Martha's Vineyard Inn

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):

  1. What is a traditional Naturopathic Doctor?

  2. What can cause a mineral imbalance?

  3. Who needs Colon Care…..And why?

  4. What is Colon Hydrotherapy and why does it work?

What is a traditional Naturopathic Doctor?

Traditional Naturopathic Doctors believe that healing will occur naturally in the human body if it is given what it needs; proper diet, pure water, fresh air, sunlight, exercise and rest. Wellness of the client is the goal of the traditional naturopath. Individualized plans are developed and taught to each client after a careful, detailed study of their history, including nutrition, elimination, stress environment, and psychological factors. The Naturopathic Doctor is trained in a variety of natural therapies such as nutrition, hydrotherapy, detoxification, stress reduction, reflexology, iridology, metabolic therapy, immunotherapy, and mind/body techniques.

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What can cause a mineral imbalance?

Trace minerals are essential in countless metabolic functions. Dr. Henry Schoeder, researcher and author said minerals are " more important factors in human nutrition than vitamins. The body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary trace minerals or get rid or many possible excesses." Diet, stress, medications, pollution, nutritional supplements and inherited patterns can all contribute to mineral imbalance.

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Who needs Colon Care…..And why?

In the United States, the answer is "Most of us." Why? —Because much of the food we’ve eaten all our lives contains toxins that decay, build up inside and then clog our colon. Over time a stagnant cesspool forms that accumulates disease toxins that can, and eventually do, flow into other cells in our bodies. When this happens your health suffers. People with clogged colons report everything from headaches and nausea, to fatigue and low sex drive—from insomnia and memory loss, to protruding abdomens and prostate trouble.

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What is Colon Hydrotherapy and why does it work?

Colon Hydrotherapy is as simple in theory as it is effective in practice. It uses purified water to gently but firmly irrigate your colon, removing built-up toxins, mucous, accumulated feces, and imprisoned parasites. Once the toxic buildup has been removed and the colon stops discharging diseased material into the body, the natural immune system can once again function at peak efficiency to restore vigorous health.

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