Town of Tisbury Master Plan              (DRAFT) August 5, 2004


Upper State Road Suggested Planning Alternatives

June 30, 2004

Local Street System

state rd pics 009.jpg (52761 bytes)
Figure 9 Existing neighborhood streets off State Road

Today, the streets to the south of State Road form a partial grid of streets that are largely disconnected from each other. If they were linked to each other, vehicles and people could circulate within the area without exiting out on to State Road.


Proposed neighborhood street Grid

state rd pics 009.jpg (52761 bytes)
Figure 10 Proposed neighborhood street Grid

An extension of Eleanor Way (a street parallel to State Road) to and past High Point Lane, along with extensions of Kate’s Way and Mechanic’s Way to the DPW road, creates a grid of neighborhood streets that interconnect in a way that allows circulation throughout the neighborhood without exiting on to State Road. It also allows properties to be unfilled with mixed uses and higher density housing that take advantage of their proximity to transit, shops and services.
