Martha's Vineyard Inn


To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing this testimony in reference to a recent product called MSM that I began taking 6 weeks ago.  After trying a plethora of products on the market I was rather skeptical when it came to trying a new one.  Although I believed in Mrs. De Luz and her capacity as a practitioner, this faith did not necessarily extend to all of the products that she prescribed for my health maintenance program.

Being an avid reader and extremely familiar with the world of alternative medicine I thought that nothing could improve my condition as much as the MSM has.  Prior to taking MSM, I was taking an anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medicine.  I had coupled these prescriptions with a sound diet and supplements.  However, my severe depression and anxiety continued to surface.  My mood swings did not improve and I was certain with the level of stress in my life that I was headed for a heart attack.  I had already experienced hypertension and chest pains.

I also suffered from severe insomnia, memory loss and attention problems.  I was a wreck.  I began to believe that there was nothing that anyone could do and there wasn't a supplement left on the market that could help me.  In short, I was wrong!  To my surprise I felt an immediate difference after taking the MSM.  I began to be more focused.  I slept better.  What is more, I was able to retain information that I was reading for my college courses.

However, the improvements did not stop there.  I was able to eliminate the anti-anxiety medication and to reduce the amount of the anti-depressant that I was taking.  I am weaning off this medication now.  More importantly, I have been able to deal with my life stressors and to function.  Don't get me wrong, I still feel at times overwhelmed.  However, this feeling no longer consumes my life and I do not end up on the couch for weeks on end because of a major depressive episode.

To my surprise the MSM also had an impact on my waistline.  I have not only lost weight while being on this product, but inches.  I worked out prior to taking this supplement and chronically dieted but to no avail.  I am seeing results that are astounding.

The beauty in all this is that I have received unsolicited comments from my dearest friends.  I hadn't told anyone about the new product that I began to take because I thought that it would result in another failure.  What I mean by this is that in the past I had advocated for other products and insisted that these products would lead me down a path of both mental and physical well-being.  To my dismay, I discovered that many times I was wrong and found myself back in the same situation of being both physically and mentally exhausted.  My friends comments are further evidence to me that this product is working and many have contacted the En Garde Company in order to purchase the product for themselves.

My story does not end here.  I began giving this product to my son who is afflicted with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  He also has a mood and thought disorder.  He is in the fourth grade but his disabilities prohibit him from functioning at grade level.  He in fact functions at a first or second grade level!

What is remarkable about the changes that I have seen in him is that they directly relate to his thought process and activity level.  His teachers, peers and psychiatrist have all remarked on the difference they see in my son.  What is more, these comments are once again unsolicited.  I told no one he was taking a new product.

My son now thinks and expresses himself in a more coherent manner.  He is participating in school zealously for the first time ever!  His overall attitude has changed.  His outlook on life has improved.  He no longer suffers from insomnia nor does he experience a difficult time waking up in the morning.

I cannot advocate for this product strongly enough.  I don't know if it is for everyone but what I do know and see are the drastic changes that I and my son have experienced from taking this supplement.

I am most grateful to both Roni De Luz and the En Garde Company for their efforts in improving peoples lives in a natural way.  I would sincerely like to thank them both and this is my way of doing it.


A Very Satisfied Customer.


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