of a buffer area of undisturbed natural vegetation adjacent to a wetland is important because many wetlands species spend the majority of their non-breeding and non-feeding lives in the areas immediately adjacent to a wetland. Vegetated wetlands along with land within 100 feet of a vegetated wetland, serve to moderate and alleviate thermal shock and pollution resulting from runoff from impervious surfaces which may be detrimental to wildlife, fisheries and shellfisheries downstream of the wetland. The maintenance of base flows by vegetated wetlands is significant to the maintenance of a proper salinity ratio in estuarine areas downstream of the vegetated wetland. Vegetated wetlands support sport fishing, hunting, bird watching, nature observation and study and other wetland-related uses which in turn generate capital for a local economy and pure enjoyment for those participating in these forms of recreation. Land within 100 feet of a vegetated wetland is considered to be significant to the protection and maintenance of vegetated wetlands, and therefore to the protection of interests which these resource areas serve to protect. In view of the foregoing, whenever a proposed involves the removing, filling, dredging, altering or building upon a vegetated wetland, the Commission shall find that the vegetated wetland is significant to the protection of the following interests: public and private water supply, groundwater, flood control, erosion control, storm damage prevention, fisheries, shellfisheries, wildlife, wildlife habitat and recreation. These findings may be overcome only upon a clear showing that the vegetated wetland does not play a role in protecting one or more of the interests given above and only upon a specific determination to that effect by the Commission. 3.01 When a vegetated wetland or land within 100 feet of a vegetated wetland is determined to be significant to an interest protected by the By-law, the following regulations shall apply: Proposed projects which are not water dependent shall maintain at least a 25 foot natural undisturbed area adjacent to vegetated wetlands, this includes the existence of this natural area during any site preparation and further construction. Proposed projects shall not use methods or procedures that the Commission determines shall change the flood protection function of vegetated wetlands by significantly changing the flow through the wetlands unless the project is to control an insect or other pest deemed a life threatening hazard by the local Board of Health or other such agency. The Commission may issue a permit for the excavation of wetlands vegetation and or buffer vegetation to, create ponds for fire protection, (granted such protection is deemed necessary by the local Fire Chief), or if the project is designed to increase wildlife habitat for those species listed by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program as rare, endangered, threatened or of special concern. The septic leach facility of a septic system shall be at least 100 feet from the vegetated wetland. No newly constructed septic system shall be installed in soils with a percolation rate faster than five (5) minutes per inch in any area where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than five (5) feet or in soils with a percolation rate faster than five (5) minutes per inch in any area where the distance from naturally occurring ground elevation to maximum ground water elevation is less than seven (7) feet. The application of any inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or other quick release chemicals is prohibited within 100 feet of a vegetated wetland. The Commission may grant a waiver for the application of all but inorganic fertilizers upon a clear and convincing showing the application of such chemicals is necessary to control: A pest deemed a health hazard by the local board of Health, or; A pest which had damaged nearly twenty (20%) percent of a commercial crop or a crop necessary for livestock food. Erosion (necessary to establish ground cover). The request for the waiver must be accompanied by a recommendation including the amount, frequency and specific chemical to be applied by the Dukes County Extension Service or Pesticide Bureau. Applications of organic fertilizers are prohibited within 100 feet of a vegetated wetland unless a permit is first granted by the Commission. The permit request must be accompanied by the results of a soil analysis and recommendations from the Dukes County Extension Service. The Commission may impose such additional requirements as are necessary to protect the Interests Protected by the By-law. 3.01 The following projects may be permitted, provided that they adhere to the provision listed in 3.01 (B) (1-6). Pedestrian walkways, designed to minimize the disturbance to the vegetative cover and the traditional nesting and feeding habitats of wildlife. Plantings compatible with the natural vegetative cover. 1.06 LAGOON POND D.C.P.C. AND LAKE TASHMOO REGULATIONS: Preface: Projects in and within 100 feet of Lagoon Pond and Lake Tashmoo or any resource area adjacent to Lagoon Pond and Lake Tashmoo shall, if water dependent, be designed and constructed, using best available measures, so as to minimize adverse effects, and if non-water dependent, have no adverse effects on the interests outlined in Section I of the Tisbury Wetlands By-law caused by: Alterations in water circulation; Destruction of eelgrass (Zostera Marina) beds; Alterations in the distribution of sediment grain size; Changes in water quality, including, but not limited to, other than natural fluctuations in, the level of dissolved oxygen, temperature or turbidity or the addition of pollutants; Alterations of shallow submerged lands with high densities of polychaetes, mollusks, or macrophytic algae; Alterations in relief elevations; The compacting of sediment by vehicular traffic; Alterations in natural drainage from adjacent lands; or The growth, composition and distribution of salt marsh vegetation. 1.06 A REGULATIONS FOR PIERS IN LAGOON POND AND LAKE TASHMOO: Permanent/fixed piers are prohibited from proven shellfish beds and from proven eelgrass beds and from areas with a high probability of development for shellfish and eelgrass beds when identified and/or mapped as follows; By the Conservation Commission based upon maps and/or designations of the Division of Marine Fisheries, or By the Conservation Commission based upon maps and/or designations by the Martha's Vineyard Commission, or By the Conservation Commission, based upon maps and/or designations and/or written documentation from the shellfish constable, or By the Conservation Commission, based upon maps and/or designations and/or written documentation from the Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group. In making such identification and/or maps, the following factors shall be taken into account and documented: The density of shellfish, the size of the area and the historical and current importance of the area to recreational or commercial shellfishing. Piers with removable floating extensions are prohibited from proven and potential shellfish and eelgrass beds (when identified and/or mapped as described in Section 1.06 (A-1) (a-c). No pier shall exceed fifty (50) feet in length from mean high water; if necessary, floating extensions may be constructed to reach appropriate depth of water. Floating extensions must be removed during the off-season, November 1st to April 1st. Piers shall be designed with piles spaced at least ten (10) feet apart so as to allow water to pass relatively unimpeded through them. During construction, turbidity must be contained using best available measures. Non-leaching wood preservatives must be used to treat the pier. Mechanical pile driving is required. Construction is to be done from floating barges. Planks on the piers shall have a minimum spacing of one (1) inch so as to allow sunlight penetration. No pier shall interfere with alongshore navigation or restrict maneuverability. Piers are prohibited from State and Federally designated barrier beaches. Rafting of boats on piers is prohibited. Piers shall not restrict lateral access along the shore. Piers with permits from the Tisbury Conservation Commission shall clearly display the assigned D.E.P. number at all times. Storage of products on piers, including but not limited to the following: fuel, solvents, paints, chemicals and cleansers is prohibited. The maximum width of a pier shall not exceed five (5) feet, with the exception of a "T" or "L" at the end of the pier. Piers within one hundred (100) feet of proven or potential shellfish or eelgrass beds shall be constructed during the period between November 1st and April 1st. 1.06 B. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATIONS FOR PIERS AND DOCKS: The presence of any shellfishing areas must be indicated within 100 feet of the proposed project. This pertains to both seeded and naturally occurring beds. The presence of any eel grass beds must be indicated within 100 feet of the proposed project. Marked navigation channels within 100 feet. Location of existing public or commercial moorings within 100 feet of the pier. Location of existing Town, commercial or private piers and docks, and Town landings within 300 feet of the proposed pier. Provisions for ensuring the continued public access to the foreshore and the tidelands must be given. Applicant must submit description of removal and/or storage of any removable portions of the structure. Description of how Mean High Water was determined. 1.06 C. REGULATIONS FOR FERTILIZER AND PESTICIDE APPLICATION: The application of organic and inorganic fertilizers and pesticides within 100 feet of a coastal bank, salt marsh or the 100 year flood zone adjacent to Lagoon Pond and Lake Tashmoo or the tidewaters of Lagoon Pond and Lake Tashmoo is prohibited. The Commission may grant a waiver from this regulations only after: A clear and convincing showing by the applicant that the application of fertilizers is necessary to establish a ground cover adequate enough to prevent soil erosion, and; Upon receipt of the results of a soil analysis and recommendations from the Dukes County Extension Service. These recommendations shall become part of the Order of Conditions, or; Upon a clear and convincing showing by the applicant that the application of pesticides is necessary to control: A pest deemed a health hazard by the local Board of health or, A pest which has damaged twenty percent (20&) of a commercial crop or a crop necessary for livestock food. This must be accompanied by a recommendation for application and the appropriate pesticide to be applied from the Dukes County Extension Service. 1.09 A. Provision: Any person who violates any provisions of the Tisbury Wetlands Protection By-law, or any condition of a permit issued pursuant to it shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300.00. Each day or portion thereof during which a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. This By-law may be enforced pursuant to Mass. General Laws, C. 40, S. 21D, by a Town Police Office, other Officer having Police Powers, Commission members agents or employees. The aforementioned parties shall have the authority to issue citations assessing monetary fines, depending on the seriousness of the violation. Failure to pay a fine assessed under this By-law within twenty-one (21) calendar days may result in criminal prosecution. The current owner(s) of a property on which a violation has occurred is the party responsible and therefore liable for any fines and/or legal action regardless of any contract with a second party to obtain necessary permits, perform work or adhere to conditions of a permit. Citations issued by individual Commission members, staff or agents shall subsequently be presented to the Conservation Commission for approval. 1.09 B. The Conservation Commission shall consider the following factors in determining the amount of the fine: Actual and potential impact on public health, safety and the environment. Actual and potential damages suffered and actual or potential cost incurred by the Town of Tisbury or any other person. Whether the applicant took steps to prevent the failures to comply. Whether the applicant took steps to promptly come into compliance after the occurrence of the failures to comply. Whether the applicant took steps to remedy and mitigate whatever harm occurred as a result of the failures to comply. Whether the applicant has previously failed to comply with any regulations, orders, licenses or approval issued or adopted by the Tisbury Conservation Commission or any laws which the Tisbury Conservation Commission has the authority or responsibility to enforce. Making compliance less costly than the failures to comply. Deterring future noncompliance by both the applicant and others. The applicants financial condition. The public interest. 