Martha's Vineyard Inn


Moral Fiber- Intestinal Cleanser $14.50
Because enlightenment begins in the lower bowel.  (Now that's something all the religions in the world can agree on.)
Organic Toothpaste- For a healthier body $9.50
The mouth is the entry point of nourishment and possible problems.  The pH in the mouth needs to remain fairly constantly above 7, or the acid environment will allow alkaline minerals to be leached out of the teeth and jaw.  Organic Toothpaste not only cleans the teeth and tongue, it'll keep the pH up.
Ginkgo Drops- Oxygen enhanced whole leaf Ginkgo Biloba Extract $19.95
Ginkgo Biloba sharpens concentration and combats the effects of aging on the brain, by improving the uptake and utilization of oxygen in brain cells.  It also acts to prevent the formation of free radicals by improving blood flow in the brain and extremities.  
Smart Drops- Precursor to Acetylcholine $19.95
Has been demonstrated to improve concentration, help memory, elevate mood, increase muscle tone and enhance sleeping habits
Oxygenic Saving Face- Energetic oxygen skin treatment $10.50
Oxygenic Saving Face is made from certified organic extra virgin cold pressed unrefined olive oil, through which high concentrations of ozone made from pure medical grade oxygen is bubbled until the oil is completely saturated with ozone.
MGO Plus!- Oxygenated Magnesium Peroxide $36.50
MGO Plus! is a specially formulated magnesium oxide compound with oxygen enhancement plus probiotic microbes and dietary fiber.  The oxygen released by MGO Plus! pulls hydrogen bonds apart, causing unwanted substances to collapse into liquids and gas to facilitate their removal from the system.
Pro Flora- Probiotic $Varies
Life Flora Powder- Probiotic $23.50
Kidney Drain- Homeopathic $12.50
Liver Guard $13.99
Pancretin 8X $46.50
Vitamin B Complex Spray $Varies
Vitamin C Chewable $Varies
Potassium  $12.50
Calcium $Varies
Magnesium $Varies
B6 Kelp, Iodine Product $Varies
Slimming Teas $Varies
Alkalizing Formula $19.50
CoQ10 $Varies
Niacin $8.50
Saw Palmetto $32.50 (90 Tabs)
Trace Mineral Concentrate $16.00 (8oz)

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