Martha's Vineyard Inn

Professional Services


Inch Loss Body Wrap $65
The Inch Loss Body Wrap uses a special mix of enzyme active herbs and mineral salts that stimulate circulation and firms tighter tissues to rid the skin of toxins, resulting in fat loss and inch loss.  Essential oils are then used to promote increased metabolism. 
Juice Therapy


Juice Therapy uses the fresh, raw juice of vegetable and fruits and nourish and replenish the body during periods of stress and illness.  Juice therapy can be used as nutritional support, or as part of a health maintenance plan. 
Light Therapy $Varies
Light Therapy involves the use of full spectrum light, ultra-violet light, soft lasers and various colored lights in a therapeutic setting to treat a wide range of conditions ranging from cancer to AIDS to Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD.
Magnetic Field Therapy


Magnetic Field Therapy uses solid state magnets, pulsed magnetism and electro-magnetic frequency generators to positively influence a wide range of common health complaints and chronic degenerative conditions.  Research in Magnetic Field Therapy is taking place in 30 universities in Germany and is beginning to rapidly accelerate in this country.
Meditation $Varies
Meditation has been used for thousands of years in many religious traditions to bring about integration of body, mind and spirit.  Extensive research on meditation in the last two decades illustrates it's beneficial effects on a wide range of conditions, from hypertension to asthma.
Mineral Baths


A carefully selected combination of herbs and mineral salts designed by the naturopath and nutritionist are made for your bath to enhance your personal detoxification protocol.
Nutritional Supplements


Nutritional Supplements is an emerging science of maintaining health by manipulating a proper balance of nutrients-vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the body.  Extensive research in recent years has shown the far reaching impact of various nutrients including Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, Calcium, and others.
Oxygen Therapy


Oxygen Therapy dates back over a hundred years to Germany and includes hydrogen peroxide therapy, ozone therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to treat a wide range of disorders.  The NIH panel on conventional medicine has shown interest in Oxygen Therapy and controlled studies are being planned to determine the effectiveness of this promising therapy.
Radiant Dry Heat Sauna $Varies
Lower, non-suffocating air temperatures and a deeper penetrating heat than most conventional saunas.  Dry saunas help to rid the body of more toxic metals than steam rooms, a daily sweat can help reduce lead, mercury, nickel, etc.  Also aids in weight loss by increasing the metabolism.
Reflexology $Varies
Reflexology is the massage of trigger points in the hands and feet to relieve stress in all areas of the body.
Yoga $60
Yoga is an ancient Indian system of health an longevity which employs various physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation and lifestyle considerations to bring about a state of balance health and well being.  Numerous studies have shown that Yoga and meditation have positive health effects on a wide range of conditions including, stress, pain, headaches, asthma and high blood pressure.


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