1.09 C. VIOLATIONS Any activity undertaken without a valid Order of Conditions or Negative Determination which constitutes removing, dredging or altering the following resource areas: any surface water body, any coastal or inland bank, any dune, coastal beach, coastal or inland vegetated wetland, any land under said waters, any land subject to flooding or inundation by ground water, surface water, tidal action or coastal storm flowage. Any activity undertaken without a valid Order of Conditions or negative Determination by the Conservation Commission within 100 feet of the above-named wetland resource areas. Failure to Comply with Conditions contained in any Order or Negative Determination issued pursuant to Section 2.1 of the Wetland By-law. Violation of an Enforcement Order issued by the Tisbury Conservation Commission, its agents or employees. *Section 1.09 A, B & C adopted February 20, 1990. Conservation Commission Forms Wetland Permits  WPA Form 1: Request for Determination of Applicability Filing Options: HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform1.doc" MS Word Form 240 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform1.pdf" PDF Form 58 KB Instructions:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpa1inst.doc" MS Word Form 120 KB| PDF -included with form above WPA Form 2: Determination of Applicability Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform2.doc" MS Word Form 286 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform2.pdf" PDF Form 40 KB WPA Form 3: Notice of Intent Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "https://edep.dep.mass.gov/DEPHome.aspx"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://mass.gov/dep/service/images/edep_online_btn.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform3.doc" MS Word Form 460 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform3.pdf" PDF Form 134 KB Instructions:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpa3inst.doc" MS Word Form 332 KB| PDF -included with form above WPA Form 4: Abbreviated Notice of Intent Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform4.doc" MS Word Form 560 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform4.pdf" PDF Form 115 KB Instructions:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpa4inst.doc" MS Word Form 135 KB| PDF -included with form above WPA Form 4A: Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "https://edep.dep.mass.gov/DEPHome.aspx"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://mass.gov/dep/service/images/edep_online_btn.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpafor01.doc" MS Word Form 253 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpafor01.pdf" PDF Form 53 KB Instructions:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpa4ains.doc" MS Word Form 126 KB| PDF -included with form above WPA Form 4B: Order of Resource Area Delineation Filing Options: HYPERLINK "https://edep.dep.mass.gov/DEPHome.aspx"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://mass.gov/dep/service/images/edep_online_btn.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpafrm4b.doc" MS Word Form 295 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpafrm4b.pdf" PDF Form 34 KB WPA Form 5: Order of Conditions Filing Options: HYPERLINK "https://edep.dep.mass.gov/DEPHome.aspx"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://mass.gov/dep/service/images/edep_online_btn.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform5.doc" MS Word Form 322 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform5.pdf" PDF Form 47 KB WPA Form 6: Notice of Non-Significance Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform6.doc" MS Word Form 320 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform6.pdf" PDF Form 43 KB WPA Form 7: Extension Permit for Order of Conditions Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform7.doc" MS Word Form 228 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform7.pdf" PDF Form 27 KB WPA Form 8A: Request for Certificate of Compliance Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpafrm8a.doc" MS Word Form 252 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpafrm8a.pdf" PDF Form 26 KB WPA Form 8B: Certificate of Compliance Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpafrm8b.doc" MS Word Form 282 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpafrm8b.pdf" PDF Form 33 KB WPA Form 9: Enforcement Order Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform9.doc" MS Word Form 190 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wpaform9.pdf" PDF Form 16 KB WPA Emergency Certification Form Authorization for emergency projects under MGL c. 131 s. 40, necessary for the protection of the health or safety of the Commonwealth. Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/emercert.doc" MS Word Form 153 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/emercert.pdf" PDF Form 14 KB BRP WM 04 - Herbicide Application Filing Options: HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wm04app.doc" MS Word Form 160 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wm04.pdf" PDF Form 48 KB Instructions:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/wm04ins.doc" MS Word 408 KB | PDF -included with form above BRP WW 13: Renovation of Abandoned Cranberry Bogs Filing Options:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/ww13app.doc" MS Word Form 136 KB |  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/ww13.pdf" PDF Form 48 KB Instructions:  HYPERLINK "http://mass.gov/dep/water/approvals/ww13ins.doc" MS Word Form 436 KB| PDF -included with form above Tisbury Senior Center  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/826/830/default.aspx" Weekly Activities HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/826/832/default.aspx" Regularly Scheduled Events HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/826/834/default.aspx" Services The Tisbury Senior Center is a community center offering a broad range of group and individual activities and services to serve the needs and interests of those adults who are 55 and older, as well as their families. We are non-profit and non-sectarian, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of our seniors by ensuring them equal access to social, economic and political systems in a safe, secure and comfortable environment. We provide an arena in which our seniors can play a role in human services, leadership, education and as keepers of our history. Our center was built in 1991. It is fully air-conditioned in the summer months and we have plenty of parking for all visitors.We have rooms to accommodate small gatherings as well as large community events and productions.A large kitchen allows us to host cooking classes as well as community meals.A congregate lunch is available M-F, all year.In nice weather, the outside deck serves as a place of relaxation.So that our seniors remain integrated with the general population at large, our center welcomes all ages to visit and share time and talents. < Board of Directors: Sandra Pratt, chairperson Connie Teixeira Anthony Guyther Yvonne Manerson Al Koster Anthony Guyther Grace Smith Donald RoseStaff Members: Joyce Stiles-Tucker- Director Sandra Whitworth-Activities Director Donna Frazio-Companion Lilian Garvin-ReceptionistOffice Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Mon. - Fri. Location: 34 Pine Tree Rd., Vineyard Haven Tisbury Senior Center Mailing Address: PO Box 1239, Vineyard Haven, MA. 02568 Telephone: (508) 696-4205 Fax: (508) 693-0887 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:seniors@ci.tisbury.ma.us" seniors@ci.tisbury.ma.us  HYPERLINK "mailto:jstiles-tucker@ci.tisbury.ma.us" jstiles-tucker@ci.tisbury.ma.us  HYPERLINK "mailto:swhitworth@ci.tisbury.ma.us" swhitworth@ci.tisbury.ma.us Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month at 1 pm at the Center Contact: Joyce Stiles WEEKLY ACTIVITIES: Tai Chi Music Appreciation Hour, with Charles Blank Drawing & Painting Classes Upwards (3-D Scrabble) / Games Poetry Reading Circle Movies Stretch Exercise Playreaders, with Peter Luce Sign Language instruction, with Cay Munro Beehive (handcrafts) M.V. TRIAD Knitting Class Bridge groups, party and duplicate Sit & Get Fit exercise Afternoon Travels/ video A New Chapter / discussion REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS: Trips off-island Theater productions Open House SERVICES: Health Screenings Hearing Clinic Elder Law Project (legal advice) Health Insurance Counseling Emergency Food Pantry Medical equipment loans Emergency cell phones for loan Arthritis Support Group MS Support Group Diabetes Support Group Food, Housing, & Medical Application Assistance ==================================================== Town of Tisbury Emergency Management  The town of Tisbury's Emergency Management Agency mission is to develop and maintain a comprehensive plan to prepare for, respond to, and recover from all types of major emergencies that might occur in Tisbury. This is accomplished by working closely with other town departments, volunteers,and organizations that would have a role in dealing with a major emergency. During major emergencies, response and recovery activities are coordinated from the Tisbury Operations Center located at the Tisbury School where represenatives for various departments and agencies work in a unified command.  Emerency Management Director: Richard TownesDeputy Directors: Ray Gosselin Robert Maciel  Mailing Address: P.O. Box , Vineyard Haven, Ma. 02568 Telephone: (508) Fax: (508) Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:oem@ci.tisbury.ma.us" oem@ci.tisbury.ma.us Tisbury Harbormaster  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/663/default.aspx" Harbor Bulletins HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/646/default.aspx" Harbor Information HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/628/default.aspx" Frequently Asked Questions HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/631/default.aspx" Waterways & Mooring Regulations HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/634/default.aspx" Forms HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/276/default.aspx" Mooring Waiting Lists  HYPERLINK "http://www.vsv.cape.com/%7Eharharb/ciha/tisbury.html" For more Infomation about Tisbury, the Tisburyharbor, and the Tisbury Harbormaster, Use this link The . . Harbor Management Committee: Jim Lobdell Melinda Loberg Myles Carpenter Jerry Goodale Jeff Robinson Tashmoo Management Committee: Melinda Loberg Lynn Fraker Peter Strock Ann-Faye Lawton Tom Kowalski Marston Clough Rob Doyle Ray Gale Harbormaster: John M. (Jay) Wilbur III, Harbormaster John Crocker, Administrative Assistant Harbormaster ...................................................................... Office Hours: At Town Hall, Year-Round 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Seasonal, at Owen Park by Appointment Location: Owen Park Administrative Location: Town Hall Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1239 Vineyard Haven, Ma. 02568 Telephone: (508) 696-4249 Fax: (508) 696-5876 Email:ForHarbormaster"s Office  HYPERLINK "mailto:vhharbor@vineyard.net" vhharbor@vineyard.net For Administrative Secretary at Town Hall  HYPERLINK "mailto:hconklin@ci.tisbury.ma.us" hconklin@ci.tisbury.ma.us 2007 Notice To Mooring Permit Holders If You Wont Be Using Your Mooring Notify The Harbormaster By April 1st Mooring Regulation Section 13; The mooring location permit holder is required to notify the Harbormaster by April 1st of each year if the vessel-of-record will not be on the mooring during that year, whereupon the mooring will then be treated as the Town's mooring. The Harbormaster may then offer that mooring to the name on the top of the Rental Mooring Waiting List as a temporary mooring for the remainder, or any portion, of that year only. You are only required to use your mooring for 30 consecutive days in any 3-year period. We recognize that there will be years you do not use your mooring. We need to know by April 1st if you will not use your mooring so we may rent it to someone on the waiting list. Our intent is to serve as many people as possible. You may not rent your mooring yourself! We will be enforcing this vigorously! Moorings Must Be Inspected! As per Town of Tisbury Mooring Regulations Section 19; All mooring tackle shall be safe and suitable for the purposes used and it shall be the responsibility of the owner or person in charge of same to ensure that said tackle is safe and suitable. The owners or persons in charge, whether or not the permit holders, are required to have their tackle inspected, by a Harbormaster-approved inspector, at least once every three years, and the top chain pennant, and hardware are to be inspected annually. A complete inspection must be performed prior to any reassignment. An inspection report must be filed with the Harbormasters office within 14 days of any inspection. Failure to comply with this paragraph may result in immediate revocation of the mooring location permit and removal by the Harbormaster, at the expense of the owner of the tackle or any vessel on such mooring Mooring inspection compliance has improved dramatically in the past year. This is an important safety issue. Mooring inspections continue to be tracked by our office daily. Moorings requiring inspection must have completed mooring inspection forms on the Harbormasters desk by the inspection due date printed on your enclosed bill. If we dont have it, your mooring permit may be revoked. Following are the current Harbormaster approved mooring inspectors. Name Telephone Number Maciel Marine 508-693-4174 Marthas Vineyard Shipyard 508-693-0400 Tashmoo Boatyard (Kim Baptiste) 508-693-9311 Vineyard Marine (Gene DeCosta) 508-693-9646 Gemini Marine (D. McClure & J. Packer) 508-693-9456 If you have questions please contact your approved mooring inspector, the Harbormasters office at 508-696-4249 or the Harbormasters web site at tisburygov.org Harbor Info  FAQs | Q. Do you take mooring reservations? A. Moorings are offered on a first come first served basis. There is almost always a mooring available in Vineyard Haven Harbor either inside or outside the breakwater. Call the Harbormaster on VHF channel 9 to determine availability. Cruising groups of ten or more vessels may make advance reservations at the Harbormasters discretion. Q. May I make a reservation for dock space? A. The Harbormasters department does not take reservations we operate a town dock for hourly dockage excepting overnight dockage when the private marinas are full. See the listing of private marinas. Q. Are permanent or seasonal moorings available? A. There are significant waiting lists for both. Please refer to mooring regulations on this site. Q. Are anchorages available? A.Yes, anchorage is permitted outside the breakwater clear of mooring fields, channels and the causeway to Lagoon Pond Bridge. Anchored vessels must be attended every 24 hours. Anchoring is also permitted in Lagoon Pond and Lake Tashmoo. Sleeping aboard is limited to 3 consecutive days. Q. What is the entrance depth to Lake Tashmoo and Lagoon Pond? A. Lake Tashmoo is 5 feet at low water and Lagoon Pond is 9 feet at low water. The bridge over Lagoon Pond is about 13 feet vertical clearance. Top of Form  HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Hidden.1  Town of Tisbury  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/631/default.aspx" \l "*" Waterways Regulations  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/631/default.aspx" \l "**" Vineyard Haven Harbor DCPC Regulations Town of Tisbury Waterways Regulations May 23, 1995 Amended March 30, 1999; May 30, 2000; & May 2 and 23, 2006 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR TISBURY WATERWAYS INTENT It is determined to be in the best interests of the Town of Tisbury and its citizens that Vineyard Haven Harbor, Lagoon Pond, and Lake Tashmoo be used by active, registered or documented, commissioned vessels. LIABILITY Persons using the public facilities and areas within the limits of the Town of Tisbury must assume all risk of personal injury and damage or loss to their property. The Town of Tisbury assumes no risk on account of accident, fire, theft, vandalism or acts of God. SANITATION DEVICES 1. No vessel may discharge untreated wastes into the waters of Tisbury. Approved marine sanitation devices or holding tanks must be used on the waters of Tisbury. 2. Contact Harbormaster for pump out facilities 3. All commercial vessels shall have a one-foot diameter contrasting color circle painted around the sewage discharge hole to ensure visibility of prohibited sewage dumping. 4. All vessels for hire that anchor, moor, or dock in the inner harbor shall be equipped with holding tanks. POLLUTION 1. No person may discharge oil, spirits, flammable liquids or contaminated bilge wastes into Vineyard Haven waters. No person may dispose of kitchen wastes, garbage, litter, plastic, or other refuse into the waters of Vineyard Haven. 2. No odor or smoke deemed offensive by the Harbormaster shall be allowed. SPEED LIMITS Headway speed will be enforced within 150 feet of all beaches, docks, floats, boats anchored or moored, and channel areas. Headway speed only and no wake inside a line from the Eastville jetty and nun 6. Four Miles Per Hour/No Wake speed shall be enforced in the Inner Harbor. WATER SPORTS 1. Water-skiing, jet-skiing, operation of other high speed personal water craft, and similar water sports shall be prohibited within 100 feet of any beach, dock, navigation area, moored or anchored boat, or conservation-management area as designated by the Harbormaster, and 300 feet from swimmers and swimming areas, except when approaching or leaving a dock or beach. 2. The operation of all personal watercraft as defined in CMR 3234.02 is restricted to headway speed only, within Lagoon Pond, Lake Tashmoo and Vineyard Haven Harbor, inside a line drawn from Navigation Aid #7 on Eastville Jetty to Navigation Aid #10 on Vineyard Haven Harbor main breakwater. 3. Para-sailing from a boat is permitted on the waters of Tisbury only at the discretion of the Harbormaster. 4. Board-sailing is not permitted in the Inner Harbor of Vineyard Haven. 5. Skin-diving, scuba diving, and snorkeling are prohibited in the Vineyard Haven Inner Harbor from June 1st through September 15th without permission from the Harbormaster. NOISE 1. Motor vessels shall be equipped with an effective muffling device. No motorboat shall be operated on Tisbury waters with an altered muffling device, by-pass or cut-out which diminishes or prevents the proper operation of the muffler. 2. Motor vessels shall not be operated on Tisbury waters with a noise level in excess of the following standard measured at (A) fifty feet (50') from the stern of the motorboat, or (B) one hundred feet (100') from the shore. Motor Manufacture Date Decibel Level Prior to January 1, 1976 86 dB On or after January 1, 1976 and prior to January 1, 1982 84 dB On or after January 1, 1982 82 dB 3. Generating plants, main engines or any power equipment may be operated only in a fashion not deemed offense by others. USE OF VESSEL AS AN ABODE The use of vessels in Tisbury as a permanent or long-term abode is specifically prohibited. Sleeping aboard vessels is allowed as a secondary use to the vessel's principal commercial or recreational use (i.e.: cruising). VESSELS AT ANCHOR 1. No moorings permitted in the Outer Harbor East Anchorage, which is the area of the harbor lying seaward of the Large Vessel mooring Area and east of the Main Channel, excluding the Lagoon Pond Entrance Channel. 2. No anchored vessel is to be left unattended for more than 24 hours unless specific arrangements are made with the Harbormaster. 3. No anchoring within the mooring fields. WINTER STORAGE 1. Winter dinghy storage on Town beaches is prohibited. 2. Winter Storage on a mooring only with Harbormasters permission. FERRIES AND LARGE VESSELS 1. Vessels over 100 feet in length must announce their intentions on channel 16 before exiting or entering the inner harbor. 2. Scheduled ferries, meaning passenger carrying vessels over 100 feet must allow at least fifteen minutes between their boats and other scheduled boats while maneuvering within the inner harbor. 3. No two scheduled ferries may be underway inside the Eastville jetty at the same time. When two or more vessels are waiting, priority will be granted to SSA. 4. All commercial ferries shall operate within hours compliant to noise regulations. 5. All commercial ferries with a schedule shall submit their proposed summer schedule to the Harbormaster for approval no later than December 31st. 6. Any new ferries over 150 feet on length must be double ended. TOWN PIERS 1. All uses of any town dock or pier or adjacent properties shall be at the user's risk. 2. No vessel shall be left unattended at a town dock without permission of the Harbormaster or Assistant. 3. Every vessel berthing at a town dock must have its overboard toilet discharge sealed. The Harbormaster or assistant may board any vessel at a town dock to ensure the closure of overboard discharge valves. 4. The day-to-day direction of the use of town docks or piers shall be undertaken by the Harbormaster or Assistants. 5. Major repairs or maintenance of vessels are usually not allowed at town facilities. The extent of any work allowed will be determined by the Harbormaster or Assistant. 6. Swimming and diving are forbidden from Town docks or piers. Owen Park Pier Regulations INTENT The Town Pier at Owen Park is to provide Tisbury residents access to their Harbor. As an extension of Owen Park, it is a place for townspeople to enjoy with their families and friends and to share with visitors. 1. Two spaces shall be reserved near the outer end of the pier for the Harbormaster's boats. One space shall be made available to commercial fishermen where rafting will be allowed. 2. No gear is to be deposited or stored on the pier. 3. Use of electric power from the pier is forbidden. 4. The potable water spigot near the end of the pier is available for brief use by boaters. 5. Pedestrians may use the pier for walking and fishing as long as such activity does not interfere with other uses set forth in these regulations. 6. Excluding the Harbormaster's berths, face of the pier, and both the North and South sides of the tee at the end of the pier, Tisbury residents may at times and without charge secure their boats for up to three (3) hours. 7. Both sides of the inboard or shore end of the pier may be used for securing dinghies, provided that the low dinghy landing on the south side must be used for embarking and disembarking, and must be kept open for successive users. 8. At all times the East face of the pier, and both North and South sides of the tee, shall be available for temporary use of not more than ten minutes for taking aboard or discharging people or goods. 9. Remaining spaces on both sides of the pier from 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. may be rented for town revenue, provided slips are unavailable from private marinas. 10. No charcoal grills, barbecues, or other open fires may be used on the pier or aboard any boat tied up at the pier. 11. No generating units on a vessel, portable or permanently installed, may be used while the vessel is tied to the Owen Park Pier, or rafted to another boat tied to the pier. 12. Provisions for unattended vessels: When a vessel is left unattended for more than 24 hours the Harbormaster must be notified, and a responsible party named in the event that the vessel needs assistance. 13. Penalties: Each day on which any violation or offense shall exist shall be deemed to be a separate violation or offense. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to be a limitation of any method of enforcement, including criminal, civil or non-criminal disposition. A. Criminal Complaint: Whoever violates any provision of these Regulations may be penalized by indictment or on complaint brought in the District Court. Except as may be otherwise provided by law and as the Court may see fit to impose, the maximum penalties for each violation or offense shall not be more than $50.00 dollars. B. Non-criminal Disposition: Whoever violates any provision of these Regulations may be penalized by the non-criminal disposition method as provided for in G. L. c. 40, section 21D, as the same is or may hereafter be amended or supplemented. Nothing contained herein shall require the use of the non-criminal disposition method. The non-criminal disposition penalty for each violation shall be $25.00 dollars, unless otherwise allowed by law. Mooring Regulations INTENT: It is determined to be in the best interests of the Town of Tisbury and its citizens that Vineyard Haven Harbor, Lagoon Pond, and Lake Tashmoo be used by active, registered or documented, commissioned vessels. PREAMBLE: In order to better promote adequate space for moorings, ensure adequate public access, ensure a safer environment for the public, to provide for the effective management of the harbors and waterways of the Town of Tisbury, and to promote the public welfare, good and safety in marine related activities, the following regulations for the mooring of vessels within the waters of the Town of Tisbury are hereby adopted. 1. Authority: Pursuant to the general authority under G.L. c. 102., section 21 et seq., G.L. c. 91, section 10A, G.L. c. 43B, section 13, 310 CMR 9.07 and all other applicable legal authority, the Harbormaster of the Town of Tisbury is authorized to establish regulations for the mooring of vessels in Tisbury waters. The Tisbury Harbormaster hereby establishes the following rules and regulations for the placement and use of moorings within the waters of the Town of Tisbury. All such moorings and permits granted, including assignments of locations, are of a temporary nature and no property or vested rights are created or granted. The Harbormaster may in his or her discretion issue approvals, denials, assignments and grants of permits, assignments and approvals hereunder. 2. The major portion of mooring locations in Tisbury will be made available for the personal use of Tisbury and other Massachusetts residents, and a lesser portion will be available for commercial and transient rental use. All mooring locations are and shall remain the jurisdiction of the Town of Tisbury, are subject to the approval by the Harbormaster, are of a temporary nature, create no vested or property rights, and are non-transferable. Permits for the placement of moorings at locations established and approved by the Harbormaster must be obtained from the Harbormaster before any ground tackle is installed. Moorings that are established or placed without such authorization will be subject to immediate removal by the Harbormaster at the owner's expense. a. Mooring permits are for primary moorings only and shall not be granted or renewed if the vessel of record has a mooring elsewhere. Applicants for such mooring denied shall be referred to the list of rental moorings. The term primary moorings as in this paragraph shall mean a mooring where the vessel of record is moored for at least thirty (30) days each year. Hurricane moorings may be an exception, and addressed individually by the Harbormaster. b. To the extent possible and subject to space, public safety, and location considerations, the Harbormaster may give preference to homeowners of property directly abutting waterways and taxed as waterfront in assigning mooring locations adjacent to said property, said assignments to be given notwithstanding any waiting list. This regulation does not apply to already designated mooring areas. Upon transfer of this residential property to a new owner other than next of kin (defined as mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, or spouse) mooring permit owner must relinquish any mooring obtained through property purchase. 3. There are two categories of moorings permitted in the waters of the Town of Tisbury: a. Private (Vessel-of-Record) Moorings: Permits for the use and location of private mooring locations are granted by the Harbormaster for the calendar year. No person will place a vessel other than the vessel-of-record on any mooring without obtaining prior approval from the Harbormaster. Private moorings shall not be sublet except by the Town. A mooring permit holder may request that another vessel be allowed to use his assigned mooring for up to two weeks. Fore periods longer than two weeks, the Town will collect rent from that vessel-owner for the mooring or lease it to someone on the mooring waiting list at the seasonal rate. b Commercial Moorings: Commercial mooring location permits shall only be issued to businesses properly licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and/or the Town of Tisbury. Individual persons (whether as individuals or through a "passive business endeavor" or other device) will not be issued commercial mooring permits. 1. The intended purpose of commercial moorings is to enhance the operation of marine related businesses (e.g. boatyards, marinas) in their service and maintenance capabilities. Commercial moorings shall not be sublet for less than 14 days. All commercial moorings shall have an individual color scheme to be determined by the Harbormaster 2. Requests for new or additional commercial mooring permits will be reviewed by the appropriate Harbor Management Committee and the Harbormaster who will make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen. 3. Transient Rental Moorings: Those parties seeking to operate transient rental moorings (defined as any period less than 14 days) must make application for same to the Harbormaster. Approval of said transient rental mooring permit from the Harbormaster is conditioned upon the issuance of an Army Corps of Engineers permit and any permit approved by the Harbormaster will not be deemed issued until the Army Corps of Engineers permit is issued. The approval by the Harbormaster of the transient rental mooring permit will be deemed void if the Army Corps of Engineers permit is not granted within 120 days of the Harbormasters approval of the application, or any extension of said period. If an extension is going to be needed, the applicant must make a timely request to the Harbormaster for same along with supporting documentation. Applicants shall file with the Harbormaster a copy of their application to the Army Corps of Engineer when it is filed with the Corps. A copy of the permit from the Army Corps of Engineers, when issued, shall be filed with the Harbormaster. Due to the length of time involved in such applications, parties intending to offer transient rental moorings are cautioned to apply for approval from the Army Corps of Engineers and any other regulatory body early enough to complete the application process and obtain issuance of any permits or authorizations prior to the boating season. 4. Mooring Locations: Mooring tackle will be set, reassigned, relocated, or moved only upon the approval of the Harbormaster, in locations assigned by the Harbormaster and under the supervision or direction of the Harbormaster. All location assignments are of a temporary nature and no vested or property rights are created therein. There is no assurance of approval for or renewal of any particular assignment of location and all such approvals and assignments are subject to the discretion of the Harbormaster based on the needs of the community, conditions of the area involved, seasonal conditions, nature of the vessel and other circumstances related to the safe, efficient, and proper use of the waterways. Any abandoned mooring tackle, including blocks, found in any Town waterways including that not approved by the Harbormaster, may be considered as abandoned and will be removed and disposed of in accordance with the law and must be reported to the Harbormaster for disposition. 5. Applications for Mooring Permits: Individuals or businesses desiring a mooring in the Town of Tisbury must file a written application with the Harbormaster, along with a one time, non-refundable application fee. The application fee is for the processing of the application and is separate from any mooring fees required hereunder. Mooring Permit Applications not granted must be refiled annually in order for the applicant to remain on the waiting list. If no annual application is so filed, the applicants name will not be continued on the waiting list. So long as all the information is the same (including the details of the vessel involved) such application for those whose application in the prior year was denied may be filed without paying the application fee. If a party fails to file the annual application as provided for hereunder, the partys name shall be removed from the waiting list and those below that party on the list shall move up on the list accordingly. a. The Harbormaster shall maintain a waiting list by specific harbor for private mooring space (Private Mooring Waiting List), commercial mooring space (Commercial Mooring Waiting List), and Town-maintained rental moorings (Rental Mooring Waiting List), and each list shall be updated at least annually. 6. Mooring Records and Lists: The Harbormaster shall keep a detailed record of each mooring, its location, and the permittee's name, address, telephone number, date the mooring was last inspected, and the name, length, draft, beam, and registration or documentation number of the vessel-of-record. Such information must be provided by the permittee. All permitees must inform the Harbormaster of any changes in the information pertaining to the record of each mooring. The maintaining of such information is for the convenience of the Town and is not an assurance that specific action, including contacting the owner, will occur. 7. As provided in Paragraph 6 above, available moorings shall be offered to the next named applicant on the mooring waiting list, subject to the constraints contained in these rules and regulations including the determination by the Harbormaster of the suitability of the mooring location. If the available mooring is not suitable in the Harbormaster's judgment to accommodate the next named applicant's vessel or specific needs, it shall be offered to the next named qualified applicant. The applicant so bypassed shall retain his or her place on the waiting list. An applicant who refuses a mooring offered by the Harbormaster or who does not notify the Harbormaster of his/her refusal or acceptance of said permit and pay the fee therefore within thirty (30) days after notice being issued by the Harbormaster shall forfeit his/her permit and be dropped from the waiting list. 8. Renewal of Mooring Permit: All mooring permits shall expire on December 31, and should be renewed by January 31 of the following calendar year. Fees unpaid for more than three months from the billing date will cause the mooring permit to be revoked. The tackle must be removed by the permittee from that permitted location within 30 days of the Harbormasters written revocation notice or such shorter time if the Harbormaster determines that the circumstances warrant such action. If the tackle is not so removed it may be removed by or at the direction of the Harbormaster and the costs associated therewith shall be the responsibility of the owner. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an assurance or obligation that the Harbormaster will remove such tackle, and the obligation to do so and the liability arising from any such tackle shall remain that of the owner. a. Tackle not so removed may be considered abandoned and disposed of in accordance with applicable law. b. For the implementation of these regulations following their adoption, as an interim procedure, the applications for renewal must have been within thirty (30) days following the adoption of the regulations. 9. Mooring Permit Fee: All mooring applications must be accompanied by payment of the annual fee at the time of renewal or upon assignment of a new mooring location permit. Annual mooring fees will not be prorated. 10. Transferability: All mooring locations are and shall remain the jurisdiction of the Town of Tisbury and permits are not transferable. All such moorings and permits granted, including assignments of locations, are of a temporary nature and no property or vested rights are created or granted. The Harbormaster may in his or her discretion issue approvals, denials, assignments and grants of permits, assignments and approvals hereunder. A mooring location may not be sold, transferred, rented, swapped, reassigned, relocated, or bartered. If a permittee parts with possession of, or transfers the title or interest in the vessel identified in the mooring permit as the vessel of record, the permittee may replace that vessel with a new vessel of record if it is judged by the Harbormaster to be suitable for that mooring and must immediately file a new or amended mooring application with the Harbormaster for the approval of the Harbormaster, containing the information pertaining to the new vessel being proposed for that mooring. a. The ground tackle of an expired permit or person parting with the possession of or transferring the title or interest in the vessel, unless approval is granted for the new proposed vessel of record, must be removed at the expense of the individual who is quitting the mooring, or it may be sold to the next registered permit holder. b. Sale of commercial enterprises which have moorings: Excepted from the foregoing prohibition on the transfer of mooring locations shall be sales of commercial businesses to which mooring locations have been assigned. In such instances, the mooring locations shall be assignable along with the sale of the business. The transferee shall have no greater rights than the transferor and shall remain subject to the rules and regulations and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations. The transferor and transferee shall apply to the Harbormaster for approval of the transfer of the mooring locations and shall supply to the Harbormaster relative thereto such relevant information as he/she may request. Upon approval by the Harbormaster, he/she shall endorse the mooring permit as transferred or may issue such other documentation to evidence his/her action on the request. c. Should next of kin (defined as mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son or spouse) inherit and maintain the vessel-of-record, the mooring permit will be transferred to that individual. 11. The mooring location permit holder is required to notify the Harbormaster by April 1st of each year if the vessel-of-record will not be on the mooring during that year, whereupon the mooring will then be treated as the Town's mooring. The Harbormaster may then offer that mooring to the name on the top of the Rental Mooring Waiting List as a temporary mooring for the remainder, or any portion, of that year only. a. If the holder of a mooring permit in the Inner Harbor fails to notify the Harbormaster by June 15th of any year that the vessel-of-record will not be at that mooring location during that year, and has also not used that mooring by June 15th, the mooring will then be treated as the Town's mooring. The Harbormaster may then rent, for the benefit of the Town, the mooring as a transient rental mooring for the remainder, or any portion, of that year only. b. The failure of the permit holder to use his/her assigned mooring location for the vessel-of-record for at least 30 days in any of three consecutive years will, in addition to any other action which may be taken by the Harbormaster, be grounds for the Harbormaster not to renew or approve said permit after the third year. c. When a mooring is used by the Town for any reason except emergencies under paragraph 14 below, the Town shall assume full responsibility for that mooring during the period of use. 12. Emergency Conditions: The Harbormaster, in an emergency, may temporarily assign any vessel he/she deems proper to a vacant mooring so long as such temporary assignment does not interfere with the use of that mooring by the vessel-of-record. a. Boat owners having a mooring in the Outer Harbor must file written authorization, bearing the original signatures of the vessel owner and a person authorized to relocate the vessel, with the Harbor Master in case of weather emergency. Nothing contained herein shall constitute or be construed as an assurance that the Harbormaster will take any particular action in the event of an emergency. Each vessel/mooring owner and/or captain and or person in charge thereof is responsible for the safety of said vessel and the mooring and nothing hereunder and no action of the Harbormaster shall transfer that responsibility to the Harbormaster or the Town. 13. Mooring Buoys and Markings: All rental mooring buoys shall be of a distinctive marking approved by the Harbormaster. Markings of all mooring buoys shall be permanently attached or painted thereon and visible and legible whether the mooring is in use or not in use. 14. Winter Stakes: Winter stakes shall be installed not later than January 1 at all moorings not occupied by a vessel. Winter stakes shall be readily visible above the water at all times when installed and must have the mooring-registration number assigned by the Harbormaster visible and legible from at least two (2) sides when the stake is in place. No winter stakes shall be in place between June 1 and October 15. If a stake is not removed by June 1, the mooring shall be considered abandoned. If the stake is not removed by June 1, it may be removed by or at the direction of the Harbormaster and the costs associated therewith shall be the responsibility of the owner. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an assurance or obligation that the Harbormaster will remove such stake, and the obligation to do so and the liability arising from any such stake shall remain that of the owner. Stakes not so removed may be considered abandoned and disposed of in accordance with applicable law and the mooring permit for that location will be revoked. 15. Swim Floats: Swim Floats require a permanent mooring and must be removed and winter staked from November 15 to April 15. Applications for swim floats shall follow the same procedure for other mooring permits hereunder and shall otherwise be subject to these regulations and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations. 16. Floating Docks: Floating docks, permitted under G.L. c. 91 and by the Conservation Commission, require a permanent mooring and must be removed from November 15 to April 15. Applications for floating docks shall follow the same procedures for other mooring permits hereunder and shall otherwise be subject to these regulations and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations. 17. Care and Maintenance: All mooring tackle shall be safe and suitable for the purposes used and it shall be the responsibility of the owner or person in charge of same to ensure that said tackle is safe and suitable. Mooring tackle care and maintenance are the responsibility of the owner or person in charge, whether or not that party is the permit holder. The owners or persons in charge, whether or not the permit holders are required to have their tackle inspected, by a Harbormaster-approved inspector, at least once every three years, and the top chain, pennant, and hardware are to be inspected annually. A complete inspection must be performed prior to any reassignment. An inspection report must be filed with the Harbormaster's office within 14 days of any inspection. Mooring tackle determined by the Harbormaster not to be serviceable or not in conformance with the Recommended Minimum Mooring Tackle Specifications established herein may result in removal by the Harbormaster, at the expense of the owner, of the tackle or vessel-of-record assigned to that mooring until the nonconformity is corrected, or an order for said removal. All mooring ground tackle will in all respects meet or exceed the Recommended Minimum Mooring Tackle Specifications and may not be varied without the express written permission of the Harbormaster. Failure to comply with this paragraph may result in immediate revocation of the mooring location permit and removal by the Harbormaster, at the expense of the owner, of the tackle or any vessel on such mooring, or any order for said removal. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an assurance or obligation that the Harbormaster will remove or order the removal of said vessel, and the obligation to do so and the liability arising therefrom shall remain that of the owner. 18. Utilization of proper mooring tackle is necessary to secure vessels adequately at their moorings. Storms, wind, waves, tides, currents, and wash must be considered when selecting appropriate hardware. The specifications for mooring tackle contained herein or as may be specified by the Harbormaster are only minimum standards for tackle reasonably believed under normal circumstances to be adequate to secure vessels in Tisbury waterways. These standards are advisory only, and the Town of Tisbury assumes no liability for personal injury or property damage which results from the utilization of any tackle which meets or exceeds these recommendations. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an assurance or obligation as to the suitability of said tackle or any tackle used. a. Parties may exceed, with the permission of the Harbormaster, the minimum requirements and are urged to consult with their own marine professionals and experts as to the needs of their particular vessel and mooring location. The liability arising from any mooring tackle shall remain that of the owner except those under lease by the Town. 19. Vessels to be Operational: No vessel owner or person in charge thereof shall keep at a mooring an inoperable vessel for more than 30 days in any year, unless an extension is granted by the Harbormaster. An inoperable vessel is defined as a vessel whose main source of propulsion is designed to be an engine and which is incapable of being operated under its own power, or any vessel whose main source of propulsion is designed to be sail and which is unable to be sailed. 20. Inoperable vessels under winter storage: Excepted from the foregoing prohibition shall be vessels which are inoperable because they are moored during the winter storage period, which shall be from October 15 to May 15. All locations for winter storage shall be subject to the approval of the Harbormaster. 21. Nothing contained herein shall constitute a limitation as to the authority of the Town or Harbormaster under any other applicable law, rule or regulation and all such authority is specifically reserved. All permits, approvals, and assignments are issued subject to the conditions contained herein and are subject to such further directives and conditions as may be determined by the Harbormaster to be necessary and appropriate under the circumstances of the particular matter. By applying for and receiving any permit, approval, assignment or authorization hereunder, the applicant and or permit holder agrees to be bound by the terms hereof and to the extent necessary grants a license to the Town and Harbormaster as may relate to access and use of any mooring as provided for hereunder. By issuance of any such permit, approval, assignment or authorization hereunder, the Town grants a license, subject to the terms and conditions of these regulations and the authority of the Town and Harbormaster, to the use of said mooring. 22. Nothing contained herein is intended to be nor shall constitute or be construed to be intended or constituted to be an explicit or inferred specific assurance of safety or assistance or of any particular action by the Harbormaster. 23. The term Harbormaster means the person so appointed to serve as such, the person acting as Acting Harbormaster, if any, any Assistant Harbormaster or Deputy Harbormaster or any persons authorized to act in the place of and for the Harbormaster. 24. The captions to any section of these regulations are for editorial purposes only. 25. Severability: Should any portion of these regulations be determined to be invalid for any reasons and such determination is upheld, such determination shall not affect the remaining provisions of these regulations which shall remain in full force and effect, and to this end the provisions of these regulations are hereby declared to be severable. 26. Enforcement: These regulations will be enforced by the Harbormaster or designate, and any police officer of the Town of Tisbury. 27. Penalties: Each day on which any violation or offense shall exist shall be deemed to be a separate violation or offense. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to be a limitation of any method of enforcement, including criminal, civil, or non-criminal disposition. a. Criminal Complaint: Whoever violates any provision of these Regulations may be penalized by indictment or on complaint brought in the District Court. Except as may be otherwise provided by law and as the Court may see fit to impose, the maximum penalties for each violation or offense shall not be more than $50.00 dollars. c. Non-criminal Disposition: Whoever violates any provision of these regulations may be penalized by the non-criminal disposition method as provided for in G.L. c. 40, section 21D, as the same is or may hereafter be amended or supplemented. Nothing contained herein shall require the use of the non-criminal disposition method. The non-criminal disposition penalty for each violation shall be $25.00 dollars, unless otherwise allowed by law. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM MOORING TACKLE SPECIFICATIONS Utilization of proper mooring tackle is necessary to secure vessels adequately at their moorings. Storms, wind, waves, tides, currents, and wash must be considered when selecting appropriate hardware. The specifications for mooring tackle contained herein or as may be specified by the Harbormaster are only minimum standards for tackle reasonably believed under normal circumstances to be adequate to secure vessels in Tisbury waterways. These standards are advisory only, and the Town of Tisbury assumes no liability for personal injury or property damage which results from the utilization of any tackle which meets or exceeds these recommendations. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an assurance or obligation as to the suitability of said tackle or any tackle used. MOORING SYSTEM FOR LAKE TASHMOO (OUTSIDE GRID) AND LAGOON POND Length of Boat (feet)Mushroom MooringChain (Inches)Nylon Pennant (Inches)Under 18100 lbs.1/21/218 to 23150 lbs.5/85/823 to 29250 lbs.5/85/830 to 39500 lbs.3/43/440 to 49750 lbs.11Total scope to be 3 1/2 times the depth of water at storm high tide. Chain length is to be at least 2 times the depth of water at Storm High Tide. Concrete blocks may be substituted in the ponds as per the Vineyard Haven Harbor schedule. All pennant lines running through a chock or any other object where chafing may occur should have adequate chafe guards. All shackles, swivels and other hardware used in the mooring hookup should be proportional in size to the chain used. All shackles should be properly seized. The pennant shall be spliced and shackled into the bitter end of the top chain. The use of a second pennant in heavy weather is encouraged. All moorings shall have a buoy with its number on both sides and the vessel-of-record's name or registration number on it. MOORING SYSTEM FOR LAKE TASHMOO MOORING GRID ONLY Registered Boat Length on Deck (feet)Block (pounds)Bottom Chain (Inches)Top Chain (Inches)Nylon Pennant (Inches)Under 18Min. 100 Mushroom.1/23/81/218 to 25Min.1000; Max. 2000lbs.1/23/85/826 to 4030003/45/87/841 to 49400015/8150 to 7560001 3/41Total scope to be 3 times the depth of water at mean high tide. Chain length is to be at least 2 times the depth of water at mean high tide. The maximum length of the pennant will be two and one half the distance from the bow chock to the mooring cleat or post. (approximately 8 to 10 feet). All pennant lines running through a chock or any other object where chafing may occur should have adequate chafe guards. All shackles, swivels and other hardware used in the mooring hookup should be proportional in size to the chain used and of domestic manufacture meeting Federal Specifications RR-C-271 D. All shackles should be properly seized. The pennant shall be spliced on a thimble and shackled into the bitter end of the top chain. The use of a second pennant in heavy weather is encouraged. All moorings shall have a buoy with its number on both sides and the vessel-of-record's name or registration number on it. Mooring buoys shall be of the type that the chain runs through and the pennant shall be attached at the top. MOORING SYSTEM FOR VINEYARD HAVEN HARBOR Registered Boat Length on Deck (feet)Block (pounds)Bottom Chain (Inches)Top Chain (Inches)Nylon Pennant (Inches)Under 2010001/23/85/820 - 3030005/81/23/430 - 3940003/45/87/840 - 49400015/8150 - 7540001 1/43/41 1/4Vessels 75 feet and over must consult with the Harbormaster. The total scope of the chain should be 2 1/2 times the depth of the water at storm high tide. The heavy bottom chain is to be 1 1/2 times the depth, and the light chain length is to be the same as the depth of the water. The maximum length of the pennant will be two and one-half times the distance from the bow chock to the water plus the distance from the bow chock to the mooring cleat or post. All pennant lines running through a chock or any other object where chafing may occur should have adequate chafe guards. All shackles, swivels and other hardware used in the mooring hookup should be proportional in size to the chain used and of domestic manufacture meeting Federal Specifications RR-C-271 D. All shackles should be properly seized. The pennant shall be spliced and shackled into the bitter end of the top chain. The use of a second pennant in heavy weather is encouraged. All moorings shall have a buoy with its number on both sides and the vessel-of-record's name or registration number on it. Mooring buoys shall be of the type that the chain runs through and the pennant shall be attached at the top. APPLICATION, MOORING AND PIER FEES NON-REFUNDABLE APPLICATION FEE $10.00 Private Mooring Fees Length of BoatResidentsNon-ResidentsUnder 20 ft$50.00$100.0020 to 29 ft$100.00$200.0030 to 39 ft$150.00$300.0040 to 49 ft$200.00$400.0050 to 59 ft$250.00$500.0060 to 69 ft$300.00$600.0070 to 79 ft$350.00$700.0080 to 89 ft$400.00$800.0090 to 99 ft$450.00$900.00100 ft and over$500.00$1,000.00Residents with more than one mooring will be charged the same as a non-resident for the extra mooring(s). Commercial Mooring Fees $300.00 for Inner Harbor $150.00 for all other Town locations Owen Park Pier Fees 25 feet and under OAL: $5.00 per hour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Over 25 feet OAL: $10.00 per hour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $1.00 per foot overall ($30 minimum) from 4 p.m. to 10 a.m. $5.00 per day for commercial fishermen Seasonal Town-Owned Moorings For LEASE Summer (April 1 to November 30) Length of BoatResidentsNon-ResidentsUnder 30 ft$735.00$1,155.0030 ft & Over $945.00$1,365.00Shoulder (April 1 to June 30 or Labor Day to November 30) includes Town docks Residents: $150.00; Non-residents: $250.00 Winter (December 1 to March 30) Residents: $420; Non-residents: $525.00 Town Mooring Fee Per Night $35.00 per night Given under our hand this sixth day of June, 2006 Tisbury Board of Selectmen ____________________________________ ________________________________________ Tristan R. Israel, Chairman John M. Wilbur, III, Harbormaster ___________________________________ Thomas W. Pachico ___________________________________ Denys Wortman, Clerk   Forms links page  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/634/637/Mooring%2bInspection%2bForm.doc" Mooring Inspection Form  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/634/660/Mooring%2bLease%2bApplication.doc" Town Mooring Lease Application Form  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/634/640/Mooring%2bApplication.doc" Mooring Application Form  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/622/634/657/default.aspx" Owen Park Permit  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/634/715/TOWN%2bMOORING%2bLEASE%2bAGREEMENT.doc" Town Mooring Lease Agreement TOWN OF TISBURY MOORING #__________________ MOORING INSPECTION FORM EMAIL ADDRESS __________________ PERMIT HOLDERS NAME ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE # SUMMER ______________________ WINTER _____________________________ BOAT NAME ___________________________________ MAKE ________________________ BOAT DOC# OR REG# ____________________ LENGTH _______BEAM _______DRAFT ______ MOORING TYPE _____________________ CHAIN LENGTH TOP__________ BOTTOM________ MOORING WEIGHT ______________ CHAIN SIZE TOP ___________ BOTTOM ___________ CHAFE GEAR YES_____ NO _____ PENNANT SIZE ____________ LENGTH ____________ MOORING COMPLIES YES _____ NO _____ INSPECTION METHOD, HAUL ONLY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ DATE CORRECTIONS TO BE COMPLETED (14 DAYS FROM DATE OF INITIAL INSPECTION)__________________________ INSPECTORS NAME ______________________________ DATE OF INSPECTION _____________ INSPECTORS SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________________ (THIS INSPECTION IS REQUIRED EVERY THREE YEARS) The Town of Tisbury assumes no responsibility for the safety of any vessel moored and WILL NOT be liable for fire, theft, or damage to said vessel. The mooring owner agrees that the mooring of any vessel shall be at his/her risk including liability for damage his/her boat may cause to other vessels or property. It is the responsibility of the individual to periodically inspect all chaffing gear on the mooring pennants to ensure protection during storms. The Town of Tisbury WILL NOT be responsible for the vessel going adrift or ashore. Upon signing this inspection form, I agree to abide by the above requirements and corrections. ____________________________________________________ _____________________________ SIGNATURE OF MOORING OWNER DATE Rev 1/05 TOWN OF TISBURY HARBORMASTER John Jay M. Wilbur III PO Box 1239 Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 508-696-4201 TOWN LEASE MOORING APPLICATION Incomplete applications will not be accepted Please read the following information before filling out application on reverse side We will notify you when a town lease mooring is available Town Lease Moorings not granted must be re-filed annually in order for the applicant to remain on the waiting list. A simple letter should be mailed to the Harbormaster, postmarked during the month of January. Letters may also be delivered in person during regular Town Hall business hours in January. If no annual application is timely filed, the applicants name will not be continued on the waiting list. If a party fails to file the annual renewal as provided for hereunder, the partys name shall be removed from the waiting list and those below that party on the list shall move up on the list accordingly. MGL prohibits the Town from giving a preference to Tisbury Residents. You should expect to be on the waiting list for several years. We cannot predict when town lease moorings will become available. Moorings become available when Lease Holders give up their leases, usually due to relocation or age. To renew you must mail a letter to the Harbormaster postmarked during the month of January, or deliver the letter by hand to Town Hall during regular business hours during the month of January, every year until you receive your town lease mooring. Please include basic information in your letter such as Name, Address, Phone , Type & Size of Boat. We will not accept faxes or e-mails. We will not remind you to renew. You pay a $10.00 application fee no matter how many waiting lists you are signing up for. You are not required to pay another $10.00 application fee. Incomplete applications will be rejected. The Mooring Waiting List is posted at Town Hall To the extent possible and subject to space, public safety, and location considerations, the Harbormaster may give preference to households of property abutting water ways where mooring locations are assigned for mooring assignments adjacent to said property or as close thereto as the Harbormaster determines appropriate, said assignments to be given notwithstanding any waiting list. This regulation does not apply to already designated mooring area. We will notify you when a town lease mooring is available I have received a copy and agree to abide by the Town of Tisbury Waterways Regulations including any amendments. ____________________________________________ Date ___________________ Applicants Signature ============================================================= Mooring Application Form Name:___________________________________________________________ Telephone: (winter)_______-_______-____________ (summer)________-_______-____________ Email Address _____________________________________________ Mailing Address (On Island) (Off Island) ___________________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________________ Location: (please circle all mooring areas you are applying for) Harbor Outer Harbor Lagoon Tashmoo Outer Harbor Mooring Permits will only be given to outer harbor waterfront property owners or members of the Vineyard Haven Yacht Club. Description of Vessel of Record If you do not presently own a boat please describe what you plan to purchase and write plan to purchase on the other comments line. We match boats to space available. Name ___________________________ Value/cost $__________________ Registration or Doc. #__________________________ Important: Please be aware that under Chapter 528, Acts of 1972, all boats powered by mechanical means on the waters of the Commonwealth must be registered regardless of horsepower. Make _________________________ Year Built _______________ Power or Sail _______________ Color ___________________ Length ________________ Draft ______________ Beam __________ Insurance Company & Phone #__________________________________________________________ Agent/Boatyard & Phone #______________________________________________________________ Other Comments ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Size and Type of Mooring Anchor Mushroom or Concrete Block _______________ Weight ______________ Size of Chain ___________ Description of Buoy ____________________________________________________________________ For Harbormaster Use Only: Assigned Mooring # ______________Location ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Date __________________ John Jay M. Wilbur III TOWN OF TISBURY HARBORMASTER John Jay M. Wilbur III PO Box 1239 Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 508-696-4201 PRIVATE MOORING PERMIT APPLICATION Incomplete applications will not be accepted Please read the following information before filling out application on reverse side We will notify you when a mooring permit is available Mooring Permits not granted must be re-filed annually in order for the applicant to remain on the waiting list. A simple letter should be mailed to the Harbormaster, postmarked during the month of January. Letters may also be delivered in person during regular Town Hall business hours in January. If no annual application is timely filed, the applicants name will not be continued on the waiting list. If a party fails to file the annual application as provided for hereunder, the partys name shall be removed from the waiting list and those below that party on the list shall move up on the list accordingly. MGL prohibits the Town from giving a preference to Tisbury Residents. We will not accept faxes or e-mails. We will not remind you to renew. You should expect to be on the waiting list for several years. We cannot predict when mooring permits will become available. Mooring Permits become available when Permit Holders give up their permits, usually due to relocation or age. You pay a $10.00 application fee no matter how many waiting lists you are signing up for. To renew you must mail a letter to the Harbormaster postmarked during the month of January, or deliver the letter by hand to Town Hall during regular business hours during the month of January, every year until you receive your mooring. Please include basic information in your letter such as Name, Address, Phone, Type & Size of Boat and all mooring areas you are applying for. You are not required to pay another $10.00 application fee. Incomplete applications will be rejected. The Mooring Waiting List is posted at Town Hall on the Town website and the Harbormasters Office in Owen Park To the extent possible and subject to space, public safety, and location considerations, the Harbormaster may give preference to households of property abutting water ways where mooring locations are assigned for mooring assignments adjacent to said property or as close thereto as the Harbormaster determines appropriate, said assignments to be given notwithstanding any waiting list. This regulation does not apply to already designated mooring area. We will notify you when a mooring permit is available I have received a copy and agree to abide by the Town of Tisbury Waterways Regulations including any amendments. ____________________________________________ Date ___________________ Applicants Signature Top of Form  HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Hidden.1  Owen Park Permit 2005 Please provide a copy your motor vehicle registration, complete this application and submit the required $10.00 annual permit fee, payable to The Town of Tisbury I hereby make application for a permit to park at Owen Park and acknowledge that I understand and accept the regulations governing special parking privileges/permits at Owen Park as follows: This permit is in effect April 15, 2005 and expires November 15, 2005. If purchased after April 15th, the day of purchase is first day of parking ability. Use of an Owen Park Permit is for use up to a maximum of 24 hours and only when I am using my boat, which has a mooring in Vineyard Haven Inner Harbor. The permit issued must be prominently displayed on the drivers side toward the rear of the vehicle. This permit shall only be used in the 24 hour parking places at Owen Park and is not valid in any other location. The parking permit will be permanently revoked if it is found the permit is used for any other purpose, or for extended periods. Tickets will be issued for all parking violations and will not be voided. Owner of Vehicle : _______________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ (As it appears on Motor Vehicle Registration) Phone: ________________________________________________________________ Reg. #_______________________ State ________ Make ________________________Color ____________ Year ____ The undersigned agrees to abide the above regulations and that the Town of Tisbury will not be liable for any loss or damage to the above mentioned vehicle, its equipment or contents occurring while said vehicle is parked at Owen Park. ____________________________________ Date: _______________ Signature of Applicant The above individual has a seasonal mooring # __________ or is a Commercial Fisherman, in our harbor and should be issued a 2005 parking permit. ____________________________________ Date: _______________ John M. Wilbur III, Harbormaster Office Use: Permit # Assigned __________ $10.00 received cash or check Initials of issuer _________ TOWN MOORING LEASE AGREEMENT LESSEE NAME:_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ PHONE:____________________ EMAIL:________________________________ The Town of Tisbury agrees to lease to Lessee Town Mooring # _________ in the Vineyard Haven Harbor, for the period ___________________. This lease is non-transferable. In consideration for the mooring, Lessee agrees to pay the total of $________________ which includes 5% sales tax, payable upon acceptance of this document by the Selectmen for the lease period specified in Article #1 above and further agrees that he shall be solely responsible for the cost of any and all necessary repairs and improvements to said mooring. In furtherance of this agreement, Lessee agrees to maintain and to provide to the Town of Tisbury, proof of Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance acceptable to the Selectmen insuring the Town of Tisbury and the Lessee against injury to persons in the amount to $300,000.00, with Property Damage Insurance in limits of $100,000.00. Lessee agrees that the leased mooring is available for use by the Harbormaster for whatever purpose he may deem necessary, whenever said mooring is not in use by Lessee. Owner shall not sublet or assign the mooring. This agreement shall automatically terminate on substantial damage to or destruction of moorage space. Discharge of pollutants. This agreement shall automatically terminate in the event the owner discharges, or causes or suffers to be discharged, any trash, litter, sewage, or other form of pollutant from owners vessel into the waters of Vineyard Haven Harbor. TOWN MOORING LEASE AGREEMENT Page 2 Boat owner covenants to exercise due care in occupation of the mooring. Boat owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town from and against all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, and liabilities, including attorney fees, arising from or connected with boat owners possession and use of the mooring. Boat owner acknowledges that he or she has inspected the mooring and is satisfied that it is adequate for safe mooring of the vessel. This contract is not a bailment of the boat owners boat but a lease of a mooring. Owner (Lessee) agrees that the town has made no warranties or representations either expressed or implied, regarding the present or future condition, nature, suitability, or fitness of the mooring. Owner (Lessee) assumes all risk of injury, death, damage, or injury to property, however caused, and whether occurring on the boat or by or on property belonging to the Town or under control of the Town. Lessee agrees that at the end of said lease term he will peaceably deliver up to the Town of Tisbury the leased mooring(s), and improvement made to or upon same, in as good order and condition as the same now are or may be put in, ordinary wear and tear expected. Lessee acknowledges and understands that the above terms are the total terms of this agreement and that there are no other terms expressed or implied ____________________________________ __________________________________ LESSEE SIGNATURE DATE BY/FOR TOWN OF TISBURY BOAT NAME____________________________ SIZE__________ DRAFT________ MAKE and YEAR_________________________ REG or US DOC #_____________ ISLAND ADDRESS_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ISLAND PHONE ________________________________ Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Mooring Waiting Lists  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/276/278/Harbor_Mrng_Wait_List_August_2007.doc" Harbor Mooring Waiting List  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/276/280/Lagoon_Mrng_Wait_List_August_2007.doc" Lagoon Mooring Waiting List  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/276/284/Outer_Harbor_Mrng_Wait_List_August_2007.doc" Outer Harbor Mooring Waiting List  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/276/282/Tashmoo_Mrng_Wait_List_August_2007.doc" Tashmoo Mooring Waiting List  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/276/286/Town_Lease_Mrng_Wait_List_August_2007.doc" Town Lease Harbor Mooring Waiting List  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/filestorage/126/622/276/867/Commercial_Mrng_Wait_List_February_2007.doc" Commercial MooringWaiting List Harbor Mooring Application Waiting List updated 08/31/07 Name Status App Date William Bassett moved away Sheldon Brotman off 02 Geoff Currier off 02 Peter Scott assigned 03 Alan Wilson off 02 David Eastburn off 03 Dana Thibeau off 06 assigned Harbor 1/06 Jim Welch off 03 Andon George off 04 assigned Tash 04 Taylor Wilson current 07 Stephen Power off 02 John Brazil off 04 assigned 04 Richard Medeiros current 05 off 06 MV Marine Brokerage off 02 Daniel Hanavan off 03 Ronald Speed off 04 assigned 04 Maria & Glenn Maki off 03 John & Nora Kerr off 02 Robert Kvaal off 07 James Lawless off 04 Richard Porter off 07 08/21/98 Louis Johnson off 04 Andrew Kemper off 04 Susan Button off 04 assigned 04 Sirakovsky & Colon off 04 assigned 04 John P Crane off 03 Frank Zeven current 07 03/12/99 Bencion Moskow off 02 Chuck Hodgkinson off 06 assigned Tash 1/06 Ebba Hierta off 05 assigned Tash 05 Michael Orsatti off 04 Martin Becker off 06 assigned harbor lease 05 09/15/99 Ronald Stewart off 02 Kevin Nagle off 02 Charles Rock off 02 Carlo DAntonio off 02 04/07/99 Benjamin Clark off 02 05/18/99 Glenn Caraglior off 02 Artie Cannon off 02 Frederic Lucas off 02 Pamela Browning off 05 moved away Don Turnell off 02 David O. Beim off 02 Mary Snyder off 05 Mark Laliberte off 02 Thomas Kowalski off 05, assigned Tash 08/27/99 Roger Colvin off 06 assigned Tash 1/06 08/28/99 Eleanor Tuck moved away Constance Goodwin off 03 Bruce Jeffreys off 02 Jeff DeLong off 05, assigned Harbor 05 David Joseph off 03 Anthony Cimeno off 06 assigned Tash 1/06 Andrew Flake off 02 Tom Ronan off 02 James Mazzara off 02 Carlos Colley off 02 Jim Pringle off 05 assigned Harbor 05 03/27/00 Frank Banister off 03 George Machon off 05, assigned Harbor lease 05 William Bennett off 04 04/27/00 Thomas Collins off 04 Wesley Nagy current 07 06/06/00 Gordon Massingham off 06 assigned Tash 1/06 Alan Hirshberg off 02 Lindsey Lawrence off 03 Stephen Hart off 02 Debra Nydegger off 06 07/24/00 Donald Hoffman off 02 William Cini off 02 David Breen off 02 Dan Agresti off 07 09/06/00 Timothy Aurden off 03 Ray Leone off 03 Thomas Tate off 02 Diane Espindle off 02 Charles Talpin off 02 Daniel Weiss off 02 Edmond Clermont off 02 Irving Gates off 06 Jon Newman current 07 12/04/00 Gerald Allen off 05 Timothy Connelly off 06 assigned Tash 1/06 01/30/01 Dennis Luttrell off 05, told HM has primary elsewhere 02/02/01 Clifford W McKibbin off 02 Robert Pieringer off 02 Doug Heil off 06 assigned Harbor 1/06 03/16/01 Charles M. Parrish off 06 04/05/01 David Reese Jr off 04 Bob Lonadier off 04 Carlo DAntonio off 02 Hamilton Clark off 02 John Shannon off 02 Paula Sullivan off 06 assigned Tash 1/06 Robert Stein off 02 Melinda Cross off 02 Bruce Lewellyn off 02 Barry Brown off 02 John Zannini off 04 Eric Pearson off 02 Lawrence Zalkin off 04 Deborah Herrmann off 02 Daniel Goldrick off 02 Elizabeth Campbell off 03 David Grain off 03 Robert deVeer Jr off 04 Paul Hannigan off 06 assigned Harbor 1/06 07/10/01Philip Westover off 04 Michael Kraft off 02 Reid Silva off 02 Ted Saulnier off 05 assigned Tash 05 Tom Lankiewicz off 02 Bruce Rohr off 04 Joan McCloskey assigned Harbor 5/18/07 Richard Sullivan off 04 Eliot Macy off 02 Robert White off 03 Robert McCarron off 05, assigned Tash 05 John Harrer off 04 S & E Campbell off 02 W & K Griffith off 02 B & R Eliot off 06 Pascal Albanese off 02 Deborah Herrmann off 02 David Grain off 03 Anna Flaherty off 06 01/06/02 Patrick Flaherty off 06 01/06/02 Jeff Harrington off 06 04/17/02 Sanford Lowe off 04 Peter Breese off 03 Paul Menton off 03 Ralph Minor off 04 J. Saloskey & J. Pepper off 04 Donald Rappaport off 05 06/12/02 Ross Macpherson current 07 06/13/02 Steve Knipmeyer off 06 assigned tash 1/06 07/08/02 Barry Brown off 03 Peter Goodale off 06 assigned Harbor 1/06 07/31/02 Renee Goodale current 07 07/31/02 Lindsay Lawrence off 03 Tom Chirgwin off 04 Roxanne Field off 04 09/17/02 Pieter Pill off 03 Colin Whyte off 05, assigned Tash 05 12/03/02 Richard Glaser current 07 12/27/02 Virginia Jones off 05 01/22/03 Mary Etherington off 04 Michael Jacobs current 07 04/09/03 Hillary Conklin current 07 07/03/03 Charles Libby off 04-late Ralph Minor off 04 Thomas Taddeo off 03 Michael Stimola off 05 07/17/03 David B. Lopes off 05, wants Tash only 07/30/03 Robert Goodale current 07 08/01/03 Sarah Albert off 07 08/25/03 Robt. & Suz. Hughes off 06 assigned Tash 1/06 08/18/03 James Policastro off 06 assigned Tash 1/06 08/21/03 Timothy Ferry off 04 Carl Sorensen off 04 Jake Albert off 05 assigned OH 05 08/25/03 Alexandra Broome off 04 Carlo DAntonio off 04 Philip Westover off 04 Douglas Stolfors off 05 Nick Van Nes off 04 Constance Goodwin off 05, assigned Tash 05 09/23/03 George Churchill off 05, on nonres wait list 05 10/14/03 Marie O. Thompson off 04 Joseph Jims Jr off 05 10/15/03 Maria & Glenn Maki off 06 assigned Lagoon 1/06 10/31/03 Dominic Maxwell off 05 10/31/03 Stephen Hart off 04 Robert Osborne off 06 assigned lagoon 1/06 11/13/03 Letitia Zell off 07 11/13/03 John Shannon current 07 11/14/03 Michael Minkiewicz off 06 assigned Outer Harbor 1/06 11/24/03 Julie Pringle current 07 11/26/03 Alan Hirshberg current 07 01/02/04 Richard Brown off 05 01/05/04 Leslie Graham off 05 C. Jann & E. Condlin current 07 01/21/04 Mark LaLiberte current 07 01/23/04 Ben Wood off 05 02/23/04 Lindsey Lawrence off 07 02/26/04 Judith Federowicz off 06 assigned outer harbor 1/06 03/05/04 Robert Novembre off 06 03/10/04 Peter Sullo off 06 assigned Tash 1/06 03/12/04 Christine Rose off 06 assigned Lagoon 1/06 03/29/04 Bradford Elliott current 07 04/05/04 Ben Spencer assigned Tash 6/06 off 6/06 04/08/04 Carl Sorensen off 05 04/09/04 Dan Pesci off 05 04/21/04 H. & M. Smith off 06 assigned Lagoon 1/06 04/22/04 Philip Zweig current 07 04/23/04 Peter Rodegast off 06 04/23/04 Deborah Herrmann assigned Tash 6/06 off 06 05/14/04 Charles Rock current 07 05/27/04 William & M. Aibel assigned Tash 6/06 off 06 05/28/04 J Salosky/J Pepper current 07 06/01/04 Ralph Miner off 05 06/04/04 Robert Stein off 05 06/04/04 Rebecca S. Latimore off 06 06/10/04 Nancy & Jon Newman current 07 06/21/04 Pieter Pil assigned Tash 6/06 off 06 06/21/04 A. & D. Grogan current 07 06/22/04 Rees Cosgrove current 07 06/24/04 K., J. & K. Holland off 06 06/25/04 Virgil Bekius assigned Tash 6/06 off 06 07/08/04 Jay Heihsel off 05, primary mrng elsewhere, on rental list 05 07/09/04 Daniel Ruane off 06 07/26/04 Matthew Thomas current 07 08/13/04 Anthony Marchigiano off 05 08/20/04 Peter Shea off 07 09/15/04 GollnerH/MaldonadoL current 07 10/08/04 Ellen F. Bunch current 07 11/02/04 Scott Menton assigned Tash 6/06 off 06 12/09/04 Christopher Leah off 06 12/23/04 Jill Crovitz assigned Tash 6/06 off 06 01/19/05 Gary Maynard off 06 01/25/05 Robert Becchio off 07 01/28/05 T & K Chirgwin off 06 02/18/05 Diane Hartman off 06 03/01/05 James Goodwin off 07 03/09/05 Jennifer McDonough off 06 03/22/05 Thomas Lankiewicz assigned Lagoon 06 04/04/05 Andy Lyon off 06 04/08/05 Kim Montgomery off 06 04/19/05 George Peterson off 06 04/19/05 Karl Frey off 06 04/22/05 Joseph Andrade current 07 05/09/05 Chris Osmers off 06 05/12/05 Douglas Gordon off 06 05/13/05 Kevin Nagle current 07 05/16/05 S & K Donegan off 06 05/20/05 Paul OMeara off 06 05/20/05 Erin Nydegger off 06 05/26/05 Glenn Medowski current 07 05/31/05 Ken Berkov off 06 06/06/05 Frederick Estabrook current 07 06/06/05 Brad Loberg current 07 06/08/05 Rudolf Laager current 07 06/22/05 Andrew Berry current 07 07/01/05 Charles Frankenhoff off 06 07/08/05 Walter Wright current 07 07/10/05 David Gordon current 07 07/14/05 Sam Low current 07 07/18/05 Hans Johansson off 06 07/26/05 James Wilson off 06 08/05/05 Sandra Atwood off 07 08/09/05 Roxanne Field current 07 08/12/05 Judy Crawford wants Tash only off 06 08/16/05 Alan Wilson off 06 08/18/05 Jeff Richards off 06 08/30/05 Paul Curran current 07 09/21/05 Scott Jones current 07 09/23/05 Peter Stam off 06 09/24/05 Adam Cummings off 07 09/30/05 Ivory Littlefield off 07 10/11/05 Stephen Scott off 06 11/15/05 Charles Morgan off 06 12/29/05 Frederic Lucas off 07 01/03/06 Don Turnell current 07 01/05/06 Kenneth Weissman off 07 01/10/06 Tom ONeil current 07 01/26/06 Doug Gordon assigned Lagoon 06 02/01/06 Diane Hartmann current 07 02/01/06 Bill Bennett current 07 02/02/06 Harbor Waiting List Page 2 Name Status App Date Thomas Rancich off 07 02/06/06 Thomas Sannicandro off 07 02/23/06 Ralph Buck off 07 03/13/06 Eric OConnell off 07 03/21/06 Stephen Campbell current 07 03/27/06 Charles Morgan off 07 04/03/06 Warren Cookson current 07 04/04/06 Peter Stam current 07 04/19/06 Robert Stein assigned Tash 06 05/05/06 Sarah Smith off 07 05/15/06 Jonathan Burke current 07 05/17/06 James Raycroft off 07 05/22/06 James Higby current 07 05/30/06 Dominic Maxwell current 07 06/06/06 David Leeds current 07 06/14/06 Seana Kelley-Chase off 07 06/19/06 Samuel Donegan off 07 06/20/06 C/P McAndrews assigned Lagoon 06 06/27/06 Marc Levine current 07 06/30/06 Allan Sampson off 07 06/30/06 Mark Nickowal off 07 06/30/06 Joanne Bauer off 07 07/03/06 Stephen/Elizabeth Scott off 07 07/10/06 Jim Welch off 07 07/13/06 Thomas Chirgwin current 07 07/24/06 Denys Wortman current 07 07/24/06 Tom Richardson off 07 07/24/06 Ralph Miner off 07 08/03/06 H Feldman/C Friedman current 07 08/08/06 Donald/Elena Grande current 07 08/15/06 Charles/Lara Robinson current 07 08/29/06 L Kaplan/P Tollman current 07 08/31/06 Donald Rappaport off 07 09/11/06 Ron Slahetka current 07 09/11/06 Steven Certilman current 07 09/11/06 Charles Wardell current 07 09/12/06 Kathleen Mullens off 07 09/15/06 James Rogers current 07 09/26/06 Jon Nelson, Jr. off 07 10/07/06 Bridget Rauh current 07 10/13/06 Charles Frankenhoff off 07 10/18/06 J & K Clothier current 07 12/26/06 G Mayner/E Gardner current 07 12/29/06 Tristram Pough current 07 01/23/07 Jennifer McDonough current 07 02/06/07 S Kelley/B Patterson current 07 02/20/07 Anna Flaherty current 07 02/27/07 Sarah Smith current 07 03/06/07 Greg Williamson current 07 03/08/07 Wayne Bagby current 07 03/12/07 Peter McChesney current 07 03/20/07 Virginia Jones current 07 03/26/07 James Goodwin current 07 04/10/07 Jon Nelson current 07 04/11/07 Phil Shorey current 07 04/18/07 Kim & Paul Maleh current 07 04/30/07 L Gould/S Parks current 07 05/04/07 Paul OMeara current 07 06/04/07 Robert Honey current 07 06/06/07 James Raycroft current 07 06/15/07 Randy Simon current 07 06/18/07 James Pinder current 07 06/27/07 Stevens Leland current 07 07/09/07 Harold Chapdelaine current 07 08/01/07 Morgan Barrieau current 07 08/14/07 Robert Herman current 07 08/17/07 Harbor Waiting List Page 3 Name Status App Date Annette Sandrock current 07 08/17/07 John Hibbard current 07 08/28/07 William Kelly current 07 08/29/07 Lagoon Mooring Applications-updated 08/31/07 Name Status 1. Hillary Conklin current 07 2. Robert Goodale current 07 3. Alan Hirshberg current 07 4. Rees Cosgrove current 07 5. Matthew Thomas current 07 6. Gollner H /MaldonadoL current 07 7. Ellen F. Bunch current 07 8. Glenn Medowski current 07 9. John Richardson current 07 10. Diane Hartmann current 07 11. Peter Stam current 07 12. Dominic Maxwell current 07 13. Thomas Chirgwin current 07 14. Donald/Elena Grande current 07 15. Charles/Lara Robinson current 07 16. Steven Certilman current 07 17. Charles Wardell current 07 18. Doug Bardwell current 07 19. James Rogers current 07 20. J & K Clothier current 07 21. G Mayner/E Gardner current 07 22. Anna Flaherty current 07 23. James Wilson current 07 24. Wayne Bagby current 07 25. Zeb Tilton current 07 26. James Goodwin current 07 27. Jon Nelson current 07 28. Kim & Paul Maleh current 07 29. Samuel Donegun current 07 30. Marc Shapiro current 07 31. Eugene DeCosta current 07 32. Howard Marlin current 07 33. Thomas Buchert current 07 34. Louis Dimovich current 07 35. Zachary White current 07 36. John Clough current 07 37. Paul OMeara current 07 38. Robert Honey current 07 39. Zachary Clark current 07 40. Richard Bender current 07 41. James Raycroft current 07 42. Michael Silvia current 07 43. Russell Coburn current 07 44. Dory OToole current 07 45. James Pinder current 07 46. Brian Alden current 07 47. George Apostolides current 07 48. Erin Blair current 07 49. Robert Herman current 07 50. Annette Sandrock current 07 51. Oscar Hansen current 07 52. John Hibbard current 07 53. William Kelly current 07 54. Diane Bauer current 07 OUTER HARBOR MOORING APPLICATIONS-updated 08/31/07 1. Jon Newman current 07 2. Hillary Conklin current 07 3. Mark Laliberte current 07 4. Bradford Elliott current 07 5. Rees Cosgrove current 07 6. Matthew Thomas current 07 7. Roxanne Field current 07 8. David Leeds current 07 9. Richard Pierce current 07 10. Alex Meleney current 07 11. W & G Morris current 07 12. Alden Chadwick current 07 13. Tom Styron current 07 14. Tim Whiting current 07 15. Harold Chapdelaine current 07 16. Annette Sandrock current 07 Tashmoo Mooring Applications Waiting List-updated 08/31/07 Name Status 1. Hillary Conklin current 07 2. Robert Goodale current 07 3. Julie Pringle current 07 4. Alan Hirshberg current 07 5. C. Jann & E. Condlin current 07 6. Mark Laliberte current 07 7. Rees Cosgrove current 07 8. Gollner H & Maldonado L current 07 9. Ellen F. Bunch current 07 10. Joseph Andrade current 07 11. Dave Andrews current 07 12. Glenn Medowski current 07 13. John Richardson current 07 14. Frederick Estabrook current 07 15. Melissa Keeler current 07 16. Leslie Graham current 07 17. Michael Cutler current 07 18. Michael Costa current 07 19. David Gordon current 07 20. Sam Low current 07 21. Randall Robinson current 07 22. Judy Crawford current 07 23. Scott Jones current 07 24. Don Turnell current 07 25. Matthew Thomas current 07 26. Tom ONeil current 07 27. Dianne Hartmann current 07 28. Stephen Campbell current 07 29. Richard Bagian current 07 30. Jonathan Snyder current 07 31. Jonathan Burke current 07 32. George & Eric Kiesewetter current 07 33. James Higby current 07 34. Dominic Maxwell current 07 35. Burton Shapiro current 07 36. Marc Levine current 07 37. Gregory Robert Cimeno current 07 38. Thomas Chirgwin current 07 39. H Feldman/C Friedman current 07 40. Donald/Elena Grande current 07 41. John Hetherington current 07 42. Ron Slahetka current 07 43. Steven Certilman current 07 44. Charles Wardell current 07 45. Doug Bardwell current 07 46. James Rogers current 07 47. David Kosse current 07 48. Bridget Rauh current 07 49. Joann Sandler current 07 50. J & K Clothier current 07 51. Tristram Pough current 07 52. Risto Nivala current 07 53. Ladislav Navratil current 07 54. S Kelley/B Patterson current 07 55. Anna Flaherty current 07 56. Sarah Smith current 07 57. Robert Peterson current 07 58. James Wilson current 07 59. Pieter Pil current 07 60. Wayne Bagby current 07 61. Jaime Hamlin current 07 62. Zeb Tilton current 07 63. James Goodwin current 07 64. Jon Nelson current 07 65. William Little current 07 66. Randy Jardin current 07 67. Phil Shorey current 07 68. Kim & Paul Maleh current 07 69. Samuel Donegun current 07 70. Michael Jampel current 07 71. Thomas Buchert current 07 72. Louis Dimovich current 07 73. Paul OMeara current 07 74. Robert Honey current 07 75. Rachel Rohr current 07 76. James Raycroft current 07 77. Michael Silvia current 07 78. Russell Coburn current 07 79. Randy Simon current 07 80. James Pinder current 07 81. Stevens Leland current 07 82. JohnWillis current 07 83. J & M Noel current 07 84. Tom Hopkins current 07 85. Tony Nevin current 07 86. Erin Blair current 07 87. Robert Herman current 07 88. Annette Sandrock current 07 89. William Kelly current 07 Town Lease Mooring Applications-updated 08/31/07 Name Status 1. J & D McCloskey current 07 2. Frank Zeven current 07 3. Francis DeRiso current 07 4. Wes Nagy current 07 5. Kristian Strom current 07 6. Ross MacPherson current 07 7. Jon Newman current 07 8. Renee Goodale current 07 9. Richard Glaser current 07 10. Hillary Conklin current 07 11. Robert Goodale current 07 12. C.Jann & E.Condlin current 07 13. Phillip Zweig current 07 14. Charles Rock current 07 15. J Salosky/J Pepper current 07 16. Mike & Pat Orsatti current 07 17. A & D Grogan current 07 18. Rees Cosgrove current 07 19. Matthew Thomas current 07 20. GollnerH/MaldonadoLcurrent 07 21. Paul Curran current 07 22. Scott Jones current 07 24. Don Turnell current 07 25. Marc Levine current 07 26. Doris Sepuka current 07 27. David Gordon current 07 28. L Kaplan/P Tollman current 07 29. Steven Certilman current 07 30. James Rogers current 07 31. Kurt Freund current 07 32. Denys Wortman current 07 33. Kathleen Mullens current 07 34. Virginia Jones current 07 35. Rachel Rohr current 07 36. William Cooke current 07 37. J & M Noel current 07 38. Harold Chapdelaine current 07 39. David McDonough current 07 40. Gary Martin current 07 Commercial Mooring App. Waiting List-updated 02/20/07 Name Harbor(s) Requested Status 1. Vineyard Marine, Inc. Tashmoo current 07 2. Glenn Pachico Tashmoo current 07 =============================================================== Tisbury Board of Health  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/544/703/710.aspx" Fee Schedule  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/544/700/62.aspx" Frequently Asked Questions  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/544/706/default.aspx" Regulations  HYPERLINK "http://tisburygov.org/content/126/544/697/63.aspx" Health AdvisoriesUnder Massachusetts General Laws, state and local regulations and community direction, Boards of Health are held responsible for disease prevention and control, health and environmental protection and promoting a healthy community. Boards of Health serve as the local arm of both the Mass. Department of Public Health and the Mass. Department of Environmental Protection. To fulfill their duties, they develop, implement and enforce health policies, oversee inspections to maintain minimum standards for sanitation in housing and food service, and assure that the basic health needs of their community are being met. Board Members: Kenneth Garde Herbert Custer James PringleStaff Members: Thomas Pachico, Health Inspector Maura Valley, Asst. Health Inspector Rebecca Stevens, Adm. SecretaryOffice Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 4:00 pm Location: 215 Spring St., Town Hall Annex. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 666, Vineyard haven, Ma. 02568 Telephone: (508) 696-4290 Fax: (508) 696-7341 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:health@ci.tisbury.ma.us" health@ci.tisbury.ma.us  HYPERLINK "mailto:tpachico@ci.tisbury.ma.us" tpachico@ci.tisbury.ma.us  HYPERLINK "mailto:mvalley@ci.tisbury.ma.us" mvalley@ci.tisbury.ma.us  HYPERLINK "mailto:bsbstevens@ci.tisbury.ma.us" bstevens@ci.tisbury.ma.us Fee Schedule PERMITFEEPERMITFEEBURIAL PERMIT$5.00MESSAGE THERAPIST$50.00CAMPGROUND$200.00MOTEL/INN/B&B--DUMPSTER SITTING$25.005 or more rooms$200.00DOCUMENT CHARGES--4 or less rooms$100.00Duplicates & Certificates$5.00PLUMBING PERMITS--State & Local Regulations$10.00Permit Fee$20.00FOOD PERMITS (Annual)--Inspection Fee Paid to Inspector at Inspection$45.00Food Service, Retail Food or Caterer- First License per year$200.00Sewer Connection$45.00Each Additional License per year$60.00PORTA-POTTY SITING$10.00Mobile Food, Residential Kitchen$100.00SANDBLASTING (Year round permit)--Non-profit KitchenN/CSingle Location/Multi Job$100.00Farmers Market$50.00Individual Permit$25.00Recreational Camp$50.00SEPTIC SYSTEMS--Rental of Non-profit Kitchen for Profit$100.00DISPOSAL WORKS New Application Includes 2 inspections$150.00FOOD PERMITS (Temporary)--Renewal, Extension, Repair, Revisions$75.00Non-profitN/CInspection$25.00In Tisbury Profit LicensedN/CInstaller$150.00In Tisbury Unlicensed$20.00Percolation Test Only Pay to Inspector$25.00Out of Town Profit$35.00Pumper$150.00SEPTAGE PUMPOUTS--MASSAGE STUDIO$200.00For Transport to Tisbury (per 1,000 gl)$15.00BODY ART ESTABLISHMENT$300.00For Transport off-Island (per Pumpout)$20.00BODY ART PRACTITIONER$50.00WELL PERMIT$35.00 PAGE  PAGE 101 Rev. 12/03 [\^_`bc1234)+,-/0lm1234tuCJaJ0J jU0J5CJOJQJ\aJ5CJOJQJ\aJj5CJOJQJU\aJ0J0JCJOJQJaJJ`b3,$If $$Ifa$,-/:p1++$If $$Ifa$$$IfֈoEg '064ab4L$$IfֈoEg '064ab$If3$If $$Ifa$' $$Ifa$$$If֞oEg ''064ab 56>@BC     n o x y 6 7 C D E F   > ? 